Ore No Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri Chapter 16

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Usually, Idle Talk chapters are just a re-telling of a story already heard, but from a different perspective, but I love the Idle Talk chapters in this novel, they add to the world.

The next one will be way better.

Also, if you don't like the story I’m translating, then don’t read it. One “Makes no sense to me, I’m dropping it” suffices, no need to be toxic on all the chapters. People like that sure are fun to hang out with, I'm sure.

Not all stories are trying to make everyone happy. And not everything has to make perfect sense, remember, these are web novels, written by people as a hobby in a website of free public access.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

Episode 16【Idle Talk】: Night of the welcoming party – Blacksmith Gaton's side.

The ‘welcoming party’ had reached its end.

“Is this spot empty? ”
“Originally, the land has no true owner. You’re free to seat wherever you want to.”
“Makes sense.”

I decided to seat on the chair in front of this Mountain Clan old man, Gaton.

“Are the brats already asleep? ”
“That’s also one of their duties, to sleep since they are still growing. Right now, Liscisan is finis.h.i.+ng taking them to bed.”

As the feast approached its end, one could notice the figure of small children rubbing their sleepy eyes, appearing here and there. I had now just come back from helping Liscia putting them to sleep.

Right now, there was only me and some of the elderly people, drinking and eating while chatting in the plaza.

“Then, can you still drink? ”
“Ah, I'll gladly accept.”

As I answered, Gaton then poured alcohol into my mug. This local alcohol had a nice, stimulating scent, and it was very treasured by the villagers.

“The village children really like you, oh Sage-dono.”
“Stop it with the jokes, Gaton jii-san. You can call me ‘kid’ like you always do. Besides, I'm not really good at dealing with children either.”

“You keep saying that, but who’s the one that has been showing results? That's you, kid.”
“It was just a coincidence.”

We kept talking while drinking.
As I was telling Gaton, it was just by pure coincidence that the village had shown the current results.

That went for the existence of the grain called Inahon, and so was true for the high adaptability of the children. It just happened that the nature blessings of the environment surrounding the village kept overlapping.

And the biggest of those blessings was sitting right in front of me.

“I came to express my thanks to you today. Blacksmith Gaton, without you here, things wouldn't have gone so well so far.”
“Hmph, tonight you’re being quite straightforward, aren't you, kid? Maybe tomorrow it will rain spears.”
“I’m always straightforward. And no, spears don’t just fall from the sky.”

I was just speaking the truth in these words of grat.i.tude.
I really appreciated what Gaton had done for me, for us so far. I’ve been implementing various reforms to improve the civilization in Urd Village, such as the crossbows, the farming equipment, and about the household goods.

However, it was Gaton and his grandchildren the ones who turned my rough drawings into the actual thing. Without them, the life in the village wouldn't be this rich, and we would have struggled a lot more.

“I just do what is interesting to me, as a craftsman. And those just happened to be the things on your drawings.”
“If that is so, then this will be fast. I’ve already drawn a few more drawings. Could I leave it to you? to make them during winter?”
“Hmph. And also the same as usual, kid’s still a slave driver.”

Despite saying that, I could see a happy grin in his face.
An expression as if saying 『Whatever your drawing might me, I can do it as long as it's made with metal』.

(But this person might really be able to make just about anything…)

The frightening part of this old craftsman was not his outstanding smithing skills, but his flexible senses in the application of those skills.
He instantly understood the principles behind the crossbow and the farming equipment used in my world just from a drawing, and he adapted it to make them easier to use in this world.

“By the way, kid… no, Yamato.”

It was then.
The tone of the person sitting in front of me changed.

“What is it, Gaton.”

Therefore I also changed into a more serious expression as I stared straight ahead.

“Just what is your true ident.i.ty? ‘Who’ are you?”

I left the question hanging for a while.
I already expected this to be asked someday, but I never expected Gaton to be the first one to do it.

“I’m just a person who loves mountains. If I had to say it differently, I’ve seen a lot of things that do not exist in this country.”
“…I see.”

To my answer, Gaton just quietly nodded. He didn't pursue any further,

“I also have a question to ask. Who are you, Gaton? Why did you decide to stay in this remote village possessing those incredible skills?”

I also hit him with a question I've always been curious about.
According to what Liscia told me, Gaton was one of the only three people in the continent to possess the t.i.tle of ‘Grand Master Blacksmith’.

One of the three who reigned supreme above all the countless blacksmiths. Such a person should be living a life of wealth and riches, serving as a blacksmith of a powerful country, and with a status similar to that of n.o.bles.

“I’m simply a man who loves iron. I just feel indebted to the people of Urd. Basically, the same as you.”
“…I see.”

Since I don't intend to pursue any further, I just quietly nod at his reply. We both had things we didn't want others to hear.

“Kid… what are your plans in the village from now on? ”
“Even if you ask me, it would be to live, to do anything necessary to keep on living.”

There are still many issues to be solved, like to keep securing food, or to resolve the shortage of manpower.
First of all, it was necessary to overcome the upcoming winter, and decide on the actions to take once spring came.

“I don't know how the country where you came from was like, but currently, there's a lot of mayhem in the continent.”
“Yeah, I already heard about it from Liscisan.”

For now, Urd Village was enjoying some peace.
The reason being that, while secluded in this mountainous region, the geographical location helped by keeping the village relatively isolated.
Although it nominally belonged to a lord, this village was neglected since it was too far away from the city.

However, greedy people are the same in any world.
Gaton said that if the living conditions of this once almost destroyed village improved, danger would definitely come.

“I’ve been thinking about that. And I'll have the children do something during winter.”
“Don’t be too hard on the brats, oh Sage-dono.”

“The weak cannot survive… that’s just a rule of nature.”
“That's true…”

The old craftsman Gaton narrowed his eyes and showed a slightly sad expression as he answered.
This person also had his important grandchildren. Perhaps he might be a little worried about their future.

“Don't worry, I won't let anyone die.”

Those words were my promise, as well as my resolve. I wanted the people in this village to live their lives with hope, and to share my wisdom and skills with them.

“Look at you, speaking such reliable words.”
“But in exchange, the new things I want you to make. Can you have a prototype ready soon?”

“Hey! Do you want to overwork me to death!? ”
“So far, your body seems to be holding on just fine. Truly a prideful man of the Mountain Clan People.”
“That is obvious, who do you think you’re talking to?”

As usual, I enjoyed my conversation with Gaton. Truly an old man who likes to bicker back and forth.

“Hmph, should we have another drink, kid?”
“Sure, I'll take it.”

While drinking Urd’s peculiar alcohol, I continued to enjoy the night.


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You're reading Ore No Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri by Author(s): ハーーナ殿下. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 1168 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.