The Temptation of St. Antony Part 25

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"Beneath me, the thunderbolt darts forth, the horizon widens, rivers cross one another. That light spot is the desert; that pool of water the ocean. And other oceans appear--immense regions of which I had no knowledge. There are black lands that smoke like live embers, a belt of snow ever obscured by the mists. I am trying to discover the mountains where each evening the sun goes to sleep."

_The Devil_--"The sun never goes to sleep!"

Antony is not startled by this voice. It appears to him an echo of his thought--a response of his memory.

Meanwhile, the earth takes the form of a ball, and he perceives it in the midst of the azure turning on its poles while it winds around the sun.

_The Devil_--"So, then, it is not the centre of the world? Pride of man, humble thyself!"

_Antony_--"I can scarcely distinguish it now. It is intermingled with the other fires. The firmament is but a tissue of stars."

They continue to ascend.

"No noise! not even the crying of the eagles! Nothing! ... and I bend down to listen to the music of the spheres."

_The Devil_--"You cannot hear them! No longer will you see the antichthon of Plato, the focus of Philolaus, the spheres of Aristotle, or the seven heavens of the Jews with the great waters above the vault of crystal!"

_Antony_--"From below it appeared as solid as a wall. But now, on the contrary, I am penetrating it; I am plunging into it!"

And he arrives in front of the moon--which is like a piece of ice, quite round, filled with a motionless light.

_The Devil_--"This was formerly the abode of souls. The good Pythagoras had even supplied it with birds and magnificent flowers."

_Antony_--"I see nothing there save desolate plains, with extinct craters, under a black sky.

"Come towards those stars with a softer radiance, so that we may gaze upon the angels who hold them with the ends of their arms, like torches!"

The Devil carries him into the midst of the stars.

"They attract one another at the same time that they repel one another.

The action of each has an effect on the others, and helps to produce their movements--and all this without the medium of an auxiliary, by the force of a law, by the virtue simply of order."

_Antony_--"Yes ... yes! my intelligence grasps it! It is a joy greater than the sweetness of affection! I pant with stupefaction before the immensity of G.o.d!"

_The Devil_--"Like the firmament, which rises in proportion as you ascend, He will become greater according as your imagination mounts higher; and you will feel your joy increase in proportion to the unfolding of the universe, in this enlargement of the Infinite."

_Antony_--"Ah! higher! ever higher!"

The stars multiply and shed around their scintillations. The Milky Way at the zenith spreads out like an immense belt, with gaps here and there; in these clefts, amid its brightness, dark tracts reveal themselves. There are showers of stars, trains of golden dust, luminous vapours which float and then dissolve.

Sometimes a comet sweeps by suddenly; then the tranquillity of the countless lights is renewed.

Antony, with open arms, leans on the Devil's two horns, thus occupying the entire s.p.a.ce covered by his wings. He recalls with disdain the ignorance of former days, the limitation of his ideas. Here, then, close beside him, were those luminous globes which he used to gaze at from below. He traces the crossing of their paths, the complexity of their directions. He sees them coming from afar, and, suspended like stones in a sling, describing their orbits and pus.h.i.+ng forward their parabolas.

He perceives, with a single glance, the Southern Cross and the Great Bear, the Lynx and the Centaur, the nebulae of the Gold-fish, the six suns in the constellation of Orion, Jupiter with his four satellites, and the triple ring of the monstrous Saturn! all the planets, all the stars which men should, in future days, discover! He fills his eyes with their light; he overloads his mind with a calculation of their distances;--then he lets his head fall once more.

"What is the object of all this?"

_The Devil_--"There is no object!

"How could G.o.d have had an object? What experience could have enlightened Him, what reflection enabled Him to judge? Before the beginning of things, it would not have operated, and now it would be useless."

_Antony_--"Nevertheless, He created the world, at one period of time, by His mere word!"

_The Devil_--"But the beings who inhabit the earth came there successively. In the same way, in the sky, new stars arise--different effects from various causes."

_Antony_--"The variety of causes is the will of G.o.d!"

_The Devil_--"But to admit in G.o.d several acts of will is to admit several causes, and thus to destroy His unity!

"His will is not separable from His essence. He cannot have a second will, inasmuch as He cannot have a second essence--and, since He exists eternally, He acts eternally.

"Look at the sun! From its borders escape great flames emitting sparks which scatter themselves to become new worlds; and, further than the last, beyond those depths where only night is visible, other suns whirl round, and behind these others again, and others still, to infinity ..."

_Antony_--"Enough! enough! I am terrified! I am about to fall into the abyss."

_The Devil_ stops, and gently balancing himself--

"There is no such thing as nothingness! There is no vacuum! Everywhere there are bodies moving over the unchangeable realms of s.p.a.ce--and, as if it had any bounds it would not be s.p.a.ce but a body, it consequently has no limits!"

_Antony_, open-mouthed--"No limits!"

_The Devil_--"Ascend into the sky forever and ever, and you will never reach the top! Descend beneath the earth for millions upon millions of centuries, and you will never get to the bottom--inasmuch as there is no bottom, no top, no end, above or below; and s.p.a.ce is, in fact, comprised in G.o.d, who is not a part of s.p.a.ce, of a magnitude that can be measured, but immensity!"

_Antony_, slowly--"Matter, in that case, would be part of G.o.d?"

_The Devil_--"Why not? Can you tell where He comes to an end?"

_Antony_--"On the contrary, I prostrate myself, I efface myself before His power!"

_The Devil_--"And you pretend to move Him! You speak to Him, you even adorn Him with virtues--goodness, justice, clemency,--in place of recognising the fact that He possesses all perfections!

"To conceive anything beyond is to conceive G.o.d outside of G.o.d. Being outside of Being. But then He is the only Being, the only Substance.

"If substance could be divided, it would lose its nature--it would not be itself; G.o.d would no longer exist. He is, therefore, indivisible as well as infinite, and if He had a body, He would be made up of parts. He would no longer be one; He would no longer be infinite. Therefore, He is not a person!"

_Antony_--"What? My prayers, my sobs, the sufferings of my flesh, the transports of my zeal, all these things would be no better than a lie ... in s.p.a.ce ... uselessly--like a bird's cry, like a whirlwind of dead leaves!"

He weeps.

"Oh! no! There is above everything some One, a Great Spirit, a Lord, a Father, whom my heart adores, and who must love me!"

_The Devil_--"You desire that G.o.d should not be G.o.d; for, if He experienced love, anger, or pity, He would pa.s.s from His perfection to a greater or less perfection. He cannot descend to a sentiment, or be contained under a form."

_Antony_--"One day, however, I shall see Him!"

_The Devil_--"With the Blessed, is it not? When the finite shall enjoy the Infinite, enclosing the Absolute in a limited s.p.a.ce!"

_Antony_--"No matter! There must be a Paradise for the good, as well as a h.e.l.l for the wicked!"

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