Ore No Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri Chapter 3

Ore No Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri -

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So yeah, I planned to start posting the chapters when I had more. But the next chapters are longer, sometimes even 3 times the size of chapter 2. So I decided to start posting them as I go.

As you can see, the number of segments for each chapter isn’t the same. But I’ll do my best. I hope that by posting them now, I’ll get more motivated to translate more. Sometimes I just idle around, so this might work.

Thank you all who read me (like 30 people xD) I ❤ you.

Work’s fine. I’m feeling a little tired since a couple days, so I guess I’ll go sleep sooner these next few days to recover.


Chapter 3: Gathering meat and going towards a village.

For the sake of helping the girl, I went ahead to defeat the rabbit beasts.

“Thank you very much for helping me… Mr. traveler”.

The girl covered in light wounds on her limbs conveyed her thankful words. Yet, my head was filled with her proper and fluent j.a.panese.

“Don't worry about it. It was really nothing”.
“To say ‘It was really nothing’ after defeating those Big Rabbits…”

After my words, the girl got somewhat surprised. Although I'm a bit thankful because she seems to understand my words.

By the way, the name of the rabbit-like beasts that she was desperately struggling against seems to be Big Rabbits.
In order to help the girl, I was the one who killed all of the Big Rabbits.

At first, I was surprised when my eyes first saw the rabbits. I mean, they were making this cute face while at the same time attacking this girl with their sharp fangs.

(But, looking closely, their movements were very monotonous. And they also looked somewhat slow.)

That's what it felt like while I was observing them while hiding among the bushes.
『I might be able to win, if they’re that slow. 』Those were my thoughts as I jumped out and slashed the neck of  the Big Rabbits. The weapon I used was a regulated survival knife I had on my waist.

“But it is only an oversized rabbit, is it not?”

I said while observing their corpses laying on the ground. The Big Rabbits, were just a size bigger than ordinary rabbits, jump higher and attack people.
But their movements were slow, and if you’re careful with their mouth and fangs, they are not much different from ordinary rabbits.
Somehow, I felt as if my body and movements were light, so I took them down easily.

“The Big Rabbits are beasts that even the adults of the village have problems with. Moreover, there is n.o.body in the village who could defeat several of them at the same time.”

To my carefree words, the surprised girl explained to me.
With their quick movements, they usually aim to the feet or neck of people, attacking them with their sharp fangs. The Big Rabbits are fearful foes whom are omnivorous, but they never let go of the chance to eat raw meat.

“To call that quick…”

But the girl’s explanation seemed weird.
Even though I'm familiar with outdoor activities, I'm not a master of fighting nor martial arts. I’m not like those masters who seems to perceive movements in fights as if they are stopped and still.

Due to the influence of my adventurer parents, I did acquire some techniques with the knife and in self-defense. But the fight with the Big Rabbits was not difficult and I cleaved through them with ease.

However, I do not see my fighting ability as something worth bragging about.
If I were to fight against a real martial artist in a dojo, I'm confident I wouldn't be able to win at all. But it seems like it’s another story here in these forests.

“Excuse me, I’m…   kind of lost. If possible, would you take me to the village where you live?”

Currently, I'm seeking for a place to rest temporarily.
And a moment ago, this girl said the word “village” too.
In other words, there’s people living nor far from here. And above all, people like her, who can speak and understand j.a.panese, living with her in that village.

“Someone strong like yourself is always welcomed. There are some circ.u.mstances, and now “Urd” is just a poor village with a food shortage.  Is that ok? ”
“But it’s still safer than this forest, right? ”
“Yeah, leaving aside the food situation, it is a safe place to rest and it has water.”

That’s very helpful.
At this rate, night will fall while I'm still inside the forest. There is nothing more frightening than spending the night in some unknown, unfamiliar forest.
And when it comes to food, I'll just have to deal with it myself.

“By the way, can these Big Rabbits be eaten? “

I ask her about the lumps of meat and fur lying at my feet.

“Yes, their meat is a precious food, and the fur is also valuable at the village. And according to the village rules, they belong to the one who hunt them.”
“That would be me, right? ”

I see, then its settled.
With this amount of meat, starving won't be a problem for a while.

“Then, I'll take only half. You can have the rest. Please, think of it as a payment for letting me stay the night.”
“You mean half of the Big Rabbits!? Ok, Thank you very much! “

Seems like the Big Rabbits are considerable valuable in her village. The girl was delighted, wearing a joyful expression on her face.

