A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Part 4

A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints -

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Tell about his first trial. 7. Who testified at the second trial? 8. After his discharge what did the mob intend to do to Joseph? 9. Who helped him to escape? 10. What is the Doctrine and Covenants?



In the month of September, 1830, a young man came to the house of Joseph Smith, at Fayette, and asked to see the prophet. As Joseph was absent, he was referred to his brother Hyrum who explained to him what he wanted to know about the Book of Mormon, the revelations of the Lord to his brother, and the establis.h.i.+ng of the Church. The young man was a preacher of the sect called Campbellites, and his name was Parley P. Pratt. On his journey from his home in Ohio to New York he had obtained a copy of the Book of Mormon, had read it, and had been deeply impressed with its beautiful truths. Wis.h.i.+ng to know more about this new revelation of G.o.d, he had sought out Joseph.

Parley P. Pratt joined the Church and soon became one of its leading men, working with Joseph and his brethren with great energy. He became one of the Twelve Apostles, traveled in many parts of the earth preaching the gospel, wrote many fine books, and at last was killed by a wicked man in the state of Arkansas.

Some day you will want to read a full account of this great man's history as he wrote it himself, but here I will give you but a few of these interesting events, because they have much to do with the Church at this point of our history.

You will remember that the Book of Mormon tells about the early history of the Indians. In this book it is predicted that some day the gospel should be preached to them, and the record of their forefathers should also be brought to their knowledge. At the second conference of the Church held in Fayette, September 1st, Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Ziba Peterson and Peter Whitmer, Jr., were called to go on a mission to the Indians. They were to go into the wilderness through the western states and into the Indian Territory, preaching by the way whenever a chance afforded.

It was late in October when these four elders started on this the first important mission of the Church. They preached to some Indians near the city of Buffalo, presented them with the Book of Mormon, and proceeded on their journey into the state of Ohio. In the northeastern part of this state is the town of Kirtland where Elder Pratt had some friends. They stopped here for some time and preached the gospel to the people. Great interest was aroused, many believed and were baptized. Among these was Elder Pratt's former teacher, Sidney Rigdon, who also became one of the Church's leading men. Others who joined the Church at this time were Edward Partridge who became the first bishop in the Church, Newel K. Whitney who became the second, Lyman Wight who became an apostle, and many others. In a few weeks the missionaries had raised up a large branch of the Church at Kirtland.

Having done this good work, the elders went on their way westward. One evening they were stopping at the house of one Simeon Carter not far from Brother Pratt's old home. They were just about to read to him from the Book of Mormon when an officer entered and arrested Elder Pratt. The elders left their book with Mr. Carter and went with the officer to a sort of court, where Brother Pratt was ordered to pay a large sum of money or go to prison. The prisoner paid no attention to these demands, which made his persecutors very angry. It was now about midnight, but the elders took it quietly and sang a hymn or two. Then Elder Pratt said that if the witnesses who had told false things about them and the judge who had abused and insulted them, would repent of their evil words and acts and would all kneel down together he would pray that G.o.d might forgive them.

"My big bull-dog pray for me!" said the judge.

"The devil help us!" cried another.

Next morning as Elder Pratt and the man placed to guard him were walking in the road, the elder asked the officer if he was good at a race.

"No!" was the reply, "but my big dog is. I have trained him and he will take any man down at my bidding."

"Well," continued Bro. Pratt, "you have given me a chance to preach and have given me lodging and breakfast. I thank you for your kindness, but I must be going. Good-day, sir."

With that Elder Pratt left the man and his dog, and had got quite a distance before the officer had recovered from his surprise. Then he came running after him, clapping his hands and shouting to his dog.

"Stu--boy, stu--boy, take him Watch, lay hold of him! Down with him!" At the same time pointing in the direction of the fleeing elder. Just as the fierce animal was about to overtake him, Elder Pratt began clapping his hands and shouting like the officer, pointing into the woods just ahead.

The dog bounded past him and was soon lost to sight in the forest, while the missionary got safely away.

Mr. Carter read the Book of Mormon the elders had left. He believed, went fifty miles to Kirtland, was baptized, returned home, began to preach, and soon there was a branch of sixty members in that place.

In western Ohio the missionaries found another tribe of Indians with whom they stayed a few days. They then went to Cincinnati and from that city to the mouth of the Ohio river by boat. It was now very cold, and the river was so blocked with ice that the boat could go no farther. The missionaries therefore walked the rest of the distance to St. Louis and from there across the state of Missouri to its western boundary.

The snow was deep, there were no beaten roads, the houses were few and far between, and the wind blew fierce and cold. For days they had nothing to eat but corn bread and frozen pork; but at last they reached the town of Independence, in Jackson county, Missouri, which was then near to the Indian country.

The elders now took up their labors among the Indians. They were kindly received, and the chief called a council which Oliver Cowdery addressed.

The Book of Mormon was presented to them and explained, and they became very much interested. The sectarian preachers heard about this and complained to the Indian agent, who ordered the elders off the Indian lands. So after but a few days of preaching the elders had to leave. They went back to Jackson county and preached to the white settlers, some of whom believed the word of G.o.d and were added to the Church. Four of the elders remained at Independence, while Bro. Pratt was sent back to Kirtland to report their labors.

