Roget's Thesaurus Part 27

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boundary line, landmark; line of demarcation, line of circ.u.mvallation[obs3]; pillars of Hercules; Rubicon, turning point; ne plus ultra[Lat]; sluice, floodgate.

Adj. definite; conterminate , conterminable[obs3]; terminal, frontier; bordering.

Adv. thus far, thus far and no further.

Phr. stick to the reservation; go beyond the pale.

<-- p.="" 71="" --=""> -- Special --

#234. Front. -- N. front; fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, disc, frontage; facade, proscenium, facia[Lat], frontispiece; anteriority[obs3]; obverse [of a medal or coin].

fore rank, front rank; van, vanguard; advanced guard; outpost; first line; scout.

brow, forehead, visage, physiognomy, phiz[obs3], countenance, mut*[obs3]; rostrum, beak, bow, stem, prow, prore[obs3], jib.

pioneer &c. (precursor) 64; metoposcopy[obs3].

V. be in front, stand in front &c. adj.; front, face, confront; bend forwards; come to the front, come to the fore.

Adj. fore, anterior, front, frontal.

Adv. before; in front, in the van, in advance; ahead, right ahead; forehead, foremost; in the foreground, in the lee of; before one's face, before one's eyes; face to face, vis-a-vis; front a front.

Phr. formosa muta commendatio est [Lat][Syrus]; frons est animi janua [Lat][Cicero]; "Human face divine" [Milton]; imago animi vultus est indices oculi [Lat][Cicero]; "sea of upturned faces" [Scott].

#235. Rear. -- N. rear, back, posteriority; rear rank, rear guard; background, hinterland.

occiput[Anat], nape, chine; heels; tail, rump, croup, b.u.t.tock, posteriors, backside scut[obs3], breech, dorsum, loin; dorsal region, lumbar region; hind quarters; aitchbone[obs3]; natch, natch bone.

stern, p.o.o.p, afterpart[obs3], heelpiece[obs3], crupper.

wake; train &c. (sequence) 281.

reverse; other side of the s.h.i.+eld.

V. be behind &c. adv.; fall astern; bend backwards; bring up the rear.

Adj. back, rear; hind, hinder, hindmost, hindermost[obs3]; postern, posterior; dorsal, after; caudal, lumbar; mizzen, tergal[obs3].

Adv. behind; in the rear, in the background; behind one's back; at the heels of, at the tail of, at the back of; back to back.

after, aft, abaft, astern, sternmost[obs3], aback, rearward.

Phr. ogni medaglia ha il suo rovescio[It][obs3]; the other side of the coin.

#236. Laterality. -- N. laterality[obs3]; side, flank, quarter, lee; hand; cheek, jowl, jole[obs3], wing; profile; temple, parietes[Lat], loin, haunch, hip; beam.

gable, gable end; broadside; lee side.

points of the compa.s.s; East, Orient, Levant; West; orientation.

V. be on one side &c. adv.; flank, outflank; sidle; skirt; orientate.

Adj. lateral, sidelong; collateral; parietal, flanking, skirting; flanked; sideling.

many sided; multilateral, bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral.

Eastern; orient, oriental; Levantine; Western, occidental, Hesperian.

Adv. sideways, sidelong; broadside on; on one side, abreast, alongside, beside, aside; by the side of; side by side; cheek by jowl &c.

(near) 197; to windward, to leeward; laterally &c. adj.; right and left; on her beam ends.

Phr. "his cheek the may of days outworn" [Shakespeare].

#237. Contraposition. -- N. contraposition[obs3], opposition; polarity; inversion &c. 218; opposite side; reverse, inverse; counterpart; antipodes; opposite poles, North and South.

antonym, opposite (contrariety) 14.

V. be opposite &c. adj.; subtend.

Adj. opposite; reverse, inverse; converse, antipodal, subcontrary[obs3]; fronting, facing, diametrically opposite.

Northern, septentrional, Boreal, arctic; Southern, Austral, antarctic.

Adv. over, over the way, over against; against; face to face, vis-a- vis; as poles asunder.

#238. Dextrality. -- N. dextrality[obs3]; right, right hand; dexter, offside, starboard.

Adj. dextral, right-handed; dexter, dextrorsal[obs3], dextrorse[obs3]; ambidextral[obs3], ambidextrous; dextro-.

Adv. dextrad[obs3], dextrally[obs3].

#239. Sinistrality. -- N. sinistrality[obs3]; left, left hand, a gauche; sinister, nearside[obs3], larboard, port.

Adj. left-handed; sinister; sinistral, sinistrorsal[obs3], sinistrorse[obs3], sinistrous[obs3]; Pref. laevo-.

Adv. sinistrally, sinistrously[obs3].

<-- p.="" 72="" --=""> -- Section III. FORM 1. General Form --

#240. Form. -- N. form, figure, shape; conformation, configuration; make, formation, frame, construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one's jib; stamp, type, cast, mold; fas.h.i.+on; contour &c. (outline) 230; structure &c. 329; plasmature[obs3].

feature, lineament, turn; phase &c. (aspect) 448; posture, att.i.tude, pose.

[Science of form] morphism.

