The Old English Herbals Part 30

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1. The way of making Plaisters, Oyntments, Oyls, Pultisses, Syrups, Decoctions, Julips, or Waters of all Sorts of Physical Herbs, that you may have them ready for your use at all times of the year.

2. What Planet governeth Every Herb or Tree used in Physick that groweth in England.

3. The Time of gathering all Herbs, but vulgarly and astrologically.

4. The way of drying and Keeping the Herbs all the year.

5. The way of Keeping the Juyces ready for use at all times.

6. The way of making and keeping all Kinde of usefull Compounds made of Herbs.

7. The way of mixing Medicines according to Cause and Mixture of the Disease, and Part of the Body afflicted.

By N. Culpeper, Student in Physick and Astrology.

London, Printed for the benefit of the Common-wealth of England. 1652.

(This is the edition repudiated by the author in subsequent editions as incorrect and unauthorised.)

Subsequent editions 1653, 1661, 1693, 1695, 1714, 1725, 1733, 1784, 1792, 1814, 1820.

1818. (_Welsh translation._) Herbal, Neu Lysieu-Lyfr. Y Rhan Gyntaf, Yn Cynnwys Go o Gynghorion Teuluaidd Hawdd iw cael; Wedi ei casglu allan o Waith. N. Culpeper. Ag amrywiol eraill, a'r rhan fwyaf o honynt wedi eu profi yn rhinwellol ac effeilhiol i symud yr amrywrol ddoluriau ac y mae ein Cyrph llygredig yn ddarostyngedig iddynt: Ac y maent yn hollawl ilw defnyddw o Ddail a Llysiau ein bwlad ein hunain.

Cewch hefyd gyfar wyddyd i ollwng Gwaed, ac y gymeryd Purge.

Yr ail argraphiad. Gan D. T. Jones. Caernarfon, Argraphwyd Gan L. E. Jones. 1818.

1862. Second edition of the above.

_William Coles._

1656. The Art of Simpling. An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants. Wherein the Definitions, Divisions, Places, Descriptions, Differences, Names, Vertues, Times of flouris.h.i.+ng and gathering, Uses, Temperatures, Signatures and Appropriations of Plants, are methodically laid down.

Whereunto is added A Discovery of the Lesser World. By W.

Coles. London. Printed by J. G. for Nath: Brook at the Angell in Cornhill. 1656.

1657. Adam in Eden, or Nature's Paradise. The History of Plants, Fruits, Herbs and Flowers. With their several Names, whether Greek, Latin, or English; the places where they grow; their Descriptions and Kinds; their times of flouris.h.i.+ng and decreasing; as also their several Signatures, Anatomical Appropriations, and particular Physical Vertues; together with necessary Observations on the Seasons of Planting, and gathering of our English Simples, with Directions how to preserve them in their Compositions or otherwise. A Work of such a Refined and Useful Method that the Arts of Physick and Chirurgerie are so clearly Laid Open, that Apothecaries, Chirurgions, and all other ingenuous Pract.i.tioners, may from our own Fields and Gardens, best agreeing with our English Bodies, on emergent and Sudden occasions, compleatly furnish themselves with cheap, easie, and wholesome Cures for any part of the body that is ill-affected. For the Herbalists greater benefit, there is annexed a Latin and English Table of the several names of Simples; with another more particular Table of the Diseases, and their Cures, treated of in this so necessary a Work. By William Coles, Herbalist. Printed by J.

Streater for Nathaniel Brooke.

_Robert Lovell._

1659. ???????????G??. Sive Enchiridion Botanic.u.m. Or a compleat Herball, Containing the Summe of what hath hitherto been published either by Ancient or Moderne Authors both Galenicall and Chymicall, touching Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Fruits, Flowers, etc. In an Alphabeticall order: wherein all that are not in the Physick Garden in Oxford are noted with asterisks. Shewing their Place, Time, Names, Kindes, Temperature, Vertues, Use, Dose, Danger and Antidotes.

Together with an Introduction to Herbarisme, etc. Appendix of Exoticks. Universall Index of plants: shewing what grow wild in England. By Robert Lovell. Oxford. Printed by William Hall for Ric Davis. An. 1659.