Topics.--1. Parley P. Pratt. 2. The first mission to the Indians. 3. At Kirtland. 4. Journey to Independence and preaching to Indians.

Questions and Review.--1. Who was Parley P. Pratt? 2. Name some of the books he wrote. 3. Give a brief sketch of his life. 4. Name those who went on the first mission for the Church. 5. What was the special object of this mission? 6. About how far is it from Fayette to Independence, Mo.? 7. Where is Kirtland? 8. What leading men were converted there? 9. How did Bro.

Pratt escape from the officer? 10. How did people travel in those days? 11.

Why were the missionaries forbidden to preach among the Indians?



The scriptures often speak of a time in the latter days when the people of G.o.d shall be gathered together to build up the Lord's kingdom and prepare for his second coming. The gospel should be preached to all the world, and those who would believe should go out from Babylon, or the wicked world, and came together with the people of the Lord. Every elder who has been on a mission will tell you that as soon as persons accept the gospel, a desire comes to them to gather with the main body of the Saints. Thus the Lord puts the spirit of gathering into the hearts of the believers, and his purposes are fulfilled.

The Lord told the prophet Joseph that the time for this gathering had come, and that the central gathering place for the Saints on this land was somewhere in the West, though at first the exact location was not told him.

In December, 1830, the word of the Lord came to Joseph that the Saints should gather to Ohio. This was westward and in the proper direction. The western missionaries had raised up large branches in Ohio, so it was not like going into a new place. The Church was growing steadily, and many revelations were given to the Saints. We might say the Lord was a.s.signing lessons for us, which we have not yet learned very well.

Preparations were made for this removal by holding the third conference of the Church at Fayette and setting its affairs in order.

One day, about the 1st of February, 1831, a sleigh containing two men and two women, drove through the streets of Kirtland, Ohio, and stopped at the door of Gilbert and Whitney's store. One of the men alighted, and springing up the steps, walked into the store where one of the owners was standing.

"Newel K. Whitney, thou art the man!" exclaimed the visitor, extending his hand as to an old friend.

"You have the advantage of me," replied the storekeeper, "I could not call you by name as you have me."

"I am Joseph, the prophet," said the stranger, smiling. "You've prayed me here; now what do you want of me?"

Mr. Whitney, you will remember, had joined the Church sometime before, and of course he was delighted to see the prophet. Joseph and his wife, Emma, stayed at Brother Whitney's house for some time. Shortly after this, Newel K. Whitney was called to be bishop at Kirtland, and later he became the second presiding bishop of the Church.

Early next spring, 1831, the Saints from New York began to come to Ohio, buying land in and around the town of Kirtland.

Before leaving Fayette, Joseph had been visited by a young man who had walked two hundred miles to see him and have the prophet tell him what his duty was. This young man was Orson Pratt, brother of Parley P. Pratt.

Joseph received a revelation in which Orson was called to preach the gospel to the world; and this duty Orson Pratt did all his life.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SIDNEY RIGDON.]

Elder Pratt became one of the Twelve Apostles. He went on a great many missions in this country and to Europe, during which time he crossed the ocean sixteen times. He became one of the most learned men in the Church, and wrote many books on gospel subjects. Read the t.i.tle, or first page of the Book of Mormon and the book of Doctrine and Covenants and see what they say of Orson Pratt. Elder Pratt was one of the pioneers, he and Erastus Snow being the first two men of that company to enter Salt Lake Valley.

Another man who came to see Joseph while yet at Fayette was Sidney Rigdon, a former Campbellite preacher whom Parley P. Pratt had baptized at Kirtland. Elder Rigdon also became a prominent man in the Church, being first counselor to President Joseph Smith during the life time of the prophet. He took an active part in all the affairs of the Church up to within a few months of the prophet's death. He was greatly disappointed because he was not chosen to succeed Joseph as the leader of the Church, and soon after apostatized. He died outside the Church.

Thomas B. Marsh was the name of a man who came to Kirtland with the Church.

He became a leader among the Saints and was president of the first quorum of Twelve Apostles. Elder Marsh did much missionary work and suffered with the Saints in their persecution; but in 1838 he became dissatisfied and did some wicked things against his brethren. He was therefore cut off from the Church. Nineteen years after he came back and was baptized again. He came to Utah and lived at Ogden, where he died, a poor, broken-down man.

Topics.--1. The gathering. 2. The move to Ohio. 3. Orson Pratt. 4. Sidney Rigdon. 5. Thomas B. Marsh.

Questions and Review.--1. What is meant by the gathering? 2. Quote some scriptural pa.s.sage on the gathering. 3. Where was the first gathering place? 4. Locate Kirtland. 5. Tell about Joseph's first visit to Kirtland.

6. Who was Newel K. Whitney? 7. When did most of the Saints move to Kirtland? 8. Tell what you can about Orson Pratt? 9. Name some of his books. 10. What high position did Sidney Rigdon hold? 11. Why did he leave the Church? 12. Tell about Thomas B. Marsh.

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