Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming Chapter 433

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He pushed his up the bridge of his nose. Some hairs stood on end, revealing his full forehead.

"Wow!" The audience looked surprised. They had gotten absorbed in the performance of the Asian model.

Qin Guan took off his white silk gloves and stuffed them into his pocket. Suddenly, he unfastened his belt and opened his coat to reveal his black s.h.i.+rt. Office workers were happy and relaxed all day long.

A distinctive s.h.i.+rt could make one’s day.

Chad, who had been about to show off his s.e.xy muscles, had not been prepared for Qin Guan's move. It was unreasonable. Actually, Chad was much stronger than Qin Guan, so his s.e.x appeal was his big advantage. The Asian model had dared challenge him in that field though! And he had succeeded!

Chinese people were beautiful in a subtle way. The Asian boy was outstanding.

Chad was suddenly in a dilemma. If he copied Qin Guan, he would be overshadowed. If he chose another way, he wouldn’t do as well.

Before Chad could choose a countermove, they reached the turn where they would separate. Bingo! Chad was enlightened. My best chance lies in the solo show. The true face of Lushan was lost on me, for it is right in this mountain that I reside. The models on the stage had no direct picture of their performance, while the audience could take in every detail with one glance.

The models separated at the turn and the audience began talking in low voices.

"Where did they find that Asian model? He is an inspiration from Heaven!

"Thank G.o.d I came. They said that the models have no idea about the show today. They don't know that it’s a compet.i.tion."

"Qin Guan is in perfect condition."

Walking through the flower beds, Qin Guan and Chad reached their starting point again. The paths were leading in different directions.

Qin Guan took a step back, surrendering the first turn to Chad.

"He seems like an experienced guy. He is very cooperative."

"Let me see… He has cooperated with our brand in Asia! I’ll take that into consideration."

The representatives of Givenchy and BOSS were watching Qin Guan carefully as Chad began to show his power as an international top model.

Half-way through the path, Chad suddenly tore the coat apart furiously, splitting it into two pieces. He put the pieces on his shoulder and proudly put both hands at the collar of his s.h.i.+rt.

His broad, thick chest was revealed through the torn s.h.i.+rt. Qin Guan felt sorry for him. Dude, you are really bold. I like your s.e.xy figure, but have you thought about the pay? That s.h.i.+rt must cost at least several thousand dollars, let alone that coat! You will suffer the consequences! I’m working to make money, not lose money...

Chad had no idea about Qin Guan’s thoughts. He made good use of his muscles and impressed the audience with his steady steps.

"He has proved himself to be a model worthy of VOGUE. He is a top model in all aspects."

"Look at his figure. It’s suitable for special brands..."

"CK, for example... Ha ha ha..."

The CK delegate felt offended by the high fas.h.i.+on brands. His brand always reminded people of underwear...

When the Asian model stepped onto the site, they were absorbed back into the show. They were wondering how the man would deal with such tough compet.i.tion. Chad would actually be really hard to beat.

Brands had seen so many talented models after all. They were in need of models who never gave up. You had a good plan, but I have a better one. Qin Guan would teach them a lesson.

His previous advantage had been lost, but Qin Guan's counterplan was really good.

He was walking on the s.h.i.+ning path in a free, elegant manner, with a romantic expression in his eyes. Suddenly, a red rose appeared in his hand, as if by magic.

"F*ck! It’s my favourite Louis XIV Rose!" Raynana couldn’t help but curse. The shy girl got angry at the thief.

The audience concentrated on the rose immediately. Unlike ordinary roses, that one was blood-red, its petals spreading freely like a rare beauty.

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