Motors Part 22

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=Gaseous.= Of the nature of a gas.

=Gearing.= Usually applied to two or more sets of toothed wheels which cooperate with each other.

=Generating.= Producing; manufacturing; bringing out of.

=Globules.= The small particles of liquids; or the molecules comprising fluids.

=Gravitation.= The force of the earth which causes all things to move toward it; the attraction of ma.s.s for ma.s.s.

=Heart Wheel.= A wheel having the outline of a heart.

=Helical.= A spirally-wound form.

=High Tension.= A term applied to a current of electricity, which has a very high voltage, but low amperage.

=Horizontal.= Level, like the surface of water; at right angles to a line which points to the center of the earth.

=Horse Power.= The unit of the rate of work, equal to 33,000 pounds lifted one foot in one minute.

=Hydro-carbon.= A gas made from the vaporization of crude petroleum or of its distillates.

=Hydrogen.= One of the original elements. The lightest of all gases.

=Ignite.= To set on fire.

=Ignition.= The term applied to the firing of a charge of gas in a gas or gasoline engine.

=Impact.= A blow; a striking force.

=Impregnated.= To instill; to add to.

=Impulse.= A natural tendency to do a certain thing; determination to act in a certain way through some influence.

=Impinge.= To strike against; usually to contact with at an angle.

=Incomparable.= Too good or great to measure.

=Inclined.= Not level; leaning; not horizontal.

=Induction.= The peculiar capacity of an electric current to pa.s.s from one conductor to another through the air.

=Indication.= That which shows; to point out.

=Injector.= A device whereby the pressure of the steam in a boiler will force water into the boiler.

=Initially.= At first; the original act.

=Injection.= To put into; to eject from an apparatus, into some other element.

=Insulated.= So covered as to prevent loss of current by contact with outside substances or materials.

=Intimate.= Close to; on good terms with.

=Integral.= A complete whole; containing all the parts.

=Instinct.= Knowledge within; something which influences conduct or action.

=Interstellar.= The s.p.a.ce beyond the earth; that portion of the heavens occupied by the stars.

=Internal.= Within; that portion of mechanism which is inside.

=Interposing.= To step into; to place between, or in the midst of.

=Intensity.= Fierce; strong; above the ordinary.

=Interrupted.= To stop; to take advantage of.

=Interstices.= The s.p.a.ces in between.

=Instantaneous.= Immediately; at once; without waiting.

=Intricate.= Difficult; not easy.

=Inquisitive.= The desire to inquire into.

=Jacketing.= To coat or cover on the outside.

=Jump Spark.= One of the methods of igniting hydro-carbon gases. A current of sufficiently high voltage is used to cause the current to jump across the s.p.a.ce between the separated ends of a conductor.

=Kinetic.= Consisting in or depending on motion.

=Latent.= That which is within itself.

=Lateral.= Branching out from the sides; usually applied as the meaning for the direction which is at right angles to a fore and aft direction.

=Lines of force.= Applied to electricity, air, water, or any moving element, which has a well directed movement in a definite direction.

=Low Tension.= In methods for igniting hydro-carbon charges, any circuiting which has a low voltage.

=Lubrication.= The oiling of mechanical parts to reduce friction.

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