The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw Volume II Part 31

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_In fores divo Petro sponte apertas._ Act. xii. 10.

Quid juvit clausisse fores, bone janitor, istas?

Et Petro claves jam liquet esse suas.

Dices, sponte patent: Petri ergo hoc scilicet ipsum Est clavis, Petro clave quod haud opus est.

_The doors of the prison self-opening to Peter._

Good jailor, how is this, These doors thou lockest here?

That Peter has the keys 'Tis now to all men clear.

Thou say'st the doors self-open, And well thou sayest indeed; For by this very token He no other key doth need. G.


_Murmurabant Pharisaei, dicentes, Recipit peccatores, et comedit c.u.m illis._ Luc. xv. 2.

Ah male, quisquis is est, pereat, qui scilicet istis Convivam, saevus, non sinit esse suum!

Istis c.u.m Christus conviva adjungitur, istis O non conviva est Christus, at ipse cibus.[72]

_The Pharisees murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them._

Ah, let him perish in his harsh protests Who sinners checks to be the Saviour's guests!

Sinners do entertain Christ as a guest: They spread the table, but He is the feast. G. & B.


_In trabem Pharisaicam._ Matt. vii. 3.

Cedant, quae, rerum si quid tenue atque minutum est, Posse acie certa figere, vitra dabunt.

Artis opus mirae! Pharisaeo en optica trabs est, Ipsum, vera loquor, qua videt ille nihil.

_On the beam of the Pharisee._

Grant you can fix upon a needle's end Each smallest object microscopes will lend.

Rare beam to look through has the Pharisee, Whereby, in sooth, nothing itself sees he! R. WI.


_Const.i.tuerunt ut si quis confiteretur eum esse Christum, synagoga moveretur._ Joan. ix. 22.

Infelix, Christum reus es quicunque colendi; O reus infelix, quam tua culpa gravis!

Tu summis igitur, summis d.a.m.nabere clis: O reus infelix, quam tua poena gravis!

_They determined that if any man should confess Him to be Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue._

Alas, unhappy, own the Christ thou wilt; Unhappy culprit, fearful is thy guilt.

The gates of heaven for aye should keep thee close: Unhappy culprit, fearful are thy woes. A.


_De voto filiorum Zebedaei._ Matt. xx. 20.

Sit tibi, Joannes, tibi sit, Jacobe, quod optas; Sit tibi dextra ma.n.u.s; sit tibi laeva ma.n.u.s.

Spero alia in coelo est, et non incommoda, sedes; Si neque laeva ma.n.u.s, si neque dextra ma.n.u.s.

Coeli hanc aut illam nolo mihi quaerere partem; O coelum, coelum da, Pater alme, mihi.

_Concerning the prayer of the sons of Zebedee._

O brothers twain, may it be yours to fill At right and left your places as ye will!

A seat remains, I trust--a fair one too-- Besides those high ones that were sought for you.

I pray not that to me some part be given, But heaven itself, kind Father, grant me heaven. CL.


John and James, take your place at G.o.d's command: One at the right, th' other at the left hand.

I ask not to be placed so, or so: To heaven, to heaven, good Father, let me go. B.


_Ad hospites coenae miraculosae quinque panum._ Joan. vi. 9-13.

Vescere pane tuo, sed et, hospes, vescere Christo; Et panis pani scilicet ille tuo.

Tunc pane hoc Christi recte satur, hospes, abibis, Panem ipsum Christum si magis esurias.[73]

_To the guests at the miraculous supper of the five loaves._

Feed on thy bread, on Christ too feed, O guest; With Bread on bread forsooth thou shalt be blest.

Then shalt thou go, with Christ's bread satisfied, If hungering for the living Bread beside. R. WI.


_De Christi contra mundum pugna._ Joan. xvi. 33.

Tune, miser, tu, mundus ait, mea fulmina contra Ferre ma.n.u.s, armis c.u.m tibi nuda ma.n.u.s?

I, lictor, manibusque audacibus injice vinc'la: Injecit lictor vincula, et arma dedit.

_Christ overcoming the world._

O wretched! the world mutters. I do wonder Thou dar'st lift unarm'd hands against my thunder.

Go, tyrant; put thy chains upon these hands: 'Tis done; and now full-arm'd the prisoner stands. G.


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