Color Key to North American Birds Part 100

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TOWNSEND, C. H. Field-Notes on the Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles of Northern California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X, pp. 159-241; Birds, pp. 190-237; 261 species.--1888.... BRYANT, W. E. Birds and Eggs from the Farallon Islands. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 2nd Ser. I; 1887, pp. 25-50; 81 species.--1888. STREATOR, C. P. Notes on the Birds of the Santa Barbara Islands. Orn. and Ool., XIII, pp. 52-54.--1890. TOWNSEND, C. (See Lower California).--1890-91. KEELER, C. A. Geographical Distribution of Land Birds in California. Zoe, I, 1890, pp. 225-230; 257-260; 295-299; 337-343; 1891, 369-373.--1893. FISHER, A. K. Report on the Ornithology of the Death Valley Expedition N. A. Fauna, No. 7, pp. 7-158; 290 species.--1895. LOOMIS, L. M. California Water Birds.

No. 1--Monterey and Vicinity from the Middle of June to the end of August. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, V. pp. 177-224; map; 44 species.--1896. LOOMIS, L. M. California Water Birds, No. II. Vicinity of Monterey in Midwinter. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, VI, pp. 1-30; 1 map; 43 species. III, South Farallon in July, Ibid., pp. 353-366; 2 maps; 10 species.--1896. MERRIAM, F. A. A-birding on a Bronco [in San Diego Co.] 16mo, pp. x+226; ills. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.--1897.

BARLOW, C. The Story of the Farallones. Ob. 16mo, 32 pp. ills. H. R.

Taylor, Alameda.--1897. GRINNELL, J. Report on Birds Recorded during a Visit to the Islands of Santa Barbara, San Nicolas, and San Clemente in the spring of 1897; pp. 26.--1898. GRINNELL, J. Birds of the Pacific Slope of Los Angeles County. Pub. No. II, Pasadena Acad. Sci., pp. 52; 300 species.--1898. GRINNELL, J. Land Birds Observed in Midwinter on Santa Catalina Island, California. Auk, XV, pp. 233-236; 29 species.--1899. KEELER, C. A. Bird Notes Afield. 12mo, pp. viii+353.

D. P. Elder & Morgan Sheppard, San Francisco.--1899. MERRIAM, C. H.

Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, California. North American Fauna, No. 16, Birds, pp. 109-134; 136 species.--1900.

LOOMIS, L. M. California Water Birds. No. IV. Vicinity of Monterey in Autumn. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 3d Ser. II, pp. 277-322; 1 map; 42 species. V. Vicinity of Monterey in May and Early June, Ibid., pp. 349-363; 36 species.--1900. MAILLARD, J. Land Birds of Marin County, Cal. The Condor, II, pp. 62-68; 137 species.--1900. SWARTH, H. S. Avifauna of a 100-acre Ranch [at Los Angeles]. The Condor, II, pp. 14-16; 37-41; 175 species.--1901. BARLOW, C. A List of the Land Birds of the Placerville-Lake Tahoe Stage Road. The Condor, III, pp. 151-184; 130 species.--1901. MAILLARD, J. and J W. Birds Recorded at Paicines, San Benito Co., California. The Condor, III, pp. 120-127; 168 species.--1901. McGREGOR, R. C. A List of the Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, California. Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 2. Cooper Orn.

Club, pp. 22; 139 species.--1902. FISHER, W. K. The Redwood Belt of Northwestern California. The Condor, IV, Faunal Peculiarities, pp. 111-114; Land-Birds, 131-135; 63 species.--1902. FISHER, W. K.