“Well then, let’s get ready and return to your village.”

With this, the negotiations are finished.
After that, we proceeded to drain the blood of the Big Rabbits, and prepared some sticks to hang them and be on our way to the village.

“You seem pretty skilled in draining their blood.”

Although she looks like a weak girl at first sight, I can't help but to admire her figure as she works hard without being splashed with blood.
Incidentally, the internal organs and bleeding technique seems to be similar to that of j.a.panese hares.

“Yes, even if I look like this, I am a hunter. Speaking of which… It’s Leesha.”
“Hmm? ”
“My name is Leesha… Excuse be for being rude, but Mr. Traveler’s name is…? “

The girl who I helped introduced herself as Leesha, and was asking for my name.
By the way, I just noticed, but since a while ago we’ve been referring to each other as “you” (kimi) and “Mr. Traveler” (tabibito-sama). We never introduced ourselves properly.

“My name is Yamato Sanjin… Yamato is fine.”
“Yamato-sama… what a wonderful name…”

“Yamato is fine, no need for honorifics, Leesha-san.”
“Yamato-sama… Yamato-sama…”

No use… She’s not listening.
Perhaps, even if I correct her, she will still use the “-sama” out of habit towards adults. I guess it’s useless, so let’s forget about it.
She looks like the kind of child who escalates things in order to use “-sama” more and more. I’ve had similar experiences in the past.

“Then, can I ask you to lead the way towards Urd Village, Leesha-san.”
“Yes, Yamato-sama. “

Therefore, following the girl I just saved, Leesha, we decided to head towards the village called Urd.
According to her, the village is a small settlement in the basin of the mountainous region, and we still need to walk a little while to get there.

With the two of us, carrying the drained and skinned corpses of the Big Rabbits on sticks over our shoulders, we advanced forwards while being wary of our surroundings.

“Let me. I’ll help you out a bit.”
“I’m extremely sorry, Yamato-sama.”

I decided to help with her share of the Big Rabbits, since it was slowing us down, in order to pick up the pace a little. After all, I'm not feeling tired at all.

(Even so, despite their size, these Big Rabbits are extremely light…)

It was a somewhat mysterious feeling.
The Big Rabbits are the size of a small dog.  And despite carrying a few of them, I do not feel that much weight.

My parents had a hunting gun license, and I've hunted with them in the mountains before.
And from those experiences, I can ascertain that “Animal corpses are heavy”.
The dead bodies of animals are covered with heavy fur and the meat is still attached to the bones, making them heavier than what people imagine.

Each one of the Big Rabbits seems to have a weight of a few dozen kilograms. However, even though I'm carrying several of them, I still have plenty of strength left.
Truly a mysterious phenomenon.

(It might be, that the gravity is weak in this world? Or is it that my own strength is growing?)

While we walk, various a.s.sumptions come to my mind. But I can't only be optimistic.
People are weak creatures, even if they gain a little strength. The weakest of creatures, that cannot overcome beasts without the use of weapons or tools.

(Anyway, gathering information can wait until after we arrive at Urd Village.)

While following the hunter girl Leesha, I head towards Urd Village in search of a place to rest.

We walked through an animal trail for about an hour while moving towards the village. (Coincidentally, I'm sure of the time since I've been secretly measuring it with my wrist watch.)

I made several discoveries on our way up to this point.
Every now and then I tell Leesha to stop, then I go and collect various plants and mushrooms.
She has this strange look on her face while she watches me go collect them, but it doesn't bother me. Also, this might be helpful in the near future.

After a while, we finally reached the village.

“Yamato-sama. That’s Urd Village, where I live.”
“Ohh, so that’s…”

I could see a small village further ahead from the forest. It was a settlement stablished at the basin of the mountains.
I could see some smoke rising, signaling the time to eat dinner.
From this distance, it appeared as a medieval-style primitive village like those one would see in the books or the internet.

(So this is a village from another world. I wonder how things will go from here…)

I grab the Big Rabbits while strengthening my vigilance.
I let Leesha go ahead in order for her not to notice while I secretly change my weapons and tools in my belt for something more suitable for “interpersonal” use. The weapons I had equipped until now were for use against animals.

Leesha welcomed me warmly.

But I had already experienced traveling though undeveloped lands around the world. Sometimes, there’s nothing more terrifying than the inhabitants of a remote village.


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