Lincoln Part 109

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238 handsome, statesmanlike image: This portrait is admirably reproduced in James Mellon, The Face of Lincoln (New York: Viking Press, 1979), p. 51. See also Charles Hamilton and Lloyd Ostendorf, Lincoln in Photographs: An Alb.u.m of Every Known Pose (Dayton, Ohio: Morningside, 1985), pp. 3637.

238 at the outset: George Haven Putnam, "The Speech that Won the East for Lincoln," Outlook 130 (Feb. 8, 1922); 220222.

239 "in the federal territories": CW, 3:534.

239 "that old policy": CW, 3:537.

239 abolitionist was "insane": CW, 3:496, 503.

239 "refused to partic.i.p.ate ": CW, 3:541.

239 "in all events": CW, 3:543.

239 "'be a murderer!'".: CW, 3:547.

239 "we understand it": CW, 3:550. The last sentence is in full capitals in Lincoln's Collected Works.

239 "since St. Paul": Baringer, Lincoln's Rise to Power, p. 158.

239 "I ever heard": Hiram Barney to AL, Feb. 28, 1860 (on the back of the envelope of Edward Wallace to AL, Feb. 25, 1860), Lincoln MSS, LC.

240 "electrify as well": Herbert Mitgang, ed., Abraham Lincoln: A Press Portrait (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971), pp. 157158.

240 Albany Evening Journal: Monaghan, Lincoln Bibliography, 1:1415; LL, no. 589 (July 22, 1940).

240 "worthy of it": David C. Mearns, ed., The Lincoln Papers (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1948), 1:231.

240 the previous September: On this tour, see Elwin L. Page, Abraham Lincoln in New Hamps.h.i.+re (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1929).

240 "to have one": John S. Goff, Robert Todd Lincoln: A Man in His Own Right (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1969), p. 32.

240 know his father: Marshall S. Snow, "Abraham Lincoln: A Personal Reminiscence," Magazine of History with Notes and Queries 11 (Feb. 1910): 6465.

241 "bite the children": CW, 4:5.

241 "we understand it": CW, 4:2930.

241 for his nomination: Jackson Grimshaw to WHH, Apr. 28, 1866, HWC.

241 "the Illinois delegates": CW, 3:517.

241 "mouth a little": CW, 4:45.

242 "he secretly owned: CW, 3:383.

242 "secrets from him": CW, 10:48.

242 "he was unequal": "Praise for the 'Most Available Candidate,'" JISHS 71 (Feb. 1978): 72.

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