Roget's Thesaurus Part 128

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#963. Legality. -- N. legality; legitimacy, legitimateness.

legislature; law, code, corpus juris[Lat], const.i.tution, pandect[obs3], charter, enactment, statute, rule; canon &c. (precept) 697; ordinance, inst.i.tution, regulation; bylaw, byelaw; decree &c. (order) 741; ordonnance[obs3]; standing order; plebiscite &c. (choice) 609.

legal process; form, formula, formality; rite, arm of the law; habeas corpus; fieri facias[Lat].

[Science of law] jurisprudence, nomology[obs3]; legislation, codification.

equity, common law; lex[Lat], lex nonscripta[Lat][obs3]; law of nations, droit des gens[Fr], international law, jus gentium[Lat]; jus civile[Lat]; civil law, canon law, crown law, criminal law, statute law, ecclesiastical law, administrative law; lex mercatoria[Lat].

const.i.tutionalism, const.i.tutionality; justice &c. 922.

[inst.i.tution for deciding questions of law] court, tribunal &c. 966.

[person who presides at a court or tribunal] judge &c. 967.

[specialist in questions of law] lawyer, attorney, legal counsel &c.


V. legalize; enact, ordain; decree &c. (order) 741; pa.s.s a law, enact a regulation; legislate; codify, formulate; regulate.

Adj. legal, legitimate; according to law; vested, const.i.tutional, chartered, legalized; lawful &c. (permitted) 760; statutable[obs3], statutory; legislatorial, legislative; regulatory, regulated.

Adv. legally &c. adj.; in the eye of the law; de jure[Lat].

Phr. ignorantia legis neminem excusat[Latin: ignorance of the law is no excuse]; "where law ends tyranny begins" [Earl of Chatham].

#964. [Absence or violation of law.] Illegality. -- N. lawlessness; illicitness; breach of law, violation of law, infraction of the law; disobedience &c. 742; unconformity &c. 83.

arbitrariness &c. adj.; antinomy, violence, brute force, despotism, outlawry.

mob law, lynch law, club law, Lydford law, martial law, drumhead law; coup d'etat[Fr]; le droit du plus fort[Fr]; argumentum baculinum[obs3][Lat].

illegality, informality, unlawfulness, illegitimacy, bar sinister.

trover and conversion[Law]; smuggling, poaching; simony.

[person who violates the law] outlaw, bad man &c. 949.

v. offend against the law; violate the law, infringe the law, break the law; set the law at defiance, ride roughshod over, drive a coach and six through a statute; ignore the law, make the law a dead letter, take the law into one's own hands.

smuggle, run, poach.

Adj. illegal[contrary to law], unlawful, illegitimate; not allowed, prohibited &c. 761; illicit, contraband; actionable.

unwarranted, unwarrantable; unauthorized; informal, unofficial; injudicial[obs3], extrajudicial.

lawless, arbitrary; despotic, despotical[obs3]; corrupt, summary, irresponsible; unanswerable, unaccountable.

[of invalid or expired law] expired, invalid; unchartered, unconst.i.tutional; null and void; a dead letter.

[in absence of law] lawless, unregulated Adv. illegally &c. adj.; with a high hand, in violation of law.

#965. Jurisdiction. [Executive.] -- N. jurisdiction, judicature, administration of justice, soc; executive, commission of the peace; magistracy &c. (authority) 737.

judge &c. 967; tribunal &c. 966; munic.i.p.ality, corporation, bailiwick, shrievalty[Brit]; lord lieutenant, sheriff, s.h.i.+re reeve, shrieve[obs3], constable; selectman; police, police force, the fuzz [sarcastic]; constabulary, b.u.mbledom[obs3], gendarmerie[Fr].

officer, bailiff, tipstaff, b.u.m-bailiff, catchpoll, beadle; policeman, cop [coll.], police constable, police sergeant; sbirro[obs3], alguazil[obs3], gendarme, kava.s.s[obs3], lictor[obs3], mace bearer, huissier[Fr], bedel[obs3]; t.i.thingman[obs3].

press gang; exciseman[obs3], gauger, gager[obs3], customhouse officer, douanier[Fr].

coroner, edile[obs3], aedile[obs3], portreeve[obs3], paritor ; posse comitatus[Lat].

bureau, cutcherry[obs3], department, secretariat.

[extension of jurisdiction] long arm of the law, extradition.

V. judge, sit in judgment; extradite.


executive, administrative,; inquisitorial, causidical[obs3]; judicatory[obs3], judiciary, judicial; juridical.

Adv. coram judice[Lat].

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#966. Tribunal. -- N. tribunal, court, board, bench, judicatory[obs3]; court of justice, court of law, court of arbitration, administrative court; inquisition; guild.

justice seat; judgment seat, mercy seat; woolsack[obs3]; bar of justice; dock; forum, hustings, bureau, drumhead; jury box, witness box.

senate house, town hall, theater; House of Commons, House of Lords; statehouse [U.S.], townhouse.

a.s.size, eyre; wardmote[obs3], burghmote[obs3]; barmote[obs3]; superior courts of Westminster; court of record, court oyer and terminer[Law], court a.s.size, court of appeal, court of error; High court of Judicature, High court of Appeal; Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; Star Chamber; Court of Chancery, Court of King's or Queen's Bench, Court of Exchequer, Court of Common Pleas, Court of Probate, Court of Arches, Court of Admiralty; Lords Justices' court, Rolls court, Vice Chancellor's court, Stannary court[obs3], Divorce court, Family court, Palatine court, county court, district court, police court; sessions; quarter sessions, petty sessions; court-leet[Fr], court-baron, court of pie poudre[Fr], court of common council; board of green cloth.

court martial; drumhead court martial; durbar[obs3], divan; Areopagus[obs3]; Irota.

