Lincoln Part 136

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383 "made to relent": T. J. Barnett to S. L. M. Barlow, Nov. 30, 1862, Barlow MSS, HEH.

383 "hands of its enemy's": Schurz to Lincoln, Nov. 8, 1862, Lincoln MSS, LC.

384 outcome of the elections: S. W. Oakey to AL, Nov. 5, 1862, Lincoln MSS, LC.

384 "not surprise me": Sandburg, 1:606607.

385 "intimidate the President": Nevins, War for the Union, 2:23 In.

385 "to insubordination": Ibid., 2:238.

385 Pinkerton's long interview: Pinkerton's report of this interview is in James D. Horan, The Pinkertons: The Detective Dynasty That Made History (New York: Crown Publishers, 1967), pp. 130133.

386 "break up that game": CW, 5:442443. Most historians have failed to see the importance of Key's dismissal. The best account of the affair is Safire, Freedom, pp. 770775; see particularly Safire's notes, pp. 10841085.

387 "wanted an example": CW, 5:508; Chase, Diary, p. 219.

387 trusted political advisers: On Thomas M. Key's influence over McClellan, see Donn Piatt, Memories of the Men Who Saved the Union (New York: Belford, Clarke & Co., 1887), pp. 291295.

387 "into a despotism": Bruce Catton, Terrible Swift Sword (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1963), pp. 464465.

387 opposition to the proclamations: Montgomery Blair to McClellan, Sept. 27, 1862, McClellan MSS, LC.

387 "manners and appearance": Allan Nevins, ed., A Diary of Battle: The Personal Journals of Colonel Charles S. Wainwright, 18611865 (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962), pp. 109110.

387 adjacent to McClellan's: For a detailed chronology of the visit, see LL, no. 1277 (Sept. 28,1953).

387 "McClellan's body-guard": Francis Fisher Browne, The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln (Chicago: Browne & Howell Co., 1913), 2:417418.

387 "smile of approbation": Nevins, Diary of Battle, p. 110.

388 of the Union dead: Ward Hill Lamon, Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 18471865, ed. Dorothy Lamon Teillard (Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C.: 1911), chap. 9; LL, no. 250 (Sept. 4, 1933).

388 "general in the country": McClellan, Civil War Papers, pp. 489490.

388 "master of the situation": William D. Kelley, Lincoln and Stanton (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1885), p. 75.

388 "indulge her baby": Nicolay to Therena Bates, Nov. 9, 1862, Nicolay MSS, LC.

388 "temper over it": Nicolay to Therena Bates, Oct. 13,1862, Nicolay MSS, LC.

389 "the same notion": Livermore, My Story of the War, pp. 556560.

389 "Mac's ribs": Nicolay to John Hay, Oct. 26, 1862, Nicolay MSS, LC.

389 "the 'Gorilla'": McClellan, Civil War Papers, p. 515.

389 "fatigue anything?": CW, 5:474479.

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