Magic 18 Chp#18. Because Your My Friend

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After the arrival of the first army in the west Joelle, River, Rixelle, and Angelo rushed to head for the west side of Macotacia while the others were devide into separate groups

Jabez: "What's your status Joelle?" the two of them are talking to each other using a communication device that is stuck in their ears

Joelle: "Were good, but what will happen to the other people who can't use magic?"

Jabez: "Don't worry the people who aren't involve in the NMAC will be fine, we've teleported every citizens of Macotacia somewhere safe and where they could sleep peacefully just like in the school right after those two showed up"

Joelle: "You mean you make them all sleep in that day!?"

Jabez: "Yes!"

Joelle: "So that's why they can't remember a thing...impressive I gotta say the motor cycles of the NMAC are really something"

Jabez: "Heh what do you expect from the most powerful alliance of magicians in the world, we are also using high-tech too you know."

Joelle: "Incredible I didn't expect this, were almost there....."

Jabez: "Alright good luck to all of you"

Joelle: "Thanks good luck to you as well"

Jabez: "Alright signing off, let's get down to business!"

Meanwhile in the north side of Macotacia Jabez's squad was just in the nick of time to prepare for battle

Jabez: "Ready!?"

Three: "Ready!"

Rey: "I did not expect this, but prepare to be frozen in ice" he smiled deviously and the army moved forward

Meanwhile in the east side of Macotacia the battle begun...

Rose Mae: "Go forward now!" the troops headed towards and fought the army of Zanderon

Rose Mae: "ARMOR MAGIC: FLAME ARMOR! FIRE TWISTER" she created a twister made up of fire that scorched the soldiers but...

Rose Mae: "Huh!?..." she turned around raised her sword to block the enemy's attack

Amaya: "Wow impressive you managed to block my surprise attack" the two of them steped three steps apart

Rose Mae: "You're one of them aren't you?"

Amaya: "So you figured it out huh!? well no matter you shall be wiped out from your existence"

Rose Mae: ".....huh!?"

Amaya: "Take this CRYSTAL SPEARS" a spears of crystals appeared and headed towards her, Rose Mae evaded the attack

Rose Mae: "Not bad, but this is the end for you...." Amaya flicked her fingers and Rose Mae was frozen in crystal

Amaya: "Hahahahaha that was to finish you off"

Aaron & Eliza: "FLAME G.o.d...GLACIER G.o.d....MEGATON KICK" the two of them kicked her in the face and she toppled over the ground

Aaron: "Alright right on time..."

Eliza: "Yeah!"

Amaya: "Arrggghhhhhh the heck! (they kicked me in the face they'll pay for this) take this ADAMANT STORM" she fired tons of adamant to the two of them when suddenly Daryll stoped the attack

Daryll: "AQUA MIRROR" the attacks were absorbed by the water mirror

Daryll: "Now go forward!" the mirror turn around and the attack was reflected right back at her, Amaya raised her hand and the crystals stopped from moving and it turned into sparkling dusts

Amaya: "Heh....this will be fun" she smiled deviously

Meanwhile back at the west side

Elaine: "How disappointing we didn't even break a sweat in conquering this village and all of you are a big disappointment to me"

Sir Christian: "I won't let you go anymore further even if I loose all my dignity!" he raised his feet and jump in the air

Sir Christian: "DYNAMITE ATTACK" his feet glowed and kicked Elaine but after he kicked her, her body transformed into pieces of papers

Sir Christian: "Again!.." Elaine appeared in his back

Elaine: "End of the line...."

Rixelle: "AERIAL G.o.d: WIND SLICERS" Elaine evaded the attack

Elaine: "Wind!?"

Angelo: "TYRANO SCREECH" he screeched as loud as a roar of a T-rex

Elaine: "Errgggghhhhhhh my ears"

River: "TRANSFORM: FIRE G.o.d FORM, BLAZING INFERNO" he created a sphere of fire that engulfed her

Elaine: "Errggghhhhhh fire!? (I can't transform into papers, if I do I'll be burnt)"

Joelle: "WATER TWISTER" the water hit her making her body wet

Elaine: "Erghhh now I'm soak"

Joelle: "Sorry we're late Sir"

Sir Christian: "Heh right on time..." Rixelle helped him of his injuries

Rixelle: "Don't worry I'll heal you"

Sir Christian: "Thank you..."

Elaine: .....

Joelle: "End of the line Elaine"

Soldier: "Let's help Lady Elaine..."

All: "YEAH!!"

Angelo: "We won't let you interfere DINO QUAKE" the earth rumbled and some soldiers were toppled over

Angelo: "Me and River will take care of these guys first and if the two of you are done with her help us...."

Joelle: "Alright....."

River: "TRANSFORM: SEA KING FORM! TIDAL WAVE" the soldiers were wiped out....

Joelle: "Why didn't you come back?"

Elaine: "It's non of your business Joelle"

Joelle: "It is my business and I won't stop until I bring you back!"

Elaine: "Why are you so determined to bring me back anyway?"

Joelle: "Beacause your my friend, have you forgotten about our friends.h.i.+p back then, did you throw it all away!?"

Elaine: "Those things are not important to me anymore, what I want now is to have my revenge!" she attacked Joelle with a spear made up of papers but Joelle managed to block her attack

Joelle: "You will tell me everything that happened to you even if I have to use force against you!"

Elaine: "Will see about that!" she stepped backward

Elaine: "PAPER MAGIC: WHITE DANCE" pieces of papers appeared in the ground and headed towards Joelle

Joelle: "FIRE SLASH" she spinned to fire numerous blades that is made up of fire, Elaine's paper were burnt into ashes

Elaine: "Erghhh..."

Joelle: "Hiyaaaa..." she strikes her with her blade

Elaine: "Heh..huh!? (I can't transform!? Huh!? So that's why....)"

Joelle: "You can't transform into papers do you! that's the reason why I blasted you with a full power water attack, papers are vulnerable to water and fire, so that means you can't transform into papers because your whole body is wet and now your vulnerable hiyaaaa" she striked her with her fire blade

Elaine: "Arghhhhh!!!....ergghhhh"


Elaine: "Arghhh.."

Rixelle: "Got you now"

Joelle: "I can't believe you can use G.o.d Magic at a very young age"

Rixelle: "This is nothing compare to the one who thought me how to use G.o.d Magic"

Joelle: "Speaking of that who is the one who thought you how to use G.o.d Magic anyway?"

Rixelle: "It's my mother she thought me how to use this magic"

Joelle: "I see....." Elaine suddenly laughed

Elaine: "Hahahahahaha you may be able to imprisoned me but thanks to your wind I'm all dry now...EXPLODING PETALS" the twister subsided

Joelle: "She used the impact of the explosion to subside the twister" the area was cleared

Rixelle: "She's gone!?"

Joelle: "No...hiyaaa!"

Elaine: "Arggghhhhh..."

Joelle: "Got you now...." Elaine smiled with a devious look

Joelle: (She's smiling.....Huh!? This one is a clone) the clones body scattered into papers like a scattering petals of flowers

Rixelle: "Joelle watch out!"

Elaine: "Goodbye Joelle...."

Elaine: "EXPLODING CLONE: SCATTERING PETALS" flicked her fingers and the papers exploded

Rixelle: "JOELLE NO!!"

River: "JOELLE!!!!"

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