Adj. judicial &c. 965; appellate.

Phr. die Weltgeschichte ist das Weltgericht[Ger].

#967. Judge. -- N. judge; justice, justiciar[obs3], justiciary[obs3]; chancellor; justice of a.s.size, judge of a.s.size; recorder, common sergeant; puisne judge, a.s.sistant judge, county court judge; conservator of the peace, justice of the peace; J.P.; court &c. (tribunal) 966; magistrate, police magistrate, beak*; his wors.h.i.+p, his honor, his lords.h.i.+p.

jury, twelve men in a box.

Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice; Master of the Rolls, Vice Chancellor; Lord Chief Justice, Chief Baron; Mr. Justice, a.s.sociate Justice, Chief Justice; Baron, Baron of the Exchequer.

jurat[Lat], a.s.sessor; arbiter, arbitrator; umpire; referee, referendary[obs3]; revising barrister; domesman[obs3]; censor &c. (critic) 480; barmaster[obs3], ephor[obs3]; grand juror, grand juryman; juryman, talesman.

archon, tribune, praetor, syndic, podesta[obs3], mollah[obs3], ulema, mufti, cadi[obs3], kadi[obs3]; Rhadamanthus[obs3].

litigant &c. (accusation) 938.

V. adjudge &c. (determine) 480; try a case, try a prisoner.

Adj. judicial &c. 965.

Phr. "a Daniel come to judgment" [Merchant of Venice].

#968. Lawyer. -- N. lawyer, attorney, legal counsel; counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law; jurist, legist[obs3], civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult[Lat], legal adviser, advocate; barrister, barrister at law; King's or Queen's counsel; K.C.; Q.C.; silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher; tubman[obs3], judge &c. 967.

bar, legal profession, bar a.s.sociation, a.s.sociation of trial lawyers; officer of the court; gentleman of the long robe; junior bar, outer bar, inner bar; equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader.

solicitor, proctor; notary, notary public; scrivener, cursitor[obs3]; writer, writer to the signet; S.S.C.; limb of the law; pettifogger; vakil[obs3].

legal beagle [coll.].

[persons accessory to lawyers] legal secretary; legal a.s.sistant; law student.

V. practice law, practice at the bar, practice within the bar; plead; call to the bar, be called to the bar, be called within the bar; take silk; take to the law.

give legal counsel, provide legal counsel.

Adj. learned in the law; at the bar; forensic; esquire, esquired.

Phr. banco regis[Lat].

#969. Lawsuit.-- N. lawsuit, suit, action, cause; litigation; suit in law; dispute &c. 713.

citation, arraignment, prosecution, impeachment; accusation &c. 938; presentment, true bill, indictment.

apprehension, arrest; committal; imprisonment &c. (restraint) 751.

writ, summons, subpoena, lat.i.tat[obs3], nisi prius[Lat]; venire, venire facias pleadings[Lat]; declaration, bill, claim; proces verbal[Fr]; bill of right, information, corpus delicti; affidavit, state of facts; answer, reply, replication, plea, demurrer, reb.u.t.ter, rejoinder; surreb.u.t.ter[obs3], surrejoinder[obs3].

suitor, party to a suit; plaintiff, defendant, litigant &c. 938.

hearing, trial; verdict &c. (judgment) 480; appeal, appeal motion; writ of error; certiorari[Lat].

case; decision, precedent; decided case, reports (legal reference works, see reference books).

V. go to law, appeal to the law; bring to justice, bring to trial, bring to the bar; put on trial, pull up; accuse &c. 938; prefer a claim, file a claim &c.n.; take the law of, inform against.

serve with a writ, cite, apprehend, arraign, sue, prosecute, bring an action against, indict, impeach, attach, distrain, commit; arrest; summon, summons; give in charge &c. (restrain) 751.

empanel a jury, implead[obs3], join issue; close the pleadings; set down for hearing.

try, hear a cause; sit in judgment; adjudicate &c. 480.

Adj. litigious &c. (quarrelsome) 713; qui tam; coram judice[Lat], sub judice[Lat].

Adv. pendente lite[Lat].

Phr. adhuc sub judice lis est[Lat]; accedas ad curiam[Lat]; transeat in exemplum[Lat].

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#970. Acquittal.-- N. acquittal, acquitment[obs3]; clearance, exculpation; acquittance, clearance, exoneration; discharge &c. (release) 750; quietus, absolution, compurgation[obs3], reprieve, respite; pardon &c.

(forgiveness) 918.

[Exemption from punishment] impunity; diplomatic immunity; immunity; plea bargain, deal with the prosecutor.

[in civil suits] no cause for action; no damages.

V. acquit, exculpate, exonerate, clear; absolve, whitewash, a.s.soil[obs3]; discharge, release; liberate &c. 750.

reprieve, respite; pardon &c. (forgive) 918; let off, let off scot- free.

drop the charges.

plea bargain, strike a deal.

no-cause[in civil suits][transitive]; get no-caused[intransitive].

Adj. acquitted &c. v.; uncondemned, unpunished, unchastised.

not guilty; not proven.

not liable.

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