Broken Bread Part 3

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Those of us who live in the country are reminded, as we see the springing corn, that some one has been at work--the blade comes from the buried seed. Honest work has been done before there can be seen the appearance of good.

Let those of us who work for the great harvest, be


Let us have nothing in the seed-basket that cannot be termed what Jesus called "The word of the kingdom." There will be no difficulty in obtaining that. Farmers don't stint the sower, and G.o.d will not withhold seed from His labourers. Let the youthful preacher be encouraged, for just as you have seen the sower fill his basket from the sack, so there is, in the Bible, enough for each, enough for all, enough for evermore.


"Put the Bible into them, my brother," said an earnest Scotch divine to us many years ago, and there is nothing grows as well, or yields as much, as the Bible, used as seed. People may tell you that they want something else, something more attractive and pleasing. Yes, but they won't say so in the time of harvest. You may plant your field with flower-seeds, sow tulips, marigolds, mignonette, &c., those will look very well in June and July, but how about September? The very people that asked for them in spring will curse you for them in autumn.


His love of righteousness, His hatred of evil; His love of man, but His dislike to sin; His delight in benevolence, but His determined hostility to wrong-doing. We need to show not only G.o.d's pity for sinners, but His inflexible justice, which did not spare His well-beloved Son, when He bore our sins.


Never mind being called legal, if you can back your preaching by the Bible. Put the truth into the people about honesty, industry, and self- denial. Let others spend their time in talking of the angels with bright wings of gold; let us teach men how G.o.d means them to live in this world.

Those of us who wish to learn how to sow, should study Jesus and Paul.

They are examples of what sowers should be.


"These things teach and exhort." One secret of the want of lasting success, is that we do not preach repentance. Men need to have right ideas on this subject. Those who have not repented cannot believe unto righteousness; they can believe unto feeling, but not to right doing! It is not a question so much of tears, as of turning away from sin. The greatest of penitents said, "I turned my feet unto thy testimonies."


That He died for us according to the scriptures. When the Master wished to take away the sadness from His disciples, as they walked to Emmaus, "He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself." This is what we must do. Put the truth, as it is in Jesus, into the hearts of the people. Let us show from the word of G.o.d, that "By His stripes we are healed." Nothing gives abiding peace like the thought, Christ has died for my sins. This will lead to loving Jesus, with the kind of affection which will not be tempted to grieve Him by doing that which is evil. Let us see to it that we get the seed in.


No preacher has done his work thoroughly who does not use the harrow.

There are some so-called teachers, who don't know what the gospel harrow is. This is why the catechism is not taught. The ancient plan of catechising in the church ought to be more general than it is. Why should we not hide the word of G.o.d in the hearts of our hearers, by causing them to think over what we have said? We may not be able to get them formally to answer questions, but we may make them think. Some preaching is like raking with the teeth upwards. It may be easier and more speedy, but it is not so likely to hide the seed. It is a good practice for those who have been listened to by others, to talk to themselves after the sermon or lesson is over, and to say, Soul, what hast thou done to-day? How many Bible truths hast thou put into the hearts of the people?


If thou didst, never fear but thou shalt see harvest some day. His word does not return void. This is not true of thy word, or of anyone else's, but "the word of the Lord abideth for ever!"


The prophet Micah was struck with the energy and devotion of the heathen to their G.o.ds. He saw the grip these idols had of their votaries, how no expense was spared, no sacrifice withheld, for the sake of a filthy lie embodied in a stone or golden image. While he listened to the songs of the heathen, his heart warmed as he thought of the greatness of Jehovah, and so he cried out--"All people will walk every one in the name of his G.o.d, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our G.o.d for ever and ever."--Micah iv. 5.

Why should we not serve Jehovah with the same intensity that the heathen shew in their wors.h.i.+p? Why should not holiness to the Lord be as enthusiastic and powerful in the lives of Christians as sin formerly was?

Why should not men be as much moved by the indwelling Spirit, as they were when full of drink? For instance, you may see, when a man is half drunk, how his pocket is opened; he will stand treat all round; every one in the room may have whatever he likes to order, "Give it a name!" says the drink-inspired heart. Now, we ask, why should not those who are under the power of the Holy Ghost go to some poor widows and "stand treat all round," by taking the fatherless children to some shop where their poor naked feet shall be well shod?

Shall we not have a shout over the perseverance and patient continuance of the converts? See the wors.h.i.+ppers of the race horse, as, whipped and spurred, the winner draws out from the ruck and the post first!

How the mad votaries of the gambling idol make the air ring with their cries! And shall not we be as interested as we see men and women contend successfully for "the prize?" Is not the cant sometimes on the side of those who are so anxious for what they call decorum? Let us like Micah, say, "WE WILL," too. How hard it is to win the heathen over to leave their false G.o.ds! And shall we not walk for ever and ever in Jehovah's name? Why should not Satan and all who help him regard efforts to make apostates as a forlorn hope? O for a strong grip of G.o.d! Do some of our readers feel their weakness, and tremble lest they should go back to the a.s.semblies of the heathen? Let us remind them of the promise--"I will strengthen them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in His name." (Zech. x. 12.)