List of Birds of Santa Clara Valley and Santa Cruz Mountains, exclusive of Water-Birds. Bailey's Handbook of Birds of the Western United States, pp. li-lvi; 147 species.--1902. GRINNELL, J. Check-List of California Birds. Pacific Coast Avifauna, No. 3, Cooper Orn. Club, 92 pp.; 2 maps; 491 species.--1902. GRINNELL, J. List of Birds to be looked for in the Vicinity of Pasadena. Bailey's Handbook of Birds of the Western United States, pp. lvi-lxiv; 191 species.--1902. KOBBE, W. H. List of Water Birds of San Francis...o...b..y. Bailey's Handbook of Birds of the Western United States, pp. lviii-1; 91 species.--1903. ANDERSON, M. P., and GRINNELL, J. Birds of the Siskiyou Mountains, California: A Problem in Distribution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 4-15; 43 species.--1903. KAEDING, H. B. Bird-Life on the Farallones.

The Condor, V, pp. 121-127; 17 species.--1903. RAY, M. S. A List of Land Birds of Lake Valley, Central Sierra Nevada Mountains, California.

The Auk, pp. 180-193; 109 species.--1903. STEPHENS, F. Bird Notes from Eastern California and Western Arizona. The Condor, V, pp. 75-78; 100-105; 119 species.--1904. EMERSON, W. O. The Farallones Revisited, 1887-1903. The Condor, VI, pp. 61-67.--1904. RAY, M. S. A Fortnight on the Farallones. The Auk, XXI, pp. 425-442; 14 species.--1904. WHEELOCK, J. G. Birds of California: An Introduction to more than Three Hundred Common Birds of the State and Adjacent Islands. 12mo. xxviii+578 pp.; ills. A. C. McClurg & Co.--1905. GRINNELL, J. Summer Birds of Mount Pinos, California. The Auk, XXII, pp. 378-391; 73 species.--1906.

DIXON, J. Land Birds of San Onofre, California. The Condor, VIII, pp. 91-98; 63 species.--1906. RAY, M. S. Summer Birds of San Francisco County, California. The Condor, VIII, pp. 42-44; 44 species.--1907.

BEAL, F. E. L. Birds of California in Relation to the Fruit Industry.

Bull. No. 30, Biological Survey, pp. 100.--1908. GOLDMAN, E. A. Summer Birds of the Tulare Lake Region. The Condor, X, pp. 200-205; 83 species.--1908. GRINNELL, J. The Biota of the San Bernardino Mountains.

Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. V, I, 170 pp. xxiv plls. Birds, pp. 50-54; 139 species.--1908. HOLLISTER, N. Birds of the Region about Needles, California. The Auk, XXV, pp. 455-462; 66 species.--1910. BECK, R. H.

Water Birds of the Vicinity of Point Pinos, California. Proc. Cal.

Acad. Sci., Ser. 4, III, pp. 57-72; 94 species.--1908. LINTON, C. B.

Notes from San Clemente Island. The Condor, X, pp. 82-86; 58 species.--1908. LINTON, C. B. Notes from Santa Cruz Island. The Condor, X, pp. 124-129; 88 species (See also Ibid, XIII, pp. 208-210).--1911.

DAWSON, W. L. Another Fortnight on the Farallones. The Condor, XIII, pp. 171-183; 43 species.--1911. VAN ROSSEM, A. Winter Birds of the Salton Sea Region. The Condor, XIII, pp. 129-137; 72 species.--1912.

LAMB, C. Birds of Mohave Desert Oasis. The Condor, XIV, pp. 32-40; 133 species.--1912. WILLETT, G. Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern California, Pacific Coast Avifauna No. 7. Cooper Orn. Club, pp. 122; 377 species.--1912. GRINNELL, J. A Systematic List of the Birds of California. Ibid., No. 8, pp. 23; 530 species.


1872. AIKEN, C. E., and HOLDEN, C. H. Jr. (See Wyoming).--1873.

RIDGWAY, R. The Birds of Colorado. Bull. Ess.e.x Inst. V, pp. 174-195.

Distribution tables and 243 species. Based on the Observations of C.

E. Aiken.--1874. YARROW, H. C., and HENSHAW, H. W. (See Utah).--1881.

DREW, F. M. Field Notes on the Birds of San Juan Co. Colorado. Bull.

Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, pp 85-91; 138-143; 104 species.--1883. ALLEN, J.

A., and BREWSTER, W. List of Birds Observed in the Vicinity of Colorado Springs, Colorado, During March, April, and May, 1882. Bull.

N. O. C. VIII, pp. 151-161; 189-198; 134 species.--1885. DREW, F. On the Vertical Range of Birds in Colorado. Auk, II, pp. 11-18; 277 species. (See also 10 additions by H. Smith, Jr., and A. W. Anthony, Ibid., III, 1886, pp. 284-286, and also 20 species by P. M. Thorne, Ibid., IV, 1887, pp. 264, 265).--1885. HOFFMAN, W. J. (See Montana).--1888-90. MORRISON, C. F. A List of the Birds of Colorado.

Orn. and Ool., XIII, pp. 145, 148, 165-168, 181-183; XIV, 1889, pp.

6-9 65-68, 145-150; XV, 1890, pp. 36-38. ("To be continued.") 233 species to _Junco_, inclusive.--1890. KELLOGG, V. L. Summer Birds of Estes Park, Colorado, Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. XII, pp.

80-90.--1897. COOKE, W. W. The Birds of Colorado. Bull. 37, State Agricultural College, Ft. Collins, pp. 144; 360 species; bibliography (See also 1898, Bull. 44, first appendix, 1900, Bull. No. 56, second appendix; and 1909. The Auk, pp. 400-422, third supplement, increasing total number of species to 397).--1902. KEYSER, L. S. Birds of the Rockies. With a Complete Check-List of Colorado Birds. 8vo, xii+355 pp; ills. McClurg, Chicago.--1908. ROCKWELL, R. B. An Annotated List of the Birds of Mesa County, Colorado. The Condor, X, pp. 152-180; 203 species.--1908. WARREN, E. R. Northwestern Colorado Bird Notes.

The Condor, X, pp. 18-26; 93 species.--1909. FELGER, A. H. Annotated List of the Water Birds of Weld, Morgan and Adams Counties, Colorado, south to the first sectional line below the Fortieth Parallel. The Auk, XXVI, pp. 272-291; 3 maps; 107 species, (see also Hersey, L. J.

and Rockwell, R. B. The Condor, XI, 1909, pp. 110-122, and Rockwell, Ibid., XIV, pp. 117-131).--1909. HENDERSON, J. An Annotated List of the Birds of Boulder Co., Colorado. Univ. Colo., Studies, VI, pp. 219-242--1910.--FELGER, A. H. Birds and Mammals of Northwestern Colorado, Univ. Studies Colo. Mus., VII, 2, pp. 132-146; 133 species.--1910. WARREN, E. R. Some Central Colorado Bird Notes. The Condor, XII, pp. 23-39; 127 species.--1911. WIDMANN, O. List of Birds Observed in Estes Park, Colorado, from June 10, to July 18, 1910. The Auk, XXVIII, pp. 304-319; 90 species.--1912. COOKE, W. W. The Present Status of the Colorado Check-List of Birds. The Condor, XIV, pp.

147-153. Admits 403 species.--1912. SCLATER, W. L. A History of the Birds of Colorado. Witherby & Co., London, 8vo, pp. xxiv+576; plls. xvii; 392 species; important.


1843. LINSLEY, J. H. A Catalogue of the Birds of Connecticut. Am.

Journ. Sci. and Arts, XLIV, pp. 249-274, 302 species. See also Ibid., XLVI, 1844, pp. 50, 51.--1877. MERRIAM, C. H. A Review of the Birds of Connecticut, with Remarks on their Habits. Trans, of the Conn. Acad., IV, pp. 1-165; 292 species.--1887. PLATT, F. A List of the Birds of Meriden, Conn. Trans. Meriden Scientific a.s.soc, II, 1885-86, pp. 30-53; III, p. 41; 116 species.--1892. AVERILL, C. K., JR., List of Birds Found in the Vicinity of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Bridgeport Scientific Society, 8vo, pp. 1-19, 246 species.--1906. CHAPMAN, F. M.

