Renaissance. Part 40

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Minerva leaned toward him, approached him, and felt a ma Eziodre embracing with affection all the fatigue, all its pain.

"I wish to talk to you, but through through you. You are the Profeta. She raised her arms above her and the ceiling of the vaultda became the firmament. The beaming face and intangibleMinerva material showed an expression of infinite sadness-. You have represented your role ... You have attached as if you were a ancla. .. But now, remains silent ... so that we can enter into communion. "I was sad-. Listen! you. You are the Profeta. She raised her arms above her and the ceiling of the vaultda became the firmament. The beaming face and intangibleMinerva material showed an expression of infinite sadness-. You have represented your role ... You have attached as if you were a ancla. .. But now, remains silent ... so that we can enter into communion. "I was sad-. Listen!

Ezio saw the sky and the stars, listening to her music. He saw the Earth spinning, as if looking from s.p.a.ce. Continents and even looked on them, a couple of cities.

"When we were still meat, and our home was full, yours betrayed us. To us who you believe. To us who gave you life!

He paused, and if a G.o.ddess can shed tears, seetio. Appeared before them the vision of a war, human pheromonesces fighting against their former masters with handmade weapons.

"We were strong. But ye were many. And toWe were both craving for war.

Then came a new image of the Earth are closestma now, but still seen from s.p.a.ce. Then he went awayDose, becoming smaller, and Ezio saw that there was only one of several planets whose orbits revolve around a star: the Sun "As we were busy with worldly affairs, that we forget about heaven. And when we got to pay attention ...

While he spoke Minerva, Ezio saw the sun burst into a huge cast a light crown insoportable, a light absorbing Earth.

"I gave Eden. But among all believe the war and death and turned Eden into h.e.l.l. The world has burnedta be reduced to ashes. Should have ended at that moment. But I believe our image and likeness. I believe to survive. " to survive. "

Ezio saw from the total devastation that the sun seemed to have caused on Earth emerged from the rubble a Unico ash-covered arm rose up. Grand visions of a windswept plain ran the whole speedmortality from heaven, was none other than the roof of the Dome. For he moved people ... broken, ephemeral, but brave.

"And we rebuild," he continued Minerva-. It took strength, sacrifice and compa.s.sion, but the rebuild! And little by little, the Earth was recovering, slowly life returned to the world, the green shoots emerged once again the generous floor ... And we set out to ensure that never again repeated a tragedy of that caliber.

Ezio looked back at the sky. A horizon. In it, temples and forbut, writing in stone, libraries full of scrolls, s.h.i.+ps, cities, music and dancing ..., shapes and forms of epochs and ciCivilizations old did not know, but she recognized as the work of other human beings like him ...

"But now we are dying," said Minerva. And the timepo run against us ... Truth becomes myth and youGoing. What we build will be misunderstood. But Ezio, allowingI keep my words and to reflect the message of what we lost.

Dome building a picture emerged, and more.

Ezio looked on as if dreaming.

"But leave my words bring hope. You must find the other temples. Temples such as this. Consknew who reject are destroyed by war. They worked to protect, to save the Fire. If you can findshow him, if you can save your work, you could also save this world.

Ezio see Earth again. The horizon of the roof of the vault showed a city like San Gimignano a giant, a future city, a city with a tower built of sticksgive to the others who left in the dark streets running beneath them, a city on a distant island. And then, everything was merged again with a view of the Sun "But you must be quick," said Minerva-. Because time is increasingly scarce. Protect yourself against Templar Cross ... as muchas will stand in your way.

Ezio looked up. He saw the sun, burning with rage, as ifhad waiting. And then it was like an explosion, although the explosion inside glimpse believed Templar Cross.

The vision began to fade. Minerva stays Eziowere alone, and the voice of the G.o.ddess also began to disappear inside a tunnel of infinite length.

"It is done ... My people must now leave this world ... All of us ... But the message is delivered ... It's up now. We can not do more.

And suddenly it was dark, silent, and the vault again became a dark underground chamber, completely empty.

