The Light of Divine Guidance Volume I Part 44

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November 1955(1)

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you in connection with your recent letter to him concerning the Temple to be built in Germany.

The beloved Master has not given very many details concerning the House of Wors.h.i.+p. He has written in tablets, however, that the building must be round, and be 9-sided. The Guardian feels that at this time all Baha'i temples should have a dome. In other words, the instructions of the Master to have a round, 9-sided building must be very carefully carried out; but in addition the Guardian feels the Temples built now should likewise have a dome.

The Guardian sees no objections to asking other architects to collaborate with the architect of the design "Azamat". However it should be understood that the Guardian does not wish this collaboration or adaptation to result in the ultra-modern type of building which is the motif of the submissions which have been made, and which he has rejected.

The Guardian advises that the 2 designs which are favored by your a.s.sembly and the architects of Germany are not acceptable; and therefore correspondence with regard to these designs is no longer necessary.

Time moves on, and the Guardian therefore hopes that the result of the collaboration and adaptation of the Azamat design will be presented to him in the near future.

The Guardian has no objections of course to new designs being presented; but they must carry with them the dignified spirit of the Faith, and must be in keeping with the distinction and honor which comes to the temples now being built being the first in their respective continents.

My letter of November 10th outlines in a little more detail what the Guardian has in mind for Baha'i temples; and he hopes that something suitable may soon be found for a temple in Germany.

The Guardian a.s.sures you of his prayers in your behalf, and sends you his loving greetings....


23 November 1955

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has received your letter of November 8th, reviewing further the question of the Baha'i Temple in Germany.

Your letter crossed my communication to you of last week. The Guardian has asked me to write you further, making the following points:

1. He does not approve of either design No. 11335 or Cupola.

2. As I have written you previously, he feels that the only submission which has come to him which lends itself to adjustment for the Temple in Germany is the design "Azamat".

3. As outlined in my letter of last week, the Guardian does not object to your arranging for another architect to collaborate with Mr. Hopfner.

However in this collaboration, the general design of the Temple "Azamat"

should be continued; and under no circ.u.mstances should it be changed to resemble the ultra modern architectural type of building which was the motif of the other submissions.

4. As the Guardian has indicated, previously, this building need have seating capacity of only 500 or 600 people.

5. It should be a more modest structure, as has been outlined in previous correspondence. The Guardian feels the height should be not over 30 meters, and the other proportions of the building should be cut down accordingly.

6. The Guardian feels the cost should run about $300,000 or a little more; certainly on the outside not more than $400,000.

Therefore in revising the plan, it should be simplified in such a way as to bring the cost down,-to a figure near $300,000.

It is noted in the details of the "Azamat" there are a number of things still included, which certainly could be gotten along without, for the time being.

With the elimination of the a.s.sembly Hall in the bas.e.m.e.nt, the elimination of the tea kitchen and dining room, as well as conference rooms, library, archives and the other rooms contemplated, this should make a rather material reduction in expense. Likewise the caretaker's quarters should be eliminated, as the caretaker could probably live in the bas.e.m.e.nt for the time being. Elevators need not be considered.

The bas.e.m.e.nt floor of the Temple in Chicago is cement; and it would seem if cement is suitable for that Temple, it would be satisfactory for the Temple in Germany.

Three years of the Crusade are practically over. The Guardian hopes therefore that he will receive at an early date the revision which is proposed of the "Azamat" design, which should not be materially changed, but may be simplified so that work may proceed at an early date on the construction. The Guardian is fearful if this matter continues to drag, the Temple may not be completed during the period of the Ten Year Crusade.

The Guardian a.s.sures you of his prayers in your behalf, and sends you his loving greetings....


15 December 1955

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you in connection with the purchase of two endowments for the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of Germany and Austria.

As you know, the Hand of the Cause, Mrs. Amelia E. Collins, has contributed one thousand dollars for the purchase of each of these endowments.

The Guardian feels that 2 small pieces of land costing about one thousand American Dollars each is sufficient to accomplish these two goals of the Ten Year Crusade. He hopes therefore your a.s.sembly will proceed at once to purchase a small piece of land in Germany and also one in Austria.

Will you please let me know in due course what your a.s.sembly will do to accomplish this most important task?...


15 December 1955

Dear Baha'i Friends:

...The Guardian is quite anxious that the question of the Temple land and the Temple design be concluded at a very early date, as time is pa.s.sing very rapidly. He has asked me to meet with your a.s.sembly, if the a.s.sembly does meet during my visit in Europe, or can meet. I could arrange to be in Germany early in January....


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