Through Apache Lands Part 24

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21. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, I.

22. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, II.

23. Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay.

24. Lays of Scottish Cavaliers.

25. Light of Asia. Sir E. Arnold.


26. Longfellow's Poems.

27. Lowell's Poems.

28. Mornings in Florence. Ruskin.

29. One of the Profession. M. White, Jr.

30. Paul and Virginia. B. St. Pierre.

31. Pleasures of Life. Sir J. Lubbock.

32. Poe's Poems.

33. Princess. Tennyson.

34. Queen of the Air. Ruskin.

35. Rab and His Friends. Dr. J. Brown.

36. Ra.s.selas. Johnson.

37. Reveries of a Bachelor. Ik Marvel.

38. Representative Men. Emerson.

39. Sartor Resartus. Carlyle.

40. Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne.

41. Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin.

42. s.h.i.+ps that Pa.s.s in the Night. Beatrice Harraden.

43. St. Mark's Rest. Ruskin.

44. Thoughts from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

45. Tillyloss Scandal. J. M. Barrie.

46. Twice-Told Tales, I. Hawthorne.

47. Twice-Told Tales, II. Hawthorne.

48. In Memoriam. Tennyson.

49. Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmith.

50. Whittier's Poems.

51. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes.

52. Heroes and Hero Wors.h.i.+p. Carlyle.

53. Mosses from an Old Manse, I. Hawthorne.

54. Mosses from an Old Manse, II Hawthorne.

55. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

56. Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow.

57. Evangeline, and Poems. Longfellow.

58. Sketch Book. Irving.

59. Stickit Minister. S. R. Crockett.

60. House of the Seven Gables. Hawthorne.

61. Poetical Works of Robert Browning.

62. Paradise Lost. Milton.

63. Hamlet. Shakespeare.

64. Julius Caesar. Shakespeare.

65. Book of Golden Deeds. Yonge.

66. Child's History of England. d.i.c.kens.

67. Confessions of an Opium Eater. De Quincey.

68. Ten Nights in a Barroom. Arthur.

69. Treasure Island. Stevenson.

70. Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne.

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