(See New York).--1908. COMMITTEE. A List of the Birds of the New Haven Region. Bull. No. 1, New Haven Bird Club, pp. 1-32; 217 species.


1875. GRINNELL, G. B. Report of a Reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota, made in the summer of 1874. By William Ludlow. Chapter II.

Birds, pp. 85-102; 110 species.--1875. HOFFMAN, W. J. List of Birds Observed at Grand River Agency, Dakota Ter., from October 7th, 1872, to June 7th, 1873. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, pp. 169-175; 79 species.--1877. McCHESNEY, C. E., M. D. Birds of the Coteau des Prairies of Eastern Dakota. Forest and Stream, VIII, pp. 176, 177, 192, 224, 225, 241, 242, 261; 102 species.--1901-2. BENT, A. C.

Nesting habits of the Anatidae in North Dakota. Auk, XVIII, pp; 328-336; XIX, pp. 11-12; 165-174; 16 species.--1908. REAGAN, A. B.

The Birds of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota. The Auk, XXV, pp. 462-467; 108 species.--1909. VISHER, S. S. A List of the Birds of western South Dakota. The Auk, XXVI, pp. 144-153; 194 species.--1911. VISHER, S. S. Annotated List of the Birds of Harding County, Northwestern South Dakota. The Auk, XXVIII, pp. 5-16; 154 species.


1905. RHOADS, S. N., and PENNOCK, C. J. Birds of Delaware: A Preliminary List. Auk, XXII, 1905, pp. 194-205; 211 species. (See also Auk, XXV, 1908, pp. 282-288.)--1897-1908. STONE, W., Editor. Numerous Notes on Delaware Birds. Proc. Del. Valley Orn. Club, Phila.


1883. COUES, E. and PRENTISS, D. W. Avifauna Columbiana, Second Edition. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. No. 26, 8vo, pp. 1-133, many woodcuts, 4 maps, 248 species.--1888. RICHMOND, C. W. An Annotated List of Birds Breeding in the District of Columbia. Auk, V, pp. 18-25; 100 species.--1888. SMITH, HUGH M., and PALMER, WILLIAM. Additions to the Avifauna of Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C., and Vicinity. Auk, V, pp. 147, 148. Adds 12 species to Coues' and Prentiss' list of 1883.--1898. MAYNARD, L. W.

Birds of Was.h.i.+ngton and Vicinity, with Introduction by Florence A.

Merriam. 12mo. 204 pp. Was.h.i.+ngton, D. C. 291 species.


1883. BAILEY, H. B. Memoranda of a Collection of Eggs from Georgia.

Bull. N. O. C., VIII, pp. 37-43; 104 species--1903. SMITH, R. S.

Birds of Kirkwood, De Kalb Co., Ga. Wilson Bull., XV, pp. 49-59; 125 species.--1909. HOWELL, A. H. Notes on the Summer Birds of Northern Georgia. Auk, XXVI, pp. 129-137; 76 species.


1871. ALLEN, J. A. On the Mammals and Winter Birds of East Florida.

Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., II, pp. 161-450, pll. ix-xiii; 181 species.--1888. CHAPMAN, F. M. A List of Birds Observed at Gainesville, Florida. Auk, V, pp. 267-277; 149 species.--1888-90. SCOTT, W. E. D.

A Summary of Observations on the Birds of the Gulf Coast of Florida.

