Ten Great Religions Part 46

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English translation, 1868.

CHABAS (F.). Les Pasteurs en Egypt. Amsterdam. 1868.

CHASTEL (ETIeNNE). Histoire de la Destruction du Paganisme dans l'Empire d'Orient. Paris. 1850.

Chinese Reeorder and Missionary Journal. Foochow.

c.o.c.kER (B. F.). Christianity and Greek Philosophy. New York 1870.


COLEBROOKE (H. T.). Miscellaneous Essays; in two vols. London. 1837.


CREUZER (FRIEDRICH). Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker. Leipzig.

1836. (Greece, India, Persia.)

CUDWORTH (RALPH). The True Intellectual System of the Universe. American edition. 2 vols. 1837.

CUNNINGHAM (ALEXANDER). The Ancient Geography of India. London. 1871.


------ ------ Bhilsa Topes of India. (Buddhism.)

Dabistan, The. Translated from the Persian. Oriental Translation Fund.

1843. (Persia, Brahmanism, Judaea, Islam.)

DALL (Mrs. CAROLINE H.). Egypt's Place in History. Boston. 1868.

DAUMAS (LE GENERAL E.). La vie Arabe et la Societe Musulmane. Paris. 1869.

DAVID (EMERIC). Jupiter et sa Culte. Paris. 1833. (Rome.)

DE ROUGe (VICOMTE DE). Examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. Bunsen. Paris.

1847. (Egypt.)

------ ------ etudes sur le rituel Funeraire. Paris. 1860.

------ ------ Le poeme de Pentaour. Paris. 1856. (Egypt.)

------ ------ Memoire sur les Monuments des six premieres dynasties.

Paris. 1866. (Egypt.)

DOLLINGER (JOHN J. I.). The Gentile and the Jew. London. Longman, 1862.

(Greece, Rome, Judaea, Egypt, &c.)

DUNCKER (MAX). Geschichte des alterthums. Berlin. 1863. (Egypt, Babylon, Judaea, a.s.syria, India, Persia.)

DUPERRON (ANQUETIL). Le Zendavesta. Paris. 1771. 3 vols. (Zoroaster.)

DUTT (SHOSHEE CHUNDER). Essays. Calcutta. 1854. (Brahmanism.)

EBERS. aegypten und die Bucher Mosis. 1870.

EWALD (HEINRICH). Geschichte des volkes Israel (the first two volumes translated by Russell Martineau). Gottingen. 1845-1851. (Judaea.)

FARRAR (F. W.). Families of Speech. London. 1870.

FAUCHE (HIPPOLYTE). Le Maha-Bharata, traduit completement du Sanscrit en Francais. Paris. 1863.

------ ------ Le Ramayana, traduit en Francais. Paris. 1864. (Brahmanism.)

FERGUSSON (JAMES). The Ill.u.s.trated Handbook of Architecture. London. 1855.

FRIEDLIEB (J. H.). Die Sibyllinischen Weissagungen. Leipzig. 1852. (Rome.)

GOBINEAU. Les Religions et les Philosophies dans l'Asie Centrale. 1866.

GERHARD (EDUARD). Griechische Mythologie, 3 Banden. Berlin. 1854.


GIBBON (EDWARD). Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

GRIMM (JACOB). Deutsche Mythologie, Dritte Ausgabe. Gottingen. 1854.


GROTE (GEORGE). History of Greece. New York: Harper and Brothers. 1854.


------ ------ Plato and the other Companions of Socrates. London: Murray.

1867. (Greece.)

HARDWICK (CHARLES). Christ and other Masters. London: Macmillan. 1863.

(Judaea, India, China, Egypt, Persia.)

HARDY (R. SPENCE). Eastern Monachism. London: Partridge and Oakey. 1850.


------ ------ A Manual of Buddhism in its Modern Development. London: Partridge and Oakey. 1853. (Buddhism.)

HARIVANSA. Appendix to the Mahabharata, translated by Langlois. Oriental Translation Fund. London. 1834. (India.)

HARTUNG, (J. A.). Die Religion der Romer. Erlangen. 1836.

------ ------ Die Religion und Mythologie der Griechen. Leipzig. 1865.

HAUG (MARTIN). Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Pa.r.s.ees. Bombay. 1862. (Persia.)

HEDGE (F. H.). The Primeval World of Hebrew Tradition. Boston: Roberts & Brothers. 1870. (Judaea.)

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