The Mystery at Putnam Hall Part 32

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"Just the same, Paxton, you'd give a good deal to do as well," retorted the youth who loved to eat, and turned his back on the other cadet.

Thanksgiving came and went in another storm. The snow was so deep that getting away from the Hall was out of the question, so those who had planned to go home for the holiday were somewhat disappointed. But Captain Putnam provided good cheer in abundance, with plenty of turkey and cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and nuts. For the evening the boys got up an entertainment in the a.s.sembly room, with monologues and dialogues, and also some singing by the school Glee Club, and some very good violin and mandolin playing. Pepper, Jack and Andy took part in the entertainment, and everybody but Josiah Crabtree enjoyed the exhibition.

Crabtree did not believe in such "tomfoolery," as he expressed it, and told Captain Putnam the cadets should have given a Shakespearian recital, or something like that, instead.

"Perhaps so, Mr. Crabtree," answered the master of the Hall. "But as the boys are virtually snowed in, I thought I'd let them have a little fun."

After Thanksgiving the cadets settled down to the grind once more, counting the days to Christmas, when they could go home for two weeks.

"I've got to go to Cedarville," said Jack, one afternoon, after the snowstorm had cleared away. "Who will go along? I am going to walk it, just for the exercise."

"I'll go!" cried Pepper.

"So will I!" added Andy. "Where are you going?"

"To the shoe shop and the postoffice."

The three cadets were soon on the way, Fred Century and Bert Field pelting them with s...o...b..a.l.l.s as they left. It was cold but clear, and all were in the best of spirits.

"I see they've got a new man of all work around the school," observed Pepper, as the three trudged on. "I hope Captain Putnam doesn't think of discharging Peleg Snuggers."

"That new man is a sly kind of a fellow," came from Andy. "I was walking through the hallway last evening and he came up behind me as silently as a cat after a mouse."

"I've got my own idea about that man of all work," said the young major, with a faint smile.

"What do you mean, Jack?"

"If I tell you, will you keep it to yourself, both of you?"

"Sure!" was the prompt answer.

"Well, I don't think John Smith is a man of all work at all."

"He isn't?" cried Andy. "Then what is he?"

"I think he is a private detective."

"Oh, Jack! can that be possible!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Pepper. "But it must be so, for I watched the fellow last evening, and he didn't do much work, and he didn't seem to like it that I had an eye on him."

"Of course, if he is a detective, Captain Putnam has engaged him to clear up this mystery of the robberies," said Andy. "Well, I don't blame the captain, for this is surely going to give the school a bad name."

"Don't breathe a word of this to any one," went on Jack. "Of course, if the thief knew a detective was so near he'd be more on guard than ever."

"I only hope he gets the rascal, whoever he is."

"Wonder if it can be one of the cadets?" mused Andy.

"I don't know. It is either some cadet or else one of the hired help.

But it is an awful state of affairs," answered Jack.

"By the way, Jack, how about the new election of officers?" said Pepper, a little later. "Going to try for the majors.h.i.+p again?"

"No. Why should I? I've been major long enough. I believe in giving the other fellows a show."

"Who, for instance?"

"Well, I'd like to see Bart Conners made major. He's one of the best soldiers we have, and he keeps Company B up to the scratch."

"Bart is all right. But what about the other fellows?"

"Well, I am not so anxious about the captaincies. Let the best fellows win."

"I think Reff Ritter would like to be a captain or major."

"He never will be--he can't get the support. Why, hardly any of the cadets go with Reff any more. Even Paxton seems to have dropped him.

About the only close friend he has is Gus Coulter."

"Maybe the boys have dropped him because his father is no longer rich."

"No, I don't think that, for quite a number of the cadets are far from rich and yet they are considered good fellows. It's Ritter's ways. He is too domineering. The fellows won't stand for his bullying manner."

"When does the election take place?"

"The tenth day of December--a week from next Wednesday."

"And you are sure you don't want to run again, Jack?"

"Yes, quite sure, Pepper. You can run if you want to." And the young major smiled broadly.

"Not for me!" cried The Imp. "I'd rather have my fun. And, by the way, I've got an idea for some fun with old Crabtree," he added suddenly.

"What is it?" questioned Andy, eagerly.

Pepper closed one eye suggestively.

"Just you wait and see," he answered. "Crabtree is going to wake up to a big surprise some morning--and when he does, well, maybe he'll stop chewing his victuals for awhile!"



As the cadets were good walkers it did not take them long to cover the distance to Cedarville. They stopped at a shoe store, and at a candy store for some chocolates, and then started for the postoffice.

"I guess Jack is looking for a letter from his best girl," remarked Pepper, with a grin.

"Maybe you're looking for a letter yourself," returned the young major.

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