Anglo-Saxon Literature Part 8

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_Fragor_, suoeg (swough, sough).

_Finiculus_, finugl (fennel).

_Follis_, blest baeelg (blast-bellows).

_Glarea_, cisil (pebble, cf. Chesil Bank).

_Hibisc.u.m_, biscop uuyrt (marsh mallow).

_Horodius_, uualh hebuc (foreign hawk).

_Hirundo_, sualuuae (swallow).

_Intestinum_, thearm (German _Darm_).

_Jungetum_, risc thyfil (jungle).

_Inprobus_, gimach (troublesome).

_Iners_, asolcaen (lazy).

_Inter primores_, bituien aeldrum (among the chief men).

_Juris periti_, red boran (counsellors).

_Invisus_, laath (loath).

_Iuuar_ (= _jubar_), leoma, earendil (gleam, beacon, crest).

_Ignarium_, al giuueorc (fire-work).

_Ibices_, firgen gaett (mountain goats, chamois).

_Lunules_, mene scillingas (coins or bracteates on a necklace).

_Lucius_, haecid (hake, German _Hecht_).

_Lolium_, atae (oats).

_Limax_, snel (snail).

_Ligustrum_, hunaeg sugae (honeysuckle).

_Manipulatim_, threatmelum (in bands).

_Manica_, gloob (glove).

_Mascus_, grima (mask).

_Malva_, cotuc, geormant lab (mallow).

_Mars_, Tiig (cf. Tuesday).

_Ninguit_, hsniuuith (snoweth).

_Nigra spina_, slach thorn (sloe-thorn).

_Na.n.u.s_, duerg (dwarf).

_Olor_, aelbitu (the elk, wild swan).

_Piratic.u.m_, uuicing sceadan (pirates).

_Pares_, uuyrdae (Fates).

_Perna_, flicci (flitch).

_Pictus acu_, mi naelae sasiuuid (embroidered).

_p.r.o.nus_, nihol (perpendicular).

_Pollux_, thuma (thumb).

_Quoquomodo_, aengiinga (anyhow).

_Rumex_, edroc.

_Ramnus_, theban (thorn).

_Salix_, salch (sallow).

_Sturnus_, staer (starling).

_t.i.tio_, brand (firebrand).

_Tignarius_, hrofuuyrcta (roofwright).

_Vadimonium_, borg (pledge, security).

In this glossary we see the preparation for our modern Latin-English dictionaries. Already, as early as the reign of Augustus, the foundation of the Latin dictionary was laid by Verrius Flaccus, but his dictionary would naturally consist of Latin words with Latin explanations. But in the seventh century there was a demand for Latin vocabularies, with equivalents in the vernacular languages; and here, in the Epinal Glossary, we have the earliest known example of such a work. At first such glossaries would be merely lists of words formed in the course of studying some one or two Latin texts, and in process of time would follow the compilation of several such glossaries into one, until, in the tenth and eleventh centuries, we find vocabularies of some compa.s.s (as aelfric's), and by the fifteenth century we have such bulky dictionaries as the "Catholicon" and the "Promptorium Parvulorum."

We will close this chapter with specimens of the "Psalter of St.

Augustine," which received an Anglo-Saxon gloss (dialect Kentish[63]) at the end of the ninth, or early in the tenth century. The book has been already described above, p. 33.

PSALM XLIX. (L.), 7:--"Hear, O my people," &c.

geher folc min ond sprecu to israhela folce ond 7. Audi populus meus et loquar Israhel et

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soth thine in gesihthe minre sind aa autem tua in conspectu meo sunt semper

ic ne on foo of huse thinum calferu ne of eowdum 9. Non accipiam de domo tua vitulos neque de gregibus

thinum buccan tuis hircos

for thon min sind all wildeor wuda neat in 10. Quoniam meae sunt omnes ferae silvarum jumenta in

muntum ond oexen montibus et boves

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londes mid mec is agri mec.u.m est

gif ic hyngriu ne cweothu ic to the min is sothlice 12. Si esuriero non dicam tibi, meus est enim

ymb hwerft eorthan ond fylnis his...o...b..s terrae et plenitudo ejus

ah ic eotu flaesc ferra oththe blod 13. Numquid manducabo carnes taurorum aut sanguinem

buccena ic drinco hircorum potabo

ageld onsegdnisse lofes ond geld tham hestan 14. Immola Deo sacrificium laudis et redde Altissimo

gehat thin vota tua

gece mec in dege geswinces thines thaet ic genere 15. Invoca me in die tribulationis tuae ut eripiam

thec ond thu miclas mec te et magnificabis me

D I A P S A L M A.

to thaem synfullan sothlice cweth G.o.d for hwon thu 16. Peccatori autem dixit Deus Quare tu

asagas rehtwisnisse mine ond genimes cythnisse mine enarras just.i.tias meas et adsumes testamentum meum

thorh muth thinne per os tuum

thu sothlice thu fiodes theodscipe ond thu awurpe 17. Tu vero odisti disciplinam et projecisti

word min efter the sermones meos post te

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