1665. Second edition. ???????????G??. Sive Enchiridion Botanic.u.m. Or a compleat Herball, Containing the Summe of Ancient and Moderne Authors, both Galenical and Chymical, touching Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Fruits, Flowers, etc. In an Alphabetical order: wherein all that are not in the Physick Garden in Oxford are noted with Asterisks. Shewing their Place, Time, Names, Kinds, Temperature, Vertues, Use, Dose, Danger and Antidotes. Together with An Introduction to Herbarisme, etc. Appendix of Exoticks. Universal Index of Plants: shewing what grow wild in England. The second Edition with many Additions mentioned at the end of the Preface. By Robert Lovell.

Oxford. Printed by W. H. for Ric. Davis. 1665.

_John Josselyn._

1672. [New England's Rarities Discovered in Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Serpents, and Plants of that country. Together with the Physical and Chyrurgical Remedies wherewith the Natives constantly use to Cure their Distempers, Wounds and Sores.

Also A perfect Description of an Indian Squa in all her Bravery; with a Poem not improperly Conferr'd upon her.

Lastly A Chronological Table of the most remarkable Pa.s.sages in that Country amongst the English. Ill.u.s.trated with Cuts.

By John Josselyn Gent.

London Printed for G. Widdowes at the Green Dragon in St.

Pauls Church-yard, 1672.]

_W. Hughes._

1672. The American Physitian; Or a Treatise of the Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruit, Herbs, etc., growing in the English Plantations in America. Describing the Place, Time, Names, Kindes, Temperature, Vertues and Uses of them, either for Diet, Physick, etc. Whereunto is added A Discourse of the Cacao-Nut-Tree, and the use of its Fruit, with all the ways of making Chocolate. The like never extant before. By W. Hughes.

London, Printed by J. C. for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar. 1672.

_John Archer._

1673. A Compendious Herbal, discovering the Physical Vertue of all Herbs in this Kingdom, and what Planet rules each Herb, and how to gather them in their Planetary Hours.

Written by John Archer, One of His Majesties Physicians in Ordinary. London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold at his House at the Sign of the Golden Ball in Winchester Street, near Broad Street. 1673.

_Robert Morison._

1680. [Plantarum Historiae Universalis Oxoniensis. Pars Secunda seu Herbarum Distributio Nova, per Tabulas Cognationis & Affinitatis Ex Libro Naturae Observata & Detecta. Auctore Roberto Morison. Medico & Professore Botanico Regio, nec non Inclytae & Celeberrimae Universitatis Oxoniensis P. B. ejusdemque Hort. Botan. Praefecto primo.

Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano Anno Domini M.D.C.Lx.x.x.

1699. Pars tertia. Partem hanc tertiam, post Auctoris mortem, hortatu Academiae explevit & absolvit Jacobus Bobartius forte praefectus.]

(The first part was never published.)

_John Ray._

1686. [Historia Plantarum Species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens. In qua agitur primo De Plantis in genere, Earumque Partibus, Accidentibus & Differentiis; Deinde Genera omnia tum summa tum Subalterna ad Species usque infimas, Notis suis certis & Characteristicis Definita, Methodo Naturae vestigiis insistente disponuntur; Species Singulae accurate describuntur, obscura ill.u.s.trantur, omissa supplentur, superflua resecantur, Synonyma necessaria Adjiciuntur; Vires denique & Usus recepti compendi traduntur. Auctore Joanne Raio, E Societate Regia & S.S. Individuae Trinitatis Collegii apud Cantabrigienses Quondam Socio.

Londini Mariae Clark: Prostant apud Henric.u.m Faithorne Regiae Societatis Typographum ad Insigne Rosae in Caemeterio. D Pauli.

CI? I? CLx.x.xVL]

_Leonard Plukenet._

1690. [Leonardi Plukenetij Phytographia. Sive Stirpium Ill.u.s.triorum & minus cognitarum Icones, Tabulis aeneis, Summa diligentia elaboratae, Quarum unaquaeg t.i.tulis descriptorijs ex Notis Suis proprijs, & Characteristicis desumptis, insignita; ab alijs ejusdem Sortis facile discriminatur.

Pars prior Meminisse juvabit. Londini MDCXC, Sumptibus Autoris.]

_William Westmacott._

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