British Socialism Part 64

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ROSCHER: _Politik._ Cotta. Stuttgart. 1893.

ROSCHER: _System der Volkswirtschaft._ Cotta. Stuttgart. 1906.

ROTHSTEIN, TH.: _Socialist Annual._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

ROWNTREE, S.: _Poverty._ Macmillan & Co. London. 1903.

ROWNTREE and SHERWELL: _The Temperance Problem._ Hodder & Stoughton.

London. 1901.

SCHaFFLE: _The Impossibility of Social Democracy._ Swan Sonnenschein. London.

SCHaFFLE: _The Quintessence of Socialism._ Swan Sonnenschein. 1902.

_S.D.F. Song-Book._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

SHAW, BERNARD: _The Fabian Society and its Early History._ Fabian Society. London. 1892.

SHAW, BERNARD: _The Impossibilities of Anarchism._ Fabian Society.

London. 1893.

SHAW, BERNARD: _Socialism for Millionaires._ Fabian Society. 1901.

SHORT, A.W.: Milk Supply._ Independent Labour Party.


_Should the Working Cla.s.s Support the Liberal Party?_ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1906.

SIMKHOWITSCH: _Die Feldgemeinschaft._ 1898.

_S.L.P. Bulletin._ (Periodical.) Socialist Labour Press. Edinburgh.


SMART, H. RUSSELL: _The Right to Work._ Independent Labour Party.


SMART, H. RUSSELL: _Socialism and the Budget._ Independent Labour Party. London.

SNELL, HARRY: _Secular Education the Only Way._ Independent Labour Party. London.

SNOWDEN, ETHEL: _The Woman Socialist._ George Allen. London. 1907.

SNOWDEN, PHILIP: _The Christ that is to be._ Independent Labour Party. London.

SNOWDEN, PHILIP: _The Individual under Socialism._ Independent Labour Party. London.

SNOWDEN, PHILIP: _Old Age Pensions._ Independent Labour Party.


SNOWDEN, PHILIP: _A Straight Talk to Ratepayers._ Independent Labour Party. London.

SNOWDEN, PHILIP: _The Socialists' Budget._ George Allen. London.


_The Social Crusade._ (Periodical.) Bradford.

_Social Democrat._ (Monthly Magazine.) Twentieth Century Press.


_Social-Democratic Federation Annual Conference._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1906 and 1907.

_Social-Democratic Federation Programme and Rules._ Social-Democratic Federation. London. 1906.

_Socialism: a Cancerous Growth._ Coventry Clarion Fellows.h.i.+p.

Coventry. 1907.

_Socialism: For and Against._ Independent Labour Party. Stockport.


_Socialism and Labour Policy._ Fabian Society. London. 1906.

_Socialism and the Single Tax: a Debate between Mr. W.C. Wright and H. Quelch._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

_Socialism and Trade Unionism: Wherein do they Differ?_ Issued by Socialistic Group of the London Society of Compositors. Twentieth Century Press. London.

_Socialism made Plain, and the Unemployed._ Twentieth Century Press.

London. 1895.

_Socialist, The._ (Monthly Paper.) Organ of the Socialist Labour Party. Edinburgh.

_Socialist Annual, The._ Social-Democratic Federation. London.

_Socialist Party of Great Britain: Manifesto and Declaration of Principles._ Socialist Party of Great Britain. London.

_Socialist Ritual, A._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1893.

_Socialist Standard._ (Monthly Newspaper.) Organ of the Socialist Party of Great Britain. London.

_Some Objections to Socialism Considered and Answered._ Twentieth Century Press. London. 1907.

_Some Socialistic Proposals: a Brief a.n.a.lysis._ London Society. London.

_Songs of the Social Revolution._ Twentieth Century Press. London.

SORGE, F.A.: _Socialism and the Worker._ Twentieth Century Press.

London. 1906.

SOWERBY, W.: _The Agricultural Deadlock._ Clarion Newspaper Co.

London. 1896.

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