Most of those who serve the devil mean to forsake him before they die.

They are self-deceived in many cases, and die as they live. Let us determine that "for ever and ever" shall be our motto. "Signed for life," as the teetotaler sometimes says. "This G.o.d is our G.o.d for ever and ever. He will be our guide even unto death." We need a guide all the way, till we come to the other side of Jordan. After then, no possibility of falling or loss; but though we shall need no guide, we shall delight in the Lord for ever. When this paper comes into the hands of our readers, the CONFERENCE will have begun its Sittings. Let every Methodist, from Dan to Beersheba, say, "We will sustain the new President with our prayers, as we did the man of G.o.d who went before him." And the Lord whom our fathers served shall rejoice in the energy and patient continuance of His people. He shall not complain that we worked harder and sacrificed more for the G.o.ds we served before, than we do for Him; but the heathen shall see signs of the greatness of Jehovah in the enthusiasm and perseverance of His people.


Two things are worthy of notice here. First, Hannah brought her son to G.o.d's house and left him there to minister. In this she kept the vow she had made (see verse 11). If all promises made in days of trouble were kept as this woman kept hers, there would be some wondrous changes. We must not suppose that Hannah did not feel the removal of her beloved son from her own home, but she made the sacrifice, and G.o.d honoured her to all time by recording her grat.i.tude in the Book of books, and made her son a national blessing.


He began to be a minister when a child, and he continued to be so to the end of his life. Few lives have been so honourable and honoured as his was. But it would not have been so if he had not continued to serve the G.o.d of his mother. Are there not some of our readers who are tempted to leave the Bible and Sunday school, and to turn their backs on the religion of their parents? Remember that to turn your back on the G.o.d of your mother is to h.o.a.rd up dishonour and misery for yourself and those dear to you, for what Hannah sang is yet true,



AMOS vii. 13.

"Go somewhere else and preach, you ignorant peasant! What do you come here for, spoiling our enjoyment, and keeping us awake at nights? Don't you know this is no common conventicle? It is the place where the king says his prayers! Away with you, or we will take off your head!" So said Amaziah, the priest, and so says many a one to-day. Cannot you let us rest in the enjoyment of our sins? You seem to forget that our G.o.d is made of


We are not common pot-house people! Preach against drunkenness, if you like; that is a sin which increases the rates! Preach against prost.i.tution, for we are afraid our sons will be entrapped some of these days. Preach against love of dress, or anything else that costs money, for we have to pay sadly too much to tailors and milliners for our children and wife; but let us alone, for our G.o.d is GOLD.

Now, Amos, what do you say to that? Won't you go home to Tekoa, and spend the rest of your time looking after the cattle? "Nay, verily, but till I die, I will make Jeroboam howl with rage and vexation of spirit, for he follows the sins of the man who made Israel to sin." It is the work of the preacher to bring h.e.l.l within sight of those, who, by their selfish love of gold, make others to sin. Let the king know that I will make him feel as though his crown was red hot. His honours shall burn him, and his food shall scorch his tongue. It is in the king's chapel where I will preach as I never preach anywhere else, for it is Jeroboam against whom I am sent.

O! Amos, lift up thy voice with strength against these wors.h.i.+ppers of golden calves! Remember thy spiritual ancestry. Forget not the prophet that came from Judah many a year ago. How he testified against that golden G.o.d, and how Jeroboam's arm was paralyzed when he would have had the prophet slain. Why are we so mealy-mouthed in denouncing these golden-idol men? Is not the wors.h.i.+p of money the hidden nourisher of public sin? Could the gin-palace exist but for the wors.h.i.+p of Mammon?

Could those streets of bad houses in London and other large towns flaunt their shame, were it not for high rents? They pay well! As sure as there is a G.o.d in heaven, shall these, who make money out of the sin of others, gnash their teeth in endless torment. Amos! He is in thy congregation! Do not preach to him of Heaven! but h.e.l.l! Thou art not talking to the prodigal son, but to those who have got his portion in their iron safe! Let them feel that h.e.l.l is moved to meet them, and that they are listening to one who has the Word of the Lord in his lips, which is--


And you who would stop Amos--Hear ye the Word of the Lord! There is an heritage of shame waiting for you. Amaziah! wouldest thou send the rough- tongued prophet away? "Thy wife shall be an harlot, and thou shalt die."

Shame while thou dost live, and a dishonoured grave, for this is the portion of those who would hinder faithful preachers from speaking the Word of the Lord to the men who are setting up GOLD FOR G.o.d.

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