Lincoln Part 96

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177 "throughout the world": CW, 2:276.

177 "of Human Freedom": This quotation is from a newspaper report of Lincoln's speech in Springfield. CW, 2:242.

177 "felt himself overthrown": Journal, Oct. 10, 1854.

177 "all over the country": Register, Oct. 7, 1854.

178 "his lifeless remains": Ibid., Oct. 9, 1854.

178 "him holler Enough": B. F. Irwin to WHH, Feb. 8, 1866, HWC.

178 "have ever met": Frank E. Stevens, "Life of Stephen Arnold Douglas," JISHS 16 (Oct. 1923-Jan. 1924):487.

178 "him skin me": CW, 2:248.

178 throughout the state: Herndon's claim that, after the encounter at Peoria, Douglas asked Lincoln for a truce in debating and then promptly violated that agreement (Herndon's Lincoln, 2:373374) has been rejected by nearly all Lincoln scholars.

178 before or since: Henry C. Whitney, undated reminiscence, David Davis MSS, Chicago Historical Society.

178 "a powerful speaker": Day by Day, 2:130.

178 two in Indiana: Nevins, Ordeal of the Union, 2:341344.

179 for that office: For an admirable account of Lincoln's unsuccessful effort to be elected senator in 18541855, on which I have relied heavily in the following pages, see Pinsker, "Senator Abraham Lincoln," 121.

179 senators and representatives: CW, 2:286.

179 "go for me": CW, 2:288.

179 "one eye open": Herndon's Lincoln, 2:375.

179 "for a chance": CW, 2303.

179 "a terrible struggle": CW, 2:293.

179 election of senator: Beveridge, 2:275276.

180 "wouldhelp Yates": CW, 2:289.

180 "with the Abolitionists": C. H. Ray to E. B. Washburne, Dec. 29, 1854, Washburne MSS, LC.

180 "Lincoln-hated him": WHH, interview with William Jayne, Aug. 15,1866, HWC.

180 "of the season": s.h.i.+elds to Charles Lanphier, Dec. 30, 1854, in Charles C. Patton, comp., "Glory to G.o.d and the Sucker Democracy" (Springfield, Ill, 1973, photocopy), vol. 3.

180 pressure of business: For a skeptical view of Herndon's claim that he was responsible for Lincoln's leaving town in order to avoid connection with the odious abolitionist group, see Donald, Lincoln's Herndon, pp. 7778.

180 "to that party": CW, 2:288.

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