Roget's Thesaurus Part 125

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Phr. "the breath of accusation kills an innocent name" [Sh.e.l.ley]; "thou can'st not say I did it" [Macbeth].

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#939. Probity. -- N. probity, integrity, rect.i.tude; uprightness &c.

adj.; honesty, faith; honor; bonne foi[Fr], good faith, bona fides[Lat]; purity, clean hands.

fairness &c. adj.; fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness; grace.

constancy; faithfulness &c. adj.; fidelity, loyalty; incorruption, incorruptibility.

trustworthiness &c. adj.; truth, candor, singleness of heart; veracity &c. 543; tender conscience &c. (sense of duty) 926.

punctilio, delicacy, nicety; scrupulosity, scrupulousness &c. adj.; scruple; point, point of honor; punctuality.

dignity &c, (repute) 873; respectability, respectableness &c. adj; gentilhomme[Fr], gentleman; man of honor, man of his word; fidus Achates[Lat][obs3], preux chevalier[Fr], galantuomo[It]; truepenny[obs3], trump, brick; true Briton; white man * [U.S.].

court of honor, a fair field and no favor; argumentum ad verecundiam[Lat].

V. be honorable &c. adj.; deal honorably, deal squarely, deal impartially, deal fairly; speak the truth &c. (veracity) 543; draw a straight furrow; tell the truth and shame the Devil, vitam impendere vero[Lat]; show a proper spirit, make a point of; do one's duty &c.

(virtue) 944.

redeem one's pledge &c. 926; keep one's promise, be as good as one's promise, be as good as one's word; keep faith with, not fail.

give and take, audire alteram partem[Lat], give the Devil his due, put the saddle on the right horse.

redound to one's honor.

Adj. upright; honest, honest as daylight; veracious &c. 543; virtuous &c. 944; honorable; fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square; fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard; white * [U.S.].

constant, constant as the northern star; faithful, loyal, staunch; true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole; "marble-constant" [Antony and Cleopatra]; true-hearted, trusty, trustworthy; as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible.

straightforward &c. (ingenuous) 703; frank, candid, open-hearted.

conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded; high-principled, high-minded; scrupulous, religious, strict; nice, punctilious, correct, punctual; respectable, reputable; gentlemanlike[obs3].

inviolable, inviolate; unviolated[obs3], unbroken, unbetrayed; unbought, unbribed[obs3].

innocent &c. 946; pure, stainless; unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured[obs3]; uncorrupt, uncorrupted; undefiled, undepraved[obs3], undebauched[obs3]; integer vitae scelerisque purus [Lat][Horace]; justus et tenax propositi [Lat][Horace].

chivalrous, jealous of honor, sans peur et sans reproche[Fr]; high- spirited.

supramundane[obs3], unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous[obs3].

Adv. honorable &c. adj.; bona fide; on the square, in good faith, honor bright, foro conscientiae[Lat], with clean hands.

Phr. "a face untaught to feign" [Pope]; bene qui latuit bene vixit [Lat][Ovid]; mens sibi conscia recti[Lat]; probitas laudatur et alget [Lat][obs3][Juvenal]; fidelis ad urnam[Lat]; "his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth" [Two Gentlemen]; loyaute m'oblige[Fr]; loyaute n'a honte[Fr]; "what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted?" [Henry VI].

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#940. Improbity. -- N. improbity[obs3]; dishonesty, dishonor; deviation from rect.i.tude; disgrace &c. (disrepute) 874; fraud &c.

(deception) 545; lying &c. 544; bad faith, Punic faith; mala fides[Lat], Punica fides[Lat]; infidelity; faithlessness &c. adj.; Judas kiss, betrayal.

breach of promise, breach of trust, breach of faith; prodition , disloyalty, treason, high treason; apostasy &c. (tergiversation) 607; non.o.bservance &c. 773.

shabbiness &c. adj.; villainy, villany[obs3]; baseness &c. adj.; abjection, debas.e.m.e.nt, turpitude, moral turpitude, laxity, tr.i.m.m.i.n.g, shuffling.

perfidy; perfidiousness &c. adj.; treachery, double dealing; unfairness &c. adj.; knavery, roguery, rascality, foul play; jobbing, jobbery; graft, bribery; venality, nepotism; corruption, job, shuffle, fishy transaction; barratry, sharp practice, heads I win tails you lose; mouth honor &c. (flattery) 933.

