Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming Chapter 452

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Chapter 452: A Display of Ignorance

Suddenly, a battle between jewellery lovers and collectors broke out. There were Saudi Arabian tyc.o.o.ns, European billionaires, American rich elite and Chinese ladies.

The most powerful battles took place among races with a long history. The occidentals didn't get any of the jewellery. Arabian customers got two pieces, and the Chinese ladies got three.

After three minutes, Qin Guan got off the stage with the tray. Michael had nearly died of laughter.

The curtain was pulled down slowly, and the staff took away the chairs. Backstage, the agencies in charge of cutting the gemstones and the security guards were busy working.

Cong Nianwei had finished her graph way before the auction was finished. She was packing silently with Qin Guan. Suddenly, Michael and some Asian strangers walked over to them.

"They are customers of ours. They are also Chinese and would like to meet you before you leave," he said before returning to his work, leaving them alone.

"h.e.l.lo, Qin Guan. I’m Zhang Li from Diamond. I’m in charge of material purchases all over the world." She was an elegant middle-aged lady who had just spent a large amount at the auction.

Smiling, she stretched her hand out for a handshake. Qin Guan took it politely. His hand was caught by her chubby claws.

It was the excited girl with the moon-shaped face. "You’re so handsome..."

"Cough, cough..." Zhang Li couldn't help it. The girl retracted her claws immediately.

"I’m here to see the first Asian model in a top jewellery fair. Besides, I would also like to invite you to become a global Diamond representative."

Diamond was the best jewellery brand of the mainland. Considering its large range and fame, its shops were an inevitable attraction for ordinary people in China.

 A common model would have been over the moon, but Qin Guan was hesitant. "I appreciate your offer, but my agent has signed a contract with Tiffany. They are my priority. You have to talk with my agent and the director of Tiffany about the details..."

This was a common situation for a top model. He could only sit somewhere silently, waiting for the outcome. The calls for offers would come one after the other.

Qin Guan didn't plan on returning to the US with the Tiffany team. This was a precious chance for him to go on vacation with his girlfriend.

Switzerland was famous for its watches, chocolate and sabers. In fact, unlike other modern products, Basel had its own steady, low-profile style.

 The next morning, Qin Guan opened the curtains before sunrise. The warm streetlights were still turned on outside. The winded, twisted paths looked enchanting amid the misty light.

Cong Nianwei spread a map on the table. They planned on going on a day trip into town. It was romantic to go on a spontaneous trip with your lover.

Breakfast was simple at the hotel. A giant loaf was laid in the middle of the table. It was too hard for the Chinese. Qin Guan preferred to cut it with his jaw. He made a fool of himself again. He saw a small basket with all kinds of colorful b.a.l.l.s inside. He thought they were fruit and decided to get some for Cong Nianwei.

"Wei, what do you want?"

Surprised, Qin Guan realized they were colorful eggs. They had green, blue, brown, and orange stripes! Cong Nianwei burst into laughter at the colorful eggs. He is so funny!

After breakfast, they set off. Cong Nianwei was walking in front, wearing her wide baseball cap. Qin Guan followed her, burping. He had eaten eggs of four different colors! The smell of his burps needs not be described. The two of them were completely amazed by the Basel Minster.

As a historical site of the 19th century, the church was made of red bricks. Green moss was climbing up its walls and some damage was visible in the shadows.

The city hall was across the street, and it was also red in color. There were golden frescos on its walls and green ruffles as decorations. The hall was filled with an alien glamor. To their surprise, the city hall was open to the public.

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