Merck's 1899 Manual Part 269

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Gold Chloride.

Hydrastis: local application to urethra.

Hygienic Measures.

Hyoscine Hydrobromate.

Hypophosphites: nervine tonic.

Iron: where there is anemia only.

Levico Water.

Lupulin: oleoresin, to diminish nocturnal emissions.

Nitrate of Silver: vesication by it of the perineum; and local application to the prostatic portion of the urethra.

Nux Vomica: nervine tonic and stimulant.

Phosphorus: in physical and mental debility.

Pota.s.sium Citrate.

Quinine: as a general tonic.



Spinal Ice-Bag.



Sulphur: as a laxative, especially if sequent to rectal or a.n.a.l trouble.


Turpentine Oil: in spermatorrhea with impotence.

Warm bath before retiring.

Zinc Oxide.

~Spina Bifida.~

Calcium Phosphate.

Collodion: as means of compression.

Cotton Wool over tumor.

Glycerin: injection after tapping.

Iodine: injection. Formula: Iodine, 10 grn.; Pota.s.sium Iodide, 30 grn.; Glycerin, 1 fl. oz.

Pota.s.sium Iodide.

Tapping: followed by compression.

~Spinal Concussion.~--_See also, Myelitis._


Bleeding: to relieve heart.

Lead Water and Opium; as lotion.


Vinegar: to restore consciousness.

~Spinal Congestion.~--_See also, Meningitis, Myelitis._


Antiphlogistic Treatment.

Cold Affusions: to spine.

Ergot: in large doses.


Nux Vomica.

Turpentine Oil.

Wet Cupping.

~Spinal Irritation.~--_See also, Meningitis, Myelitis, Neuritis, Neurasthenia._

Aconite Ointment: locally.

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