Freshwater Sponges, Hydroids & Polyzoa Part 8

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1883. VEJDOVSKY, "Die Susswa.s.serschwamme Bohmens," Abh. Kon. Bohm. Ges.

Wiss. (math.-natur., xii, pp. 1-43, pls. i-iii.

1887. VOSMAER, "Spongien (Porifera)," in Bronn's Thier-Reichs.

1887. POTTS, "Contributions towards a synopsis of the American forms of Fresh-Water Sponges, with descriptions of those named by other authors and from all parts of the world," P. Ac. Philad. pp. 158-279, pls.


1887. VEJDOVSKY, "Diagnosis of the European Spongillidae," _ibid._ pp.


1888. WIERZEJSKI, "Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Susswa.s.serschwamme," Verh.

k.-k. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, x.x.xviii, pp. 529-536, pl. xii.

1891. WELTNER, in Zacharias's Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Susswa.s.sers: I, Die Susswa.s.serschwamme.

1895. WELTNER, "Spongillidenstudien, III," Arch. Naturg. Berlin, lxi (i), pp. 114-144.

1895. KORSCHELT and HEIDER, Text-book of the Embryology of Invertebrates: English edition, prepared by E. L. Mark and W. McM.

Woodworth, Vol. I, chap. i.

1900. MINCHIN, Sponges--Phylum Porifera in Lankester's "Treatise on Zoology," ii.

1905. KuKENTHAL, W., Leitfaden fur das Zoologische Praktik.u.m (3rd Ed., Jena), 2. Kursus: Porifera, Schwamme, p. 31.

1906. SOLLAS, I. B. J., Cambridge Natural History--I. Porifera (Sponges).

1909. WELTNER, "Spongillidae, Susswa.s.serschwamme," in Brauer's "Die Susswa.s.serfauna Deutschlands," Heft xix, pp. 177-190.

1910. LLOYD, An Introduction to Biology for Students in India.

(b) _Special Memoirs on Anatomy, Physiology, and Development._

1844. LAURENT, "Recherches sur l'Hydre et l'Eponge d'eau douce," Voyage de la Bonite, ii, pp. 113-276.

1854. CARTER, "Zoosperms in _Spongilla_," Ann. Nat. Hist. (2) xiv, pp.

334-336, pl. xi, figs. 1-6.

1857. CARTER, "On the ultimate structure of _Spongilla_, and additional notes on Freshwater Infusoria," Ann. Nat. Hist. (2) xx, pp. 21-41, pl.

i, figs. 1-11.

1859. CARTER, "On the ident.i.ty in structure and composition of the so-called 'seed-like body' of _Spongilla_ with the winter-egg of the Bryozoa, and the presence of starch-granules in each," Ann. Nat. Hist.

(3) iii, pp. 331-343, pl. viii.

1859. LIEBERKuHN, "Neue Beitrage zur Anatomie der Spongien," Arch. Anat.

Phys. J. Muller, pp. 374-375, 526-528.

1871. CARTER, "Discovery of the animal of the Spongiadae confirmed," Ann.

Nat. Hist. (4) vii, p. 445.

1871. HAECKEL, "Ueber die s.e.xuelle Fortpflanzung und das naturliche System der Schwamme," Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Naturw. vi, pp. 643, 645.

1874. CARTER, "On the nature of the seed-like body of _Spongilla_; on the origin of the mother-cell of the spicule; and on the presence of spermatozoa in the _Spongida_," Ann. Nat. Hist. (4) xiv, pp. 97-111.

1874. LANKESTER, E. RAY, "The mode of occurrence of chlorophyll in _Spongilla_," Q. J. Micr. Sci. xiv, pp. 400-401.

1875. SORBY, H., "On the Chromatological relations of _Spongilla fluviatilis_," Q. J. Micr. Sci. xv, pp. 47-52.

1878. GANIN, "Zur Entwickelung der _Spongilla fluviatilis_," Zool. Anz.

I, pp. 195-199.

1882. CARTER, "Spermatozoa, polygonal cell-structure, and the green colour in _Spongilla_, together with a new species," Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) x, pp. 362-372, pl. 16.

1882. GEDDES, "Further researches on animals containing chlorophyll,"

Nature, xxv, pp. 303-305, 361-362.

1882. LANKESTER, E. RAY, "On the chlorophyll-corpuscles and amyloid deposits of _Spongilla_ and _Hydra_," Q. J. Micr. Sci. xxii (n. s.), pp.

229-254, pl. xx.

1883. MARSHALL, W., "Einige vorlautige Bemerkungen uber die Gemmula der Susswa.s.serschwamme," Zool. Anz. vi, pp. 630-634, 648-652.

1884. CARTER, "The branched and unbranched forms of the Freshwater Sponges considered generally," Ann. Nat. Hist. (5) xiii, pp. 269-273.

1884. MARSHALL, W., "Vorlautige Bemerkungen uber die Fortpflanzungsverhaltnisse von _Spongilla lacustris_," Ber. Naturf. Ges.

Leipzig,* pp. 22-29.

1884. POTTS, "Freshwater Sponges as improbable causes of the pollution of river-water," P. Ac. Philad. pp. 28-30.

1885. SCHULZE, F. E., "uber das Verhaltniss der Spongien zu den Choanoflagellaten," SB. preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 179-191.

1886. GOETTE, Untersuchungen zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von _Spongilla fluviatilis_*, Hamburg und Leipzig (5 plates).

1886. WIERZEJSKI, "Le developpement des Gemmules des Eponges d'eau douce d'Europe," Arch. Slaves Biologie, i, pp. 26-47 (1 plate).

1887. CARTER, "On the reproductive elements of the _Spongida_," Ann.

Nat. Hist. (5) xix, pp. 350-360.

1889. MAAS, "Zur Metamorphose der Spongillalarve," Zool. Anz. xii, pp.


1890. MAAS, "Ueber die Entwickelung des Susswa.s.serschwammes," Zeitschr.

Wiss. Zool. 1, pp. 527-554, pls. xxii, xxiii.

1890. WEBER, M. et Mme. A., "Quelques nouveau cas de Symbiose," Zool.

Ergebn. einer Reise Niederland. Ost-Indien, i, pp. 48-72, pl. v.

1892. ZYKOFF, "Die Entwicklung der Gemmula der _Ephydatia fluviatilis_ auct.," Zool. Anz. xv, pp. 95-96.

1892. ZYKOFF, "Die Bildung der Gemmula bei _Ephydatia Fluviatilis_," Revue Sc. Nat. Soc. St. Petersbourg,* pp. 342-344.

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