The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought Part 65

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213. CULIN, S.: Exhibit of Games in the Columbian Exposition.

_Ibid._ Vol. VI. (1893), pp. 205-227.

214. DANIELS, A. H.: The New Life: A Study of Regeneration (Repr. from _Amer. Journ. Psych._, Vol. VI., 1893, pp. 61-106). Worcester, Ma.s.s., 1893. 48 pp. 8vo.

215. DENEUS, CLeMENT.: De la Reserve hereditaire des Enfants (Art. 913 du code civil). etude historique, philosophique et economique. Gand, Paris, 1894. xvii, 231 pp. 8vo.

216. DONALDSON, H. H.: Education of the Nervous System. _Educ.

Rev_. (New York). Vol. IX. (1895), pp. 105-121.

217. DORSET, J. O.: Games of the Teton-Dakota Children. _Amer.

Anthr_. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 329-345.

218. DRAGOMANO, M.: Slavonic Folk-Tales about the Sacrifice of One's Own Children. (Transl. O. Wardrop). _Journ. Anthr. Inst_. (London).

Vol. XXI. (1892), pp. 456-469.

219. DREYLING, G.: Die Ausdrucksweise der ubertriebenen Verkleinerung im altfranzosichen Karlepos. Marburg, 1888.

220. DuRINGSFELD, J. V., und O. V. REINSBERG-DuRINGSFELD: Sprichworter sammlung. 6 Bde. (Das Sprichwort als Kosmopolit. 3 Bde. Intern.

t.i.tulaturen. 2 Bde. Das Kind im Sprichwort). Leipzig, 1863-1864. 8vo.

221. EARLE, ALICE M.: Customs and Fas.h.i.+ons in Old New England. [Chapter I., pp. 1-35, Child-Life.] New York, 1893. iii, 387 pp. 8vo.

222. EASTMAN, C. A.: Recollections of Wild-Life. III. Games and Sports.

_St. Nicholas_ (New York). Vol. XXI. (1893-4), pp. 306-308.

223. EELLS, M.: Twins among Indians of Puget Sound. _Science_ (New York). Vol. XX. (1892), p. 192.

224. ELIOT, S.: Poetry for Children. Boston, [1879]. xii, 327 pp. Sm.


225. ENFANT (L') chez les sauvages et chezles civilises. _Revue Britannique_, Nov., 1880.

226. FEWKES, J. W.: Dolls of the Tusayan Indians (Repr. fr. _Intern.

Arch. f. Ethnogr_., VII. Bd., 1894, pp. 45-73). Leiden, 1894. 30 pp.

4to. Five coloured plates.

226 a. FIELD, EUGENE: Love Songs of Childhood. Chicago, 1895.

227. FLETCHER, ALICE C.: Glimpses of Child-Life among the Omaha Indians.

_Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore_. Vol. I. (1888), pp. 115-123.

228. FLOWER, B. O.: l.u.s.t Fostered by Legislation. _Arena_ (Boston).

Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 167-175.

229. FLOWER, W. H.: Fas.h.i.+on in Deformity. London, 1881. 85 pp. 8vo.

230. FORD, R.: Ballads of Bairnhood. Selected and edited with notes by Robert Ford. Paisley, 1894. xix, 348 pp. 8vo.

231. FOSTER, MARY J. C.: The Kindergarten of the Church. New York, 1894.

227 pp. 8vo.

232. FRACASETTI, L.: I giovani nella vita pubblica. Conferenza. Udine, 1893.

233. FROEBEL, F.: Mother's Songs, Games, and Stories. Froebel. Mutter- und Kose-Lieder rendered in English by Frances and Emily Lord. New and revised edition. London, 1890. x.x.xvi, 212 + 75 (music) pp. 8vo.

234. FURNIVALL, F. J.: Child-Marriages, Divorces, Ratifications, etc. In the Diocese of Chester, A.D. 1561-6. Depositions in Trials in the Bishop's Court, Chester, concerning: 1. Child-Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications. 2. Trothplights. 3. Adulteries. 4. Affiliations. 5.

Libels. 6. Wills. 7. Miscellaneous Matters. 8. Clandestine Marriages.

Also Entries from the Mayors' Books, Chester, A.D. 1558-1600. Edited from the MS. written in court while the witnesses made their depositions, and from the Mayors' Books. London, 1897 [1894]. lx.x.xviii, 256 pp. 8vo.

235. GAIDOZ, H.: Un vieux rite medical. Paris, 1892. ii, 85 pp. Sm. 8vo.

236. GAIDOZ, H.: Ransom by Weight. _Am Ur-Quell_. II. Bd. (1891), S. 39-42, 59-61, 74-75.

237. GAIDOZ, H., et M. PEKDRIZET: La Mesure du Cou. _Melusine_ (Paris). Tome VI. (1893), No. 10. See also _Amer. Anthr_., VI.

(1893), p. 408.

238. GARBINI, A.: Evoluzione della Voce nella Infanzia. Verona, 1892. 53 pp. 8vo.

239. GATSCHET, A. S.: A Mythic Tale of the Isleta Indians: The Race of the Antelope and the Hawk around the Horizon. _Proc. Amer. Philos.

Soc._ (Philadelphia). Vol. XXIX., pp. 208-218.

240. GESSMANN, G. W.: Die Kinderhand und ihre Bedeutung fur Erziehung und Berufswahl. Eine physioguomische Studie. Berlin, 1894. 88 S. 8vo. 31 Abbild.

241. GILL, V. W.: Child-Birth Customs of the Loyalty Islands. _Journ.

Anthr. Inst._ (London). Vol. XIX. (1890), pp. 503-505.

242. GOMME, ALICE B.: Children's Singing Games with the Tunes to which they are sung. Collected and edited by Alice B. Gomme. London and New Tork, 1894.

243. GOMME, ALICE B.: The International Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Tunes, Singing Rhymes, and Method of Playing according to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the Kingdom. Vol.

I. According ... Nuts in May. London, 1894. xix, 453 pp. 8vo.

244. GORE, J. H.: The Go-Backs. _Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore._ Vol. V.

(1892), pp. 107-109.

245. GRIFFIS, W. E.: j.a.panese Fairy World. Schenectady, N.Y., 1880. vii, 304 pp. 12mo.

246. GREGOR, W.: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland.

London, 1881. xii, 238 pp. 8vo. [Chap. I., pp. 4-6, Birth; II., 7-10, The Child; III., 11-13, Baptism; IV., 14-20, Nursery; V., 21-24, "Boy Code of Honour."]

247. GuLL, F.: Kinderheimat in Liedern. Volksausgabe. Gutersloh, 1875.

225 S. 8vo.

247 a. HAAS,--A.: Das Kind im Glauben und Branch der Pommern. _Am Ur-Quell._ V. Bd. (1894), 179-180, 252-255, 278-279; VI., 22-24.

248. HABERLANDT, M.: Ueber tulapurusha der Inder. _Mitt. d. anthr.

Gesellsch._ (Wien), n. F. IX. Bd. (1889), S. 160-164.

249. HALE, HORATIO: The Origin of Languages and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. Cambridge, 1886 (Repr. fr. _Proc. Am. a.s.s. Adv.

Sci._). 47 pp. 8vo.

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