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531 "capture... of Atlanta": CW, 7:533.
531 "in the party": Donald, Sumner, pp. 187189.
531 "run Mr. Lincoln": Much of the correspondence leading to this meeting was published in the New York Sun, June 30, 1889. See also the full account of the discussions in Francis Lieber to Charles Sumner, Aug. 31, 1864, Lieber MSS, HEH.
531 "remains the candidate": Pearson, Andrew, 2:162163.
531 "highest degree": Richard Yates to Horace Greeley et al., Sept. 6, 1864, Andrew MSS, Ma.s.sachusetts Historical Society.
531 "and re-elected": James T. Lewis to Horace Greeley et al., Sept. 7, 1864, Lincoln MSS, LC.
532 "on Monday last": Thurlow Weed to W. H. Seward, Sept. 10, 1864, Lincoln MSS, LC.
532 "to American history": Theodore Tilton to John G. Nicolay, Sept. 6, 1864, Lincoln MSS, LC.
532 Lincoln by name: L. E. Chittenden to AL, Oct. 6, 1864, Lincoln MSS, LC.
532 "fruitful victory": Henry J. Raymond to AL, Aug. 22, 1864, Lincoln MSS, LC.
532 "utter ruination": Helen Nicolay, Lincoln's Secretary: A Biography of John G. Nicolay (New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1949), p. 212.
532 "peaceful modes": CW, 7:517.
532 "in advance": Nicolay and Hay, 9:221.
532 "arduous duty": John G. Nicolay to Therena Bates, Sept. 4, 1864, Nicolay MSS, LC.
533 "nothing else": James N. Adams, "Lincoln and Hiram Barney," JISHS 50 (Winter 1957): 375.
533 "departments yesterday": Harry J. Carman and Reinhard H. Luthin, Lincoln and the Patronage (New York: Columbia University Press, 1943), p. 280.
533 Zachariah Chandler: The only biography is still the Detroit Post and Tribune's Zachariah Chandler (Detroit: Post and Tribune Co., 1880). Chandler's letters describing his mission are published in Winfred A. Harbison, ed., "Zachariah Chandler's Part in the Re-election of Abraham Lincoln," Mississippi Valley Historical Review 22 (Sept. 1935): 267276.
533 "Traitor McLelland": Zachariah Chandler to Let.i.tia Chandler, Sept. 2, 1864, Chandler MSS, LC.
533 "placed him there": Alphonso Taft to B. F. Wade, Sept. 8, 1864, Wade MSS, LC. See also Hans L. Trefousse, Benjamin Franklin Wade: Radical Republican from Ohio (New York: Twayne Publishers, 1963), pp. 227229.
533 "to his prospects": Henry Winter Davis to Samuel F. Du Pont, Sept. 28 or 29, 1864, in John D. Hayes, ed., Samuel Francis Du Pont: A Selection from His Civil War Letters (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1969), 3:393394.
534 "have his confidence": Harbison, "Zachariah Chandler's Part," p. 271.
534 "take refuge anywhere": Hayes, Du Pont, 3:393.
534 "administered the Dept.": Francis P. Blair, Sr., to Montgomery Blair, Monday [Sept. 1864], Blair MSS, LC.
534 "false ones": Ibid. For a sharply critical view of Blair, see Allan Nevins, The War for the Union, vol. 4, The Organized War to Victory, 18641865 (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1971), pp. 9495, 104105.
534 "but came": Harbison, "Zachariah Chandler's Part," p. 273.