1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading Part 9

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30. _What are the values of X as a Numeral?_ In the Roman, 10; in the Greek, 60.

31. _What are the Numerical values of Z?_ 7 in the Greek notation; and 2,000 in the Roman.

32. _Why have J, U, W, and Y no Numerical values?_ Because they have been introduced into the Alphabet since the Science of Arithmetical Notation was invented.

33. _What effect does it have on the value of a letter to draw a line above it?_ In most cases it increases its value a thousand times.

34. _Is a line ever drawn beneath a letter for the same purpose?_ In some instances it is.

35. _What effect does it have on a letter as a numeral to repeat it?_ Repeats its value as often as it is repeated.


1. _What is a Capital letter?_ A large letter.

2. _What is an Italic letter?_ A form of oblique letters derived from the Italians.

3. _What is Rule 1 for the use of Capitals?_ t.i.tle pages and headings of chapters should be entirely in capitals.

4. _Give Rule 2._ The first word of every book, tract, essay, letter, etc., should begin with a capital.

5. _Give Rule 3._ The first word of every sentence should begin with a capital.

6. _Give Rule 4._ Clauses separately numbered should begin with a capital.

7. _Give Rule 5._ The first word after an interrogation point should usually begin with a capital.

8. _Give Rule 6._ The first word of a clause, or sentence, given as an example, should begin with a capital.

9. _Give Rule 7._ In quoting a t.i.tle of a book, each important word of the t.i.tle should begin with a capital.

10. _Give Rule 8._ First word of a direct question should begin with a capital.

11. _Give Rule 9._ The first word of a direct quotation should begin with a capital.

12. _Give Rule 10._ All letters used as numerals should be written or printed in capitals.

13. _Give Rule 11._ The p.r.o.noun I should always be a capital.

14. _Give Rule 12._ The vocative particle O should always be a capital.

15. _Give Rule 13._ The first word of every line of poetry should begin with a capital.

16. _Give one exception to Rule 13._ In humorous poetry, when a word is divided at the end of a line, the detached syllable at the beginning of the next line should begin with a small letter.

17. _Give Rule 14._ All names and t.i.tles of the Deity should begin with a capital.

18. _Give Rule 15._ All proper names should begin with a capital.

19. _Give Rule 16._ All words derived from proper nouns should begin with a capital.

20. _Give Rule 17._ t.i.tles of honor and distinction should begin with capitals.

21. _Give Rule 18._ The words father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, etc., when followed by a proper noun, should always begin with a capital.

22. _Give Rule 19._ All words referring to the Bible should begin with a capital.

23. _Give Rule 20._ All proper adjectives should begin with a capital.

24. _Give Rule 21._ The names of famous events, historical eras, noted doc.u.ments, etc., should begin with a capital.

25. _What establishes a rule for Capitals?_ Good usage, or custom.

26. _Give Rule 1 for the use of Italics._ Words for emphasis should be printed in italics.

27. _Give Rule 2._ Names of books, poems, etc., are usually printed in italics.

28. _Give Rule 3._ Words from foreign languages are printed in italics.

29. _Give Rule 4._ Words in the Bible supplied by the translators are printed in italics.

30. _How are written words marked that are to be printed in Capitals?_ By underscoring the words with two lines.

31. _How are written words marked that are to be printed in Italics?_ By underscoring the words with one line.

32. _When use the Interjection O?_ The letter O is a vocative particle, and should always be used before nouns or p.r.o.nouns in the absolute case by direct address.--[_Ridpath._]

33. _When use Oh?_ In all cases where it is not followed by nouns, or p.r.o.nouns, in the vocative case.--[_Ridpath._]


1. _What is an abbreviation?_ One or more of the letters of a word standing for the whole word.

2. _What is the signification of A.C.S.?_ American Colonization Society.

3. _Give meaning A.B.C.F.M._ American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

4. _What is the signification AAA.?_ Amalgamation.

5. _What is the signification of Ang.-Sax.?_ Anglo-Saxon.

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