The Complete Works of Richard Crashaw Volume II Part 19

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_Now we know Thee to have a devil._

G.o.d or the devil by you ought better to be known, Ye wicked ones, who charge your G.o.d a devil to own.

Ign'rant of G.o.d, indeed, ye well might be; but O, The devil, your own father, how could ye fail to know? G.


_In beatae Virginis verecundiam._

In gremio, quaeris, cur sic sua lumina Virgo Ponat? ubi melius poneret illa, precor?

O ubi, quam coelo, melius sua lumina ponat?

Despicit, at coelum sic tamen illa videt.

_On the blessed Virgin's bashfulness._

That on her lap she casts her humble eye, 'Tis the sweet pride of her humility.

The faire starre is well fixt, for where, O, where, Could she have fixt it on a fairer spheare?

'Tis Heav'n, 'tis Heav'n she sees, Heaven's G.o.d there lyes; She can see Heaven, and ne're lift up her eyes.

This new guest to her eyes new lawes hath given: 'Twas once looke up, 'tis now looke downe to Heaven. CR.


_In vulnera Dei pendentis._

O frontis, lateris, manuumque pedumque cruores; O quae purpureo flumina fonte patent: In nostram, ut quondam, pes non valet ire salutem, Sed natat; in fluviis, ah, natat ille suis.

Fixa ma.n.u.s; dat, fixa: pios bona dextera rores Donat, et in donum solvitur ipsa suum.

O latus, o torrens; quis enim torrentior exit Nilus, ubi p.r.o.nis praecipitatur aquis?

Mille et mille simul cadit et cadit undique guttis Frons: viden' ut saevus purpuret ora pudor?

Spinae hoc irriguae florent crudeliter imbre, Inque novas sperant protinus ire rosas.

Quisque capillus it exiguo tener alveus amne, Hoc quasi de rubro rivulus oceano.

O nimium vivae pretiosis amnibus undae: Fons vitae nunquam verior ille fuit.

_On the wounds of our crucified Lord._

O bleeding wounds of brow, feet, hands, and side; Rivers which from a purple fount spread wide.

No more to save us now that foot can go, But swims in streams which from its own wounds flow.

Transfix'd His hand yet gives--gives dewdrops holy, And into its own gift is melted wholly.

O side, O torrent; for with torrent strong What flooded Nile more swift is driven along?

Drops from His brow in thousands fall and fall; See to His face a cruel blush they call.

By this sad shower the thorns unkindly nurst Soon into new-blown roses hope to burst.

Each hair becomes a slender streamlet's bed, As if a rivulet from this ocean red.

O waves too much alive with precious streams, Nowhere a fount of life more truly gleams.[55] R. WI.


_Quare c.u.m Publicanis manducat Magister vester?_ Matt. ix. 11.

Ergo istis socium se peccatoribus addit?

Ergo istis sacrum non negat ille latus?

Tu, Pharisaee, rogas, Jesus cur fecerit istud?

Nae dicam: Jesus, non Pharisaeus, erat.

_Wherefore eateth your Master with Publicans?_

Wherefore a.s.sociates He with sinners vile?

Why hides He not His holy self the while?

Askest thou, Pharisee, how this can be?

Because 'tis Jesus, not a Pharisee. G.


_Ecce locus ubi jacuit Dominus._

Ipsum, ipsum, precor, o potius mini, candide, monstra: Ipsi, ipsi o lacrymis oro sit ire meis.

Si monstrare loc.u.m satis est, et dicere n.o.bis, En, Maria, hic tuus en hic jacuit Dominus; Ipsa ulnas monstrare meas, et dicere possum, En, Maria, hic tuus en hic jacuit Dominus.

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_Come, see the place where the Lord lay._

Show me Himselfe, Himselfe, bright Sir, O show Which way my poore tears to Himselfe may goe.

Were it enough to show the place, and say, Looke, Mary, here, see where thy Lord once lay; Then could I show these armes of mine, and say, Looke, Mary, here, see where thy Lord once lay.

_Vpon the sepulchre of our Lord._

Here, where our Lord once laid His head, Now the grave lies buried. CR.


_Leprosi ingrati._ Luc. xvii. 11-19.

Lex jubet ex hominum coetu procul ire leprosos: At mundi a Christo cur abiere procul?

Non abit, at sedes tantum mutavit in illis; Et lepra, quae fuerat corpore, mente sedet.

Sic igitur digna vice res variatur; et a se Quam procul ante homines, nunc habuere Deum.

_The unthankful lepers. (Where are the nine?)_

The Lord commands the lepers far off from men to stay: But cleansed by the Lord, why went the Nine away?

The leprosy remaineth, chang'd only in its seat: Expelled from the body, to the soul it makes retreat.

Now by fit retribution a change is brought about: Before shut out from men, from G.o.d they're now shut out. G.

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