Ezio broke his footsteps. Again entered the lobby and saw Rodrigo lying on a bench, a trickle of green bile loomdo from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm dying," said Rodrigo-. I have taken the poison reserved at the time of my loss, since there is now world in which to live. ... But tell me, tell me before you leave for good this place of wrath and tears ... tell me, in the vault ... What have you seen? Who have you found?

Ezio stared.

"Nothing. A n.o.body replied.

He toured the Sistine Chapel and went to the sunlight to meet friends who were there waiting. There was a new world to build.


List of characters Giovanni Auditore: father Mary Auditore: mother Ezio Auditore: Second son of Giovanni Federico Auditore: Giovanni firstborn Petruccio Auditore: Giovanni's younger son Auditore Claudia: daughter of Giovanni Mario Auditore: brother Giovanni Annetta: housekeeper family Auditore Paola: sister Annetta Orazio: Mario servant Auditore Duccio Dovizi: Claudia old boyfriend Giulio Giovanni secretary Auditore Dr. Ceresa: Auditore family physician Gambalto: sergeant in charge of the guard Auditore Hand Cristina Calfucci: Ezio young girlfriend Antonio Calfucci: Cristina's father Manfredo d'Arzenta: son of a wealthy family, subsequently married Cristina Gianetto: Cristina friend Sandee: Cristina's father employed Jacopo de 'Pazzi: Pazzi family member, Florentine bankers fifteenth century Francesco de 'Pazzi's nephew Jacopo Vieri de 'Pazzi, son of Francesco Stefano da Bagnone: priest, secretary Jacopo Giocondo Father: Priest of San Gimignano Terzaga, Tybalt, Captain Robert, Zohan and Bernard soldiers and guards at the service of the Pazzi family Galeazzo Maria Sforza (Galeazzo): Duke of Milan, 1444-1476 Caterina Sforza, daughter of Galeazzo, 1463-1509 Girolamo Riario, Duke of Forli, the husband of Caterina, 1443-1488 Bianca Riario: daughter Caterina, 1478-1522 Riario Ottaviano, son of Caterina, 1479-1523 Riario Cesare, son of Caterina, 1480-1540 Riario Giovanni, son of Caterina, 1484-1496 Riario Galeazzo, son of Caterina, 1485-1557 Nezetta: baby mother Caterina Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, Galeazzo's brother, 1452-Ascanio Sforza 1508: Cardinal, brother of Galeazzo and Lodovico, 1455-1505 Lorenzo de Medici, "Lorenzo the Magnificent 'man ita statuslian, 1449-1492 Clarice Orsini, wife of Lorenzo de Medici, 1453-1487 Lucrezia de Medici, daughter of Lorenzo de Medici, 1470-1553 Piero de Medici, son of Lorenzo de Medici, 1471-1503 Maddalena de 'Medici, daughter of Lorenzo de Medici, 1473-1528 Giuliano de Medici, Lorenzo's brother, 1453-1478 Gorini Fioretta: lover of Giuliano de Medici Boetie: servant of Lorenzo de Medici Giovanni Lampugnani: conspirator in the of Galeazzo, faLLECE 1476 Carlo Visconti: a conspirator in the of Galeazzo, died in 1477 Gerolamo Olgiati: conspirator in the of Galeazzo, 1453-1477 Bernardo Baroncelli: conspirator in the murder of Giuliano de Medici Uberto Alberti Gonfaloniere Gonfaloniere Florence (Council chief Maistered) Florence (Council chief Maistered) Rodrigo Borgia, Spanish, cardinal, later Pope Alexander VI, 1451-1503 Antonio Maffei: priest, a conspirator in the murder of Giuliano de Medici Raffaele Riario: supporter of Pazzi, a nephew of Pope, 1451-1521 Riario Francesco Salviati, Archbishop of Pisa, involved in the conspiracyration Pazzi Checco Lodovico and Orsi, Orsi brothers, mercenaries Niccolo Machiavelli: philosopher and writer, 1469-1527 Leonardo da Vinci: artist, scientist, sculptor, etc., 1452-1519 Agniolo and Innocent: Leonardo da Vinci a.s.sistants Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican priest and political leader, 1452-1498 Poliziano (Angelo Ambrogini): scholar and poet, tutor of the children Medici family, 1454-1494 Botticelli (Alessandro di Moriano Filipepi): artist, 1445-1510 Domenico da Pescia and Fra Fra Fra Silvestre, monks, followers of Savonarola Silvestre, monks, followers of Savonarola Brother Jerome, a monk of the Abbey of Monteciano, cousin of Savonarola Giovanni Mocenigo, Doge of Venice, 1409-1485 Carlo Grimaldi, a member of the entourage of Mocenigo Conde de Pexaro: Leonardo pattern in Venice Nero: a.s.sistant Pexaro Count Emilio Barbarigo: Venetian merchant, an ally of Rodrigo Borgia Silvio Barbarigo ('II Rosso') state inquisitor, cousin Emilio Barbarigo Setting Barbarigo: Silvio's cousin and Emilio Agostino Barbarigo: younger brother Marco Dante Moro: bodyguard Marco Bartolomeo d'Alviano: mercenary Gilbert Fox, La Volpe: La Volpe: Member of Murderers Member of Murderers Corradin: a.s.sistant Zorro Antonio de Magianis: head of the guild of thieves in Venice Ugo member of the Thieves Guild

