The Mosstrooper Part 7

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Ruthven wisely decided on flight. Entering the ruined fort, he dragged himself up on the broad sill of one of the windows, and leapt upon the soft, boggy ground beneath, seized one of the horses, and galloped away. Shouts and cries were behind him; he p.r.i.c.ked his horse with his dagger for want of spurs, and dashed among the mountains, never drawing rein until he considered himself safe from the reach of the anger of the house of Altoncroft.


"The star of the unconquered will, He rises in my breast, Serene and resolute and still, And calm and self-possessed."

Little did Ruthven Somervil reck that Edie Johnston, whom he had so valiantly defended, was the man who had slipped him through the portal of Hawksglen on that long-past night. Had a suspicion, even hinting at that, dawned upon him, he would have instantly sought out Edie and tried to learn from him something of his descent. With Johnston and kindred spirits he was destined to have much in common, but the question of his parentage was never mentioned in their hearing.

Ruthven found refuge at Hunterspath, a notorious Border-raiders'

stronghold. The tidings he brought of the outrage on Ballinshaw, and his modest recital of the part he himself had played in recent events, won the sympathy and admiration of the mosstroopers, and he soon proved his daring before their own eyes. None was more fearless than Ruthven, no sword on all the Borders was sharper than his, and when, at the end of two years, the Chief of Hunterspath went down to his robber grave as the result of a treacherous thrust from a foeman's spear, Ruthven Somervil was hailed as his successor. To him was a.s.signed the Captaincy by common consent, and never a man went back on his choice.

The daring life of a mosstrooper did not ill agree with Ruthven's valiant spirit. He was never more in his element than when leading his men across the English Border on some mission of pillage, and never prouder than when he withdrew into the stronghold of Hunterspath to share his spoils with his companions.

But sometimes, when alone, a kindly thought of Eleanor Elliot brought a mist to his eyes as he considered how ill-suited a Border-raider was to be a mate of such a gentle lady. From the topmost turret of his own keep he would gaze in the direction of Hawksglen, and try to discern the towers of the ancient castle where his childhood and youth had been pa.s.sed.

"Some day, some day," he would sigh, "G.o.d grant that I may clasp my fair angel to my breast."

Since the morning when he had said good-bye to Sir James and Lady Elliot, more than three years ago, no word had ever pa.s.sed between him and Eleanor. But something told him that the fair daughter of Hawksglen, who had looked into his eyes with the eyes of affection, was true to his undeclared love, and would yet welcome him to her arms. Had he known that Lady Elliot was a.s.siduously endeavouring to arrange a marriage between Eleanor and Sir Anthony Maxwell of Rutherwell, it would have filled him with alarm, but even knowledge of that kind would not have shaken his faith in the companion of his early years. One summer evening, when he was more than usually moody, the long-desired opportunity of seeing Hawksglen came in his way. Edie Johnston burst in upon the mosstroopers.

"The English loons are owre again!" he exclaimed. "Sir Dacre de Ermstein and twa hunder o' his men are spreading disaster on every hand. I hear that Elliot's place is the next mark for them."

"Elliot? Hawksglen?" queried Ruthven, as he sprang to his feet.

"Ay, the very same," replied Edie.

"Then to-night we must strike a blow for the honour of Scotland. The quarrel of Elliot shall be our quarrel, and G.o.d help the English loon that fa's in our way."

A few minutes later, at the head of his followers, Ruthven Somervil was advancing rapidly towards Hawksglen. Already news of the attack from the English enemy had spread in the district, and barons and their retainers, from different quarters, had a.s.sembled to help Elliot, and resist their common foe. When Ruthven and his men appeared upon the scene the conflict was at its height. Sir Anthony Maxwell, cheered by the thought that Eleanor's hand might be the reward of his valour, fought n.o.bly for the house of Elliot. But it was evident that Sir Dacre de Ermstein was to be victor. Once or twice the defenders had been forced back, and the spirits of the garrison began to droop.

Then came the turn in fortune's wheel. The reivers burst through the lines, and changed the fate of Hawksglen.

