Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming Chapter 196

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Chapter 196: Tangled
"Nonsense! Jealous of you? Jealous of what? Your arrogance or your unreliable att.i.tude towards life?"

Qin Guan loosened his collar, smiling like an evil spirit. "Everything. My unparalleled face, my attractive body..."
Shao was speechless. Why the h.e.l.l am I even fighting with such a guy? He felt a deep sense of helplessness.
Smiling proudly, Qin Guan sat back down on the couch. "Actually, I’m a lucky guy. G.o.d gifted me with a perfect appearance, a smart brain and lots of luck. I also have a wonderful girlfriend..."
Shao rubbed his forehead. If Qin Guan kept showing off, he couldn’t guarantee that he wouldn’t beat him to the ground, although Qin Guan was much stronger than him.
"But..." Qin Guan suddenly changed his att.i.tude. With the most serious expression, he turned around and faced his arch enemy.
"Ever since I was born, I have been struggling to live my life right. I do everything cautiously and conscientiously, no matter how important it is. I never skip a cla.s.s; I treat all my friends honestly; I try my best to love my family and my girlfriend..."
"Why would you think that I’d treat my part-time job irresponsibly? You are a famous model yourself. Do you believe sponsors and designers would praise me only for my perfect face and figure? You’re really naive!"
"You think a director would tolerate my terrible acting for my good looks? Oh, I forgot. You’ve never acted. You can't understand the difficulties of being a supporting actor."
Shao looked amused. "Are you saying that I’ve treated you unjustly? If my memory serves, a photographer asked several background models to stand in the cold sea in winter to hold you on their shoulders so your unparalleled face would not freeze and influence the final outcome."
"If my memory serves, a director asked some staff standing around you to block the wind so the man-made wind would blow your hair back. I don't want to waste my breath on you…"
Shao wanted to stop the conversation there. His envy would only be exposed if he went on. He wanted to take some fresh air outside. He hated the righteous man sitting right across from him.
Qin Guan had gotten some useful information from Shao. He grabbed Shao’s shoulder to stop him. "You realize you are jealous of my looks, not my att.i.tude. Don’t pretend to be so indifferent. I even felt a little guilty just now."
Shao was ashamed into anger. He turned his head around and stared at Qin Guan coldly. "I don't want to talk to you. Let me go!"
Qin Guan grinned. "Apologize to me!"
"Go to h.e.l.l!"
"You dare hit me?"
"F*ck! You’re pulling my hair! Go away!"
They started fighting with each other, turning over the couch and the tea table. They fell down on the floor and began rolling around, their long legs getting tangled up.
They struggled to suppress each other in that limited s.p.a.ce. Finally, the a.s.sistant outside heard the noise and pushed in, finding the exciting scene.
The two handsome guys were hugging each other with pink cheeks. Thin sweat covered their foreheads, and their slender legs were tangled together.
Qin Guan was laying on Shao’s body. They had squeezed themselves in the small s.p.a.ce between the couch and the wall. They were both looking at the a.s.sistant in surprise.
The young a.s.sistant understood. He gave them an apologetic smile and nodded. "Sorry, just go on. I just wanted to inform you that the interview is about to begin. I can wait another 20 minutes for you though."
"No need, we’ll come at once!"
"Wait, we’re ready!"
They spoke at the same time. Exchanging a glance with each other, they turned their heads in different directions.
The a.s.sistant was clear on the situation. They’re shy. It's all my fault.
He looked at them kindly. Qin Guan and Shao Xiaobing managed to get out from under the couch. Shao fixed his hair in the mirror and realized a piece was missing. Meanwhile, Qin Guan ma.s.saged his jaw. Is there a scratch?
Putting on their most polite expression, they followed the a.s.sistant to the interviewing hall.
The interview was for a feature of domestic models telling stories about rising models.
For the readers of ELLE, it was a big deal. Besides, this was Qin Guan's first formal interview with ELLE.
He wanted that issue to sell like crazy.
With a calm expression, Shao watched Qin Guan interview before him. It was another indirect indication that he was behind Qin Guan in the modelling circle.
The journalist working for ELLE turned on her recorder and began the interview.
Question 1: Had you thought of engaging in this profession before? Or some other profession related to beauty?
Qin Guan: Never. I’m a student at the Accounting Department of my university. My major is the most boring one there is. It is my aim now though. For me, the fas.h.i.+on industry is like Alice’s Wonderland. It is unbelievably beautiful!
Shao's expression eased up a bit.

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