V. be dishonest &c. adj.; play false; break one's word, break one's faith, break one's promise; jilt, betray, forswear; shuffle &c. (lie) 544; live by one's wits, sail near the wind.

disgrace oneself, dishonor oneself, demean oneself; derogate, stoop, grovel, sneak, lose caste; sell oneself, go over to the enemy; seal one's infamy.

Adj. dishonest, dishonorable; unconscientious, unscrupulous; fraudulent &c. 545; knavish; disgraceful &c. (disreputable) 974; wicked &c.


false-hearted, disingenuous; unfair, one-sided; double, double- hearted, double-tongued, double-faced; timeserving[obs3], crooked, tortuous,insidious, Machiavelian, dark, slippery; fishy; perfidious, treacherous, perjured.

infamous, arrant, foul, base, vile, ignominious, blackguard.

contemptible, unrespectable, abject, mean, shabby, little, paltry, dirty, scurvy, scabby, sneaking, groveling, scrubby, rascally, pettifogging; beneath one.

low-minded, low-thoughted[obs3]; base-minded.

undignified, indign ; unbecoming, unbeseeming[obs3], unbefitting; derogatory, degrading; infra dignitatem [Latin: beneath one's dignity]; ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike; unknightly[obs3], unchivalric[obs3], unmanly, unhandsome; recreant, inglorious.

corrupt, venal; debased, mongrel.

faithless, of bad faith, false, unfaithful, disloyal; untrustworthy; trustless, trothless[obs3]; lost to shame, dead to honor; barratrous.

Adv. dishonestly &c. adj.; mala fide[Lat], like a thief in the night, by crooked paths.

Int. O tempora[obs3]! O mores! [Cicero].

Phr. corruptissima respublica plurimae leges [Lat][Tacitus].

#941. Knave. -- N. knave, rogue; Scapin[obs3], rascal; Lazarillo de Tormes; bad man &c. 949; blackguard &c. 949; barrater[obs3], barrator[obs3]; shyster [U.S..].

traitor, betrayer, archtraitor[obs3], conspirator, Judas, Catiline; reptile, serpent, snake in the gra.s.s, wolf in sheep's clothing, sneak, Jerry Sneak, squealer*, tell-tale, mischief-maker; trimmer, fence-sitter, renegade &c. (tergiversation) 607; truant, recreant; sycophant &c.

(servility) 886.

#942. Disinterestedness. -- N. disinterestedness &c. adj.; generosity; liberality, liberalism; altruism; benevolence &c. 906; elevation, loftiness of purpose, exaltation, magnanimity; chivalry, chivalrous spirit; heroism, sublimity.

self-denial, self-abnegation, self-sacrifice, self-immolation, self- control &c. (resolution) 604; stoicism, devotion, martyrdom, suttee.

labor of love.

V. be disinterested &c. adj.; make a sacrifice, lay one's head on the block; put oneself in the place of others, do as one would be done by, do unto others as we would men should do unto us.

Adj. disinterested; unselfish; self-denying, self-sacrificing, self- devoted; generous.

handsome, liberal, n.o.ble, broad-minded; n.o.ble-minded, high-minded; princely, great, high, elevated, lofty, exalted, spirited, stoical, magnanimous; great-hearted, large-hearted; chivalrous, heroic, sublime.

unbought, unbribed[obs3]; uncorrupted &c. (upright) 939.

Phr. non vobis solum[Lat].