Auk, V, pp. 373-379; VI, pp. 13-18, 152-160, 245-252, 318-326; VII, pp. 14-22, 114-120; 262 species.--1890. SCOTT, W. E. D. On Birds Observed at the Dry Tortugas, Florida, during parts of March and April, 1890. Auk, VII, pp. 301-314; 80 species.--1891. BREWSTER, W., and CHAPMAN, F. M. Notes on the Birds of the Lower Suwanee River. Auk, VIII, pp. 125-138; 116 species. (See also Brewster, Ibid., pp. 149-157.)--1892. SCOTT, W. E. D. Notes on the Birds of the Caloosahatchie Region of Florida. Auk, IX, pp. 209-218, 259 species.--1895. WAYNE, A. T. Notes on the Birds of the Wacissa and Aucilla River Regions of Florida. Auk, XII, 1895, pp. 362-367; 161 species.--1896. CORY, C. B. Hunting and Fis.h.i.+ng in Florida with a Key to the Water Birds of the State.--1904. WILLIAMS, R. W., JR. A Preliminary List of the Birds of Leon County, Florida. Auk, XXI, 1904, pp. 449-462; 156 species. (See also Ibid., XXIII, pp. 153-161; XXIV, pp. 158, 159.)--1906. FOWLER, H. W. Birds Observed in June in the Florida Keys. Auk, XXIII, pp. 396-400; 33 species.


1891. MERRIAM, C. H. Results of a Biological Reconnaissance of Idaho, south of lat.i.tude 45 and east of the thirty-eighth Meridian made during the summer of 1890. N. A. Fauna, No. 5. Annotated List of Birds Observed in Idaho during the Summer and Fall of 1890, with Notes on Species previously Recorded from the State, pp. 90-108; 157 species.--1897-8. MERRILL, J. C. Notes on the Birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho. Auk, XIV, pp. 347-357, XV, pp. 14-22; 159 species.


1855. KENNICOTT, R. Catalogue of Animals Observed in Cook County.

Illinois. Trans. Ill., State Agric. Soc. for 1853-54, I, Birds, pp. 580-589; 187 species.--1868. ALLEN, J. A. (See Iowa).--1874.

RIDGWAY, R. Catalogue of the Birds Ascertained to Occur in Illinois.

Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, pp. 364-394; 311 species.--1876. NELSON, E. W. Birds of Northeastern Illinois. Bull. Ess.e.x Inst., VIII, pp. 90-155; 316 species.--1877. NELSON, E. W. Notes upon Birds Observed in Southern Illinois, between July 17 and September 4, 1875. Bull.

Ess.e.x. Inst., IX, pp. 32-65; 133 species.--1881. RIDGWAY, R. A. Revised Catalogue of the Birds Ascertained to Occur in Illinois. Ills. State Lab. Nat. Hist., Bull. No. 4, pp. 161-208; 352 species.--1884. COOKE, W. W. Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley, Southern Illinois.

Forest and Stream, XXIII, pp. 444, 445, 463, 464; 144 species based on Ridgway's list of 1881, and observations of Cyrus W. Butler in the vicinity of Anna, Ills., during December, 1882, and January 1883.--1887. RIDGWAY, R. List of the Birds Found Breeding Within the Corporate Limits of Mt. Carmel, Illinois. Bull. No. 2, Ridgway Orn.

Club, pp. 26-35; 85 species.--1890-1895. RIDGWAY, R. The Ornithology of Illinois. Roy. 8vo, Vol. I, 1890, 520 pp., 32 plls. Land-birds to Gallinae; Vol. II, 1895, 282 pp., 33 plls. Gallinae and Water-birds; 363 species.--1891. LOUCKS, W. E. List of Birds Found Breeding in the Vicinity of Peoria, Illinois. The Oologist, VIII, pp. 224-226; 80 species.--1904. WALTER, H. E. and A. W. Wild Birds in City Parks.

Rev. Ed., Chicago. 16mo, 66 pp.; 145 species.--1907. WOODRUFF, F. M.

The Birds of the Chicago Area. Chicago Acad. Sci. Bull. VI. Nat. Hist.

Surv., 221 pp., 12 plls.; 318 species.--1909. CORY, C. B. Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. Field Museum, Zool. Ser. IX, 8vo. 764 pp. many ills.; 398 species.--1910. HESS, I. E. One Hundred Breeding Birds of an Illinois Ten-Mile Radius. Auk, XXVII, pp. 19-32.

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