A Treatise on Foreign Teas Part 6

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HAVING heard your Sanative Tea spoke of with much praise, and it being recommended to me by a friend who had experienced its efficacy in eruptions of the skin--I was induced to make trial of it to my daughter who had frequently been troubled with a similar complaint, and am happy to inform you, that she has received much benefit from its use, and make no doubt that in a short time it will have the desired effect so long wished for.

And am, Sir, your humble servant,


Prospect-Place, Newington, Surry, June 30, 1794.

CASE XLII. _To the Proprietor of the English Tea._

BEING in the Liquor Trade and liable to live irregular, I contracted a violent pain and trembling of my limbs, which often rendered me incapable of attending to business. By taking your Tea at night and for breakfast, it has entirely removed my complaint. I therefore send you this as a testimony of its good qualities. I remain, SIR, &c.


No. 12, Cross-street, Hatton-Garden, July 28, 1794.

CASE XLIII. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's Tea._

I was a considerable time afflicted with a consumptive cough and inward wasting which induced me to have recourse to many gentlemen of the faculty, without receiving any benefit from their advice or medicine.

At last I was recommended to try your Sanative Tea, and am happy to inform you, that a few packets of it entirely removed my cough, and at present find myself in as good a state of health as ever I enjoyed.

I am, SIR, &c.


No. 10, Peter-lane, West Smithfield, Aug. 4, 1794.

CASE XLIV. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative Tea._

I have been for ten years very much afflicted with a rheumatic gout for which I have taken much medicine without being relieved; fortunately, I was advised last March to try Dr. Solander's Tea; the first two packets I took, greatly eased my pains; and the three next parcels cured me.

Since the pains not returning, you have my authority to make this public for the good of society. I remain, SIR, &c.


Lambeth-b.u.t.ts, 12th August, 1794.

CASE XLV. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ SANATIVE TEA.

HAVING for a long time suffered greatly with a severe bilious complaint, I was persuaded to make trial of your Sanative Tea, from which I have experienced such good effects as induces me to recommend it to such who are afflicted with a similar disorder.

I am, &c.


Aug. 12, No. 2, Cloysters, near Smithfield.

CASE XLVI. _To the Proprietor of Dr._ SOLANDER'S TEA.

I should not think I discharged my duty to the public, were I to conceal for a moment the great benefit I have received from Solander's Tea, as well as two of my children, who were weakly for some months, after the measles. My own case was violent trembling of my hands, attended with lowness of spirits, for which I took various prescriptions from many eminent of the faculty, without any visible benefit, till by the advice of one of them, I took to drink your Tea, which in a few weeks entirely cured me. Finding it so efficacious, and withal so pleasant to the taste, I gave it to my children to drink, who I am happy to say are perfectly recovered.

I remain, SIR, &c.

WM. HOSKINS Croydon, Aug. 13, 1794.

CASE XLVII. _To the Proprietor of the English Sanative Tea._

BEING long afflicted with a nervous complaint, and great depression of spirits, I was advised to try the Sanative Tea, from which I received so much benefit, as induces my recommending it as a pleasant and comfortable remedy.

I am, SIR, &c.


No. 49, Gloucester-street, Queen-square, Bloomsbury, Aug. 13, 1794.

CASE XLVIII. _To the Proprietor of the Sanative Tea._

IN justice to your Sanative Tea, I approve of its utility in nervous hysterical disorders and lowness of spirits, having seen its good effect in cases under my own inspection. I also approve of it for children in the measles.

I am, SIR, your humble servant, &c.

JAMES FELL, Surgeon and Apothecary.

No. 36, Pratt's place, Camden Town, St. Pancras, Aug. 14, 1794.

CASE XLIX. _To the Proprietor of Dr._ SOLANDER'S TEA.

HAVING been for several years troubled with violent nervous head-aches, I had recourse to many remedies without effect, till I tried the Sanative Tea, a few packets of which effectually cured me.

I remain, SIR, &c.


No. 7, New Compton-street, Aug. 16, 1794.

CASE L. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's Sanative Tea._

IN grat.i.tude for the benefit I have received from your Tea, I acknowledge its having recovered me from a bilious and nervous disorder with which I was afflicted.

I am, SIR, &c.


Pitt-street, Blackfriars, Aug. 18, 1794.

CASE LI. _To the Proprietor of Dr. Solander's_ TEA.

I was for some years attacked with a violent cough, which threatened a consumption, for which I tried several medicines in vain, till I used your Sanative Tea, which has effectually cured me.

I am, SIR, &c.

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