A Collection of Gospel Hymns in Ojibway and English Part 14

A Collection of Gospel Hymns in Ojibway and English -

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Nuhguhmoowin 36. P. M.

"_Here We Suffer Grief and Pain._"

Oo mah uh keeng uh yah yung Ke puh ka' de min uh koo; Kah ween ween ish pe ming.

O tuh min wan dah gwud!

O tuh min wan dah gwud!

Uh pe oo je che sag, Moon zhug che wah bun de yung!

2 E gewh a nuh me ah jig Ke zhig oong tuh e zhah wug, Uh pe goo ne boo waud.

Oh! tuh min wan dah gwud! etc.

3 E gewh ah be noo je yug Suh yah ge ah jig Christ un 'We de tuh uh yah wug.

Oh! tuh min wan dah gwud! etc.

4 Ka ke noo uh mah ga jig Kuh ya 'gewh kah ge qua jig, Tuh nuh quash kuh wah wug.

Oh! tuh min wan dah gwud! etc.

5 Tuh ke che min wan dah gwud, Uh pe wah buh mung owh Kah be mah je e nung.

Oh! tuh min wan dah gwud! etc.

6 E we de suh uh puh na Ke guh moo je ge ze min, Ke wah buh mung Je sus, Oh! tuh min wan dah gwud: etc.

Hymn 37. 4 lines 7s.

"_Holy Bible, book divine._"

Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine, to tell me whence I came, Mine, to teach me what I am.

2 Mine, to chide me when I rove; Mine, to show a Saviour's love; Mine art thou to guide my feet; Mine, to judge, condemn, acquit.

3 Mine, to comfort in distress, If the Holy Spirit bless; Mine, to show by living faith Man can triumph over death.

4 Mine, to tell of joys to come, Light and life beyond the tomb; Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine.

Nuhguhmoowin 37. 4 lines 7s.

"_Holy Bible, book divine._"

"Pee nud." ke de ke doo win!

Nin ge che pe she gan don!

Ne me nwah je mo tah goon, Ke kee no uh mah go yon.

2 Nin ge be zah ne e goon, Ewh ke zah ge e wa win; Nin guh ke no uh mah goon, Ka 'zhe be mah de ze yaun.

3 Nin doon je me no da a, Owh, pah ne zid o je chog!

Nin guh zhuh zhee ban dum, suh, Nuh nonzh 'go che ne bo yon.

4 Ne ween duh mah goon, pah mah, Che o nah ne quan duh mon; Ke che be nud ewh Bi-ble!

Wan je pe she gan duh mon!

Hymn 38. Sevens.

"_Gentle Jesu, Meek and Mild._"

Gentle Jesu, meek and mild, Look upon a little child; Pity my simplicity, Suffer me to come to thee.

2 Fain I would to thee be brought; Dearest Lord, forbid it not; Give me, dearest Lord, a place In the kingdom of thy grace.

3 Lamb of G.o.d, I look to thee; Thou shalt my example be; Thou are gentle, meek and mild, Thou wast once a little child.

4 Loving Jesu, gentle Lamb, In thy gracious hands I am; Make me, Saviour, what thou art, Live thyself within my heart.

Nuhguhmoowin 38. Sevens.

"Gentle Jesu, meek and mild."

Nwah kah de ze yun Je sus Ke te mah gah buh me s.h.i.+n; Ah noo uh gah she e yon Mah noo ke guh naun ze koon.

2 Sha wan je ga yun, ka goo Ke nuh uh muh we she kan; Tuh gwah koo ne s.h.i.+n e goo Ke doo ge mah we win ing.

3 Je sus ke duh pa ne min, Che e zhe wa be ze yaun Kah' zhe noo kah de ze yun, Ke uh be noo je' we yun.

4 Je sus suh yah ge e yun Kuh nuh wa ne me s.h.i.+n suh; Keen Ne noo je moo e wam, Kah ge nig we je we s.h.i.+n.

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