Another half-hour and the defeat of the English was complete. Horse and foot broke away from the fatal conflict, and fled for refuge in every direction. A murmur of rage broke from the lips of Ermstein, and he turned to one of his followers.

"This robber chief--his name?" he demanded.

"Ruthven Somervil. He keeps the Tower of Hunterspath with a powerful and desperate band."

"Ruthven Somervil," said the knight slowly; "he shall be remembered.

Chance may yet throw vengeance into my power. But Elliot may thank his robber allies, for, had not they come to his aid, the flag of Dacre de Ermstein would now have been floating triumphantly over the towers of Hawksglen."

Giving vent to his anger in these and similar words, the English knight withdrew his forces, and retired in the direction of the Border. The raiders of Hunterspath, greedy of booty, did not hesitate to despoil the English dead, and went about their business, while the servants of Hawksglen succoured those who had been wounded in defence of their house.

Sir James Elliot invited Maxwell, and others who had come to his relief, to partake of his hospitality, and Lady Elliot was most a.s.siduous in her attentions to the guests.

"The chief of Hunterspath," she said to her husband, as she noticed that Ruthven was not in the banqueting hall.

"Ay; I had almost forgotten," returned Sir James, as he went in search of the mosstrooper.

A moment later he held his breath in wonder: Eleanor and Ruthven were in conversation in the courtyard. The mosstrooper's visor was still down, as it had been during the fight. Sir James approached.

"You will drink to the defeat of our foes?" he said.

"Nay, Sir James," and the voice sounded strangely familiar in his ear.

"With Sir Dacre de Ermstein vowing vengeance against me I have other things to think of. But judge me not a churl," he went on, as he took Eleanor's hand; "one touch from your daughter's fingers, and one glance from her flas.h.i.+ng eye, are reward enough for the Captain of Hunterspath."


Wha's friends, wha's faes, in this cauld warld, Is e'en richt ill to learn; But an evil e'e hath looked on thee, My bonnie, bonnie bairn.

_A. M'Laggan._

When Ruthven mounted his steed, and pa.s.sed the gate of Hawksglen, he found that all his followers, with the exception of Edie Johnston, had retired. Laden with booty, they had made tracks for Hunterspath, well knowing that their Captain was able to defend himself from the attack of any English straggler.

"It's a bonnie sicht," said Edie, as he indicated the English dead, "them a' lying heids and thraws. An' it was a bonnier sicht to see the lads gae aff wi' the plunder."

But Ruthven was in no mood for conversation. He had learned from Eleanor that Lady Elliot was desirous of marrying her to Sir Anthony Maxwell, and he well knew that Maxwell's valour that day must have greatly advanced him in the eyes of Hawksglen. Deep in thought--almost unconscious of the presence of Edie--he rode on, while the shades of night descended upon them.

By and by the friendly light of a wayside tavern burst upon their view, and roused Ruthven from his stupor. Edie watched the Captain's eyes light upon the inn.

"It's dry wark ridin' in silence," he ventured to remark.

"Ay, Edie, ay, but I had thoughts that kept me frae thirst."

"Ye've been unco quiet sin' ye left Hawksglen. What ails ye, gin I may mak' bold to speir?"

They had alighted from their steeds. Ruthven put his hand on Edie's shoulder.

"Twa men and a'e woman," he said, in a low tone.

"The auld complaint," answered Edie; "put yer sword in him. Wha is he?"

"Sir Anthony Maxwell."

"Him that ettles to mairry Elliot's dochter?"

"Ay, the same. And, Edie, I love the la.s.s. I lived--it's a secret, and I give it to you alone--for twenty years at Hawksglen, and I loved Eleanor from childhood."

"Ay, twenty 'ear," repeated Edie, "you're the lad--"

"That was left one night with nothing but this," and he touched a little golden reliquary that hung round his neck, "to tell who I was."

Edie looked keenly at his Captain. Would he tell him there and then that he was the man who had pa.s.sed him through the portal of Hawksglen, and tell him whence was his origin? Would he?--

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