Rosa, a member of the Thieves Guild Paganino: member of the Thieves Guild Michiel: member of the Thieves Guild Bianca: member of the Thieves Guild Sister Theodora, brothel owner Glossary of terms in Italian and Latin abominato: unfortunate unfortunate Accademico: academic academic accompagnatrice: companions, carbines companions, carbines addio: goodbye goodbye Ahim: alas alas Aiutami, Dio!: Help me G.o.d! Help me G.o.d!

Aiuto!: Help! Help!

the bark!: Thief! Thief!

Altezza: Highness Highness intimi amici: intimates intimates mio amico:my friend amministratore: administrator administrator amore mio:my love anche: also also anch'io: I also I also aprite the portal: Open the door! Open the door!

arcivescovo: Archbishop Archbishop aristocrazia: aristocracy aristocracy Artiglierie: artillery artillery murderer murderer bacinus: dock dock bambino: girl girl beautiful: beautiful: handsome handsome ben fatto: well done well done benvenuti: welcome welcome

birbante!: Rascal Rascal biscotti: biscuits, cakes biscuits, cakes bistecca: steak steak Bordello: brothel brothel buona fortune good luck good luck Buona sera: good night good night buon'giorno: good morning good morning buon viaggio: bon voyage bon voyage caffe: coffee coffee quiet: Calm down, calm down Calm down, calm down field: wide square wide square doge Rognosa!: Mangy dog! Mangy dog!

capitano: Captain Captain capito?: Understand? Understand?

cappa:layer carca.s.s: body body carnevale: carnival carnival expensive, face, Carissima: dear, dear, beloved dear, dear, beloved house dolce casa: home sweet home home sweet home castello: castle castle Cazzola: a.s.shole f.u.c.king a.s.shole f.u.c.king che dire view!: How embarra.s.sing picture! How embarra.s.sing picture!

il chiudi Becca: shut up shut up ciao: h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo actions: fat fat imice: bug bug codardo:coward coglioni: b.a.l.l.s b.a.l.l.s commandante: Commander Commander commendatore: commander, chief commander, chief compagno: companion, comrade companion, comrade condottieri: soldiers for hire, mercenaries soldiers for hire, mercenaries coniglio!: Coward, chicken! Coward, chicken!

ducale horn: traditional hat worn by the Venetian Doge traditional hat worn by the Venetian Doge SEW: SEW: well well CREAP, traditore!: Die, traitor! Die, traitor!

il crepi upo: the death of the wolf the death of the wolf curia: curia: Roman court Roman court diavolo: Devil Devil Saluti distinctive: closely (in a letter) closely (in a letter) Dottore: Doctor, doctor Doctor, doctor ducati: ducats ducats duces: duces: dux, duke, leader dux, duke, leader d.u.c.h.essa: d.u.c.h.ess d.u.c.h.ess duomo: dome (in reference to the cathedral of Florence) dome (in reference to the cathedral of Florence) Evviva!: Hurrah! Hurrah!