#943. Selfishness. -- N. selfishness &c. adj.; self-love, self- indulgence, self-wors.h.i.+p, self-interest; egotism, egoism; amour propre[Fr],&c. (vanity) 880; nepotism.

worldliness &c. adj.; world wisdom.

illiberality; meanness &c. adj.

time-pleaser, time-server; tuft-hunter, fortune-hunter; jobber, worldling; egotist, egoist, monopolist, nepotist; dog in the manger, charity that begins at home; canis in praesepi[Lat], "foes to n.o.bleness,"

temporizer, trimmer.

V. be selfish &c. adj.; please oneself, indulge oneself, coddle oneself; consult one's own wishes, consult one's own pleasure; look after one's own interest; feather one's nest; take care of number one, have an eye to the main chance, know on which side one's bread is b.u.t.tered; give an inch and take an ell.

Adj. selfish; self-seeking, self-indulgent, self-interested, self- centered; wrapped up in self, wrapt up in self[obs3], centered in self; egotistic, egotistical; egoistical[obs3].

illiberal, mean, ungenerous, narrow-minded; mercenary, venal; covetous &c. 819.

unspiritual, earthly, earthly-minded; mundane; worldly, worldly- minded; worldly-wise; timeserving[obs3].

interested; alieni appetens sui profusus[Lat].

Adv. ungenerously &c. adj.; to gain some private ends, from interested motives.

Phr. apres nous le deluge[Fr].

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#944. Virtue. -- N. virtue; virtuousness &c. adj.; morality; moral rect.i.tude; integrity &c. (probity) 939; n.o.bleness &c. 873.

morals; ethics &c. (duty) 926; cardinal virtues.

merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit; self-control &c.

(resolution) 604; self-denial &c. (temperance) 953.

well-doing; good actions, good behavior; discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty; well-spent life; innocence &c.


V. be virtuous &c. adj.; practice virtue &c.n.; do one's duty, fulfill one's duty, perform one's duty, discharge one's duty; redeem one's pledge, keep one's promise &c. 926; act well, act one's part; fight the good fight; acquit oneself well; command one's pa.s.sions, master one's pa.s.sions; keep in the right path.

set an example, set a good example; be on one's good behavior, be on one's best behavior.

Adj. virtuous, good; innocent &c. 946; meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful[obs3], correct; dutiful, duteous; moral; right, righteous, right- minded; well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy; above all praise, beyond all praise; excellent, admirable; sterling, pure, n.o.ble; whole-souled[obs3].

exemplary; matchless, peerless; saintly, saint-like; heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, G.o.dlike.

Adv. virtuously &c, adj.; e merito[Lat].

Phr. esse quam videri bonus malebat [Lat][Sall.u.s.t]; Schonheit vergeht Tugend besteht[Ger]; "virtue the greatest of all monarchies" [Swift]; virtus laudatur et alget [Lat][obs3][Juvenal]; virtus vincit invidiam[Lat].

#945. Vice. -- N. vice; evil-doing, evil courses; wrongdoing; wickedness, viciousness &c. adj.; iniquity, peccability[obs3], demerit; sin, Adam !; old Adam[obs3], offending Adam[obs3].

immorality, impropriety, indecorum, scandal, laxity, looseness of morals; enphagy[obs3], dophagy[obs3], exophagy[obs3]; want of principle, want of ballast; obliquity, backsliding, infamy, demoralization, pravity[obs3], depravity, pollution; hardness of heart; brutality &c.

(malevolence) 907; corruption &c. (debas.e.m.e.nt) 659; knavery &c. (improbity) 940[obs3]; profligacy; flagrancy, atrocity; cannibalism; lesbianism, Sadism.

infirmity; weakness &c. adj.; weakness of the flesh, frailty, imperfection; error; weak side; foible; failing, failure; crying sin, besetting sin; defect, deficiency; cloven foot.

lowest dregs of vice, sink of iniquity, Alsatian den[obs3]; gusto picaresco[It].

fault, crime; criminality &c. (guilt) 947.

sinner &c. 949.

[Resorts] brothel &c. 961; gambling house &c. 621; joint*, opium den, shooting gallery, crack house.

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