[Similarity of form] isomorphism.

forming &c. v.; formation, figuration, efformation[obs3]; sculpture; plasmation[obs3].

V. form, shape, figure, fas.h.i.+on, efform[obs3], carve, cut, chisel, hew, cast; rough hew, rough cast; sketch; block out, hammer out; trim; lick into shape, put into shape; model, knead, work up into, set, mold, sculpture; cast, stamp; build &c. (construct) 161.

Adj. formed &c. v.

[Receiving form] plastic, fictile[obs3]; formative; fluid.

[Giving form] plasmic[obs3].

[Similar in form] isomorphous.

[taking several forms] pleomorphic; protean; changeable, &c. 149.

#241. [Absence of form.] Amorphism. -- N. amorphism[obs3], informity[obs3]; unlicked cub[obs3]; rudis indigestaque moles[Lat]; disorder &c. 59; deformity &c. 243.

disfigurement, defacement; mutilation; deforming.

chaos, randomness (disorder) 59.

[taking form from surroundings] fluid &c. 333.

V. deface[Destroy form], disfigure, deform, mutilate, truncate; derange &c. 61; blemish, mar.

Adj. shapeless, amorphous, formless; unformed, unhewn[obs3], unfas.h.i.+oned[obs3], unshaped, unshapen; rough, rude, Gothic, barbarous, rugged.

#242. [Regularity of form.] Symmetry. -- N. symmetry, shapeliness, finish; beauty &c. 845; proportion, eurythmy[obs3], uniformity, parallelism; bilateral symmetry, trilateral symmetry, multilateral symmetry; centrality &c. 222.

arborescence[obs3], branching, ramification; arbor vitae.

Adj. symmetrical, shapely, well set, finished; beautiful &c. 845; cla.s.sic, chaste, severe.

regular, uniform, balanced; equal &c. 27; parallel, coextensive.

arborescent[obs3], arboriform[obs3]; dendriform[obs3], dendroid[obs3]; branching; ramous[obs3], ramose; filiciform[obs3], filicoid[obs3]; subarborescent[obs3]; papilionaceous[obs3].

fuji-shaped, fujigata[j.a.p.].

#243. [Irregularity of form.] Distortion. -- N. distortion, detortion[obs3], contortion; twist, crookedness &c. (obliquity) 217; grimace; deformity; malformation, malconformation[obs3]; harelip; monstrosity, misproportion[obs3], want of symmetry, anamorphosis[obs3]; ugliness &c. 846; talipes[obs3]; teratology.

asymmetry; irregularity.

V. distort, contort, twist, warp, wrest, writhe, make faces, deform, misshape.

Adj. distorted &c. v.; out of shape, irregular, asymmetric, unsymmetric[obs3], awry, wry, askew, crooked; not true, not straight; on one side, crump[obs3], deformed; harelipped; misshapen, misbegotten; misproportioned[obs3], ill proportioned; ill-made; grotesque, monstrous, crooked as a ram's horn; camel backed, hump backed, hunch backed, bunch backed, crook backed; bandy; bandy legged, bow legged; bow kneed, knock kneed; splay footed, club footed; round shouldered; snub nosed; curtailed of one's fair proportions; stumpy &c. (short) 201; gaunt &c. (thin) 203; bloated &c. 194; scalene; simous[obs3]; taliped[obs3], talipedic[obs3].

Adv. all manner of ways.

Phr. crooked as a Virginia fence [U.S.].

<-- p.="" 73="" --=""> -- 2. Special Form --

#244. Angularity. -- N. angularity, angularness[obs3]; aduncity[obs3]; angle, cusp, bend; fold &c. 258; notch &c. 257; fork, bifurcation.

elbow, knee, knuckle, ankle, groin, crotch, crutch, crane, fluke, scythe, sickle, zigzag, kimbo[obs3], akimbo.

corner, nook, recess, niche, oriel[Arch], coign[obs3].

right angle &c. (perpendicular) 216a, 212; obliquity &c. 217; angle of 45x, miter; acute angle, obtuse angle, salient angle, reentering angle, spherical angle.

angular measurement, angular elevation, angular distance, angular velocity; trigonometry, goniometry; altimetry[obs3]; clinometer, graphometer[obs3], goniometer; theodolite; s.e.xtant, quadrant; dichotomy.

triangle, trigon[obs3], wedge; rectangle, square, lozenge, diamond; rhomb, rhombus; quadrangle, quadrilateral; parallelogram; quadrature; polygon, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, oxygon[obs3], decagon.

pyramid, cone.

Platonic bodies; cube, rhomboid; tetrahedron, pentahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, eicosahedron; prism, pyramid; parallelopiped; curb roof, gambrel roof, mansard roof.

V. bend, fork, bifurcate, crinkle.

Adj. angular, bent, crooked, aduncous[obs3], uncinated[obs3], aquiline, jagged, serrated; falciform[obs3], falcated[obs3]; furcated[obs3], forked, bifurcate, zigzag; furcular[obs3]; hooked; dovetailed; knock kneed, crinkled, akimbo, kimbo[obs3], geniculated[obs3]; oblique &c. 217.

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