fidanzato: promised promised figa: v.a.g.i.n.a (vulgar) v.a.g.i.n.a (vulgar) figlio d'un Cane!: Motherf.u.c.ker! Motherf.u.c.ker!

finanziatore: financial guarantor financial guarantor Fiorini: Fl Fl fott.i.ti:f.u.c.k you!

fra: Brother (religious) Brother (religious) Fratelli: brothers brothers fratellino: brother brother funzionario da accoglienza: reception, welcome party reception, welcome party grappa: Italian liquor Italian liquor gra.s.sone b.a.s.t.a.r.d: fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d grazie a Dio: grazie a Dio: thank G.o.d thank G.o.d Grazie, amici: Grazie, amici: thanks friends thanks friends Crane: Crane: silly silly hospitarius: monk in charge of hosting guests at a monastery monk in charge of hosting guests at a monastery il Magnifico: Magnifico Magnifico il Spagnolo: the Spanish the Spanish Bocca in the upo!: Good luck! Good luck!

infamous terrible, horrible terrible, horrible infelix ego omnium dest.i.tutus help: I am unhappy, deprived of all comfort I am unhappy, deprived of all comfort in perfetto ordine: tidy tidy Inquisitor: inquisitor inquisitor intensity: understood understood free: freedom freedom Liberta! Liberta! Popoand frees it!: Freedom! Freedom! People and freedom! Freedom! Freedom! People and freedom!

branco di cani luridi b.a.s.t.a.r.di:Disgusting pack of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!

luridi codardi: disgusting cowards disgusting cowards porco lurido: filthy pig filthy pig ma certo!: Naturally! Naturally!

ma che?: What's this? " What's this? "

ma che cazzo?: What the f.u.c.k was that? What the f.u.c.k was that?

maledetto: d.a.m.n d.a.m.n marmocchio: brat brat Physician: Doctor, doctor Doctor, doctor merda!: s.h.i.+t! s.h.i.+t!

Messer: Mr Mr mia colomba: my dove my dove my dispiace veramente: I'm really sorry I'm really sorry miserabili pezzi di merda: miserable piece of s.h.i.+t miserable piece of s.h.i.+t molto Onorato: It is an honor It is an honor NIPOYou: nephew nephew preoccuparvi not: do not worry do not worry

ora di pranzo: mealtime mealtime oste: innkeeper innkeeper palazzo: palace palace pa.s.seggiata: evening walk evening walk forgive, forgive, Messer: excuse me, sir excuse me, sir

prod: wee wee piccola: small small popolo: people people porco: pig pig porco devil!: Dirty devil! Dirty devil!

Principessa: Princess Princess promesse: promised promised puttana: wh.o.r.e wh.o.r.e rallegramenti:Congratulations! Requiescat in pace: Requiescat in pace: Rest in peace Rest in peace ribollita: ribollita: Tuscan soup Tuscan soup salute!: Cheers Cheers simplicitas holy!: Holy simplicity! Holy simplicity!

di sangue doubt!: Judas's blood! Judas's blood!

scusi: excuse me excuse me is it your DICI: if you say so if you say so be: Mr Mr sfortunato: unfortunate unfortunate if: yes yes signore: Sir, sir Sir, sir Signoria: Signoria: government authority government authority signorina: Miss Miss Signorina: plural plural

Aiuto sounded pleased the tuo: appreciate your help appreciate your help sorellina: sister sister spero di if: I hope I hope stai bene: you okay you okay stolti:Crazy!

stronzo: jerk, a.s.shole jerk, a.s.shole Your Altezza: His Highness His Highness itsBITO: suddenly suddenly tagliagole: Cutthroat Cutthroat tartaruga: turtle, simpleton turtle, simpleton

IWhooping RRA: mainland mainland youarrest!: 're Under arrest! 're Under arrest!

traditore: traitor traitor tutti per one and one per tutti:All for one and one for all!

ubriacone: drunk drunk Coraggio uomo: brave man brave man va bene: agree agree vecchio: old old zio: uncle uncle

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