Troilus and Criseyde Part 3

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Thus wol she seyn, and al the toun at ones, "The wrecche is deed, the devel have his bones!" 805

'Thou mayst allone here wepe and crye and knele; But, love a woman that she woot it nought, And she wol quyte that thou shalt not fele; Unknowe, unkist, and lost that is un-sought.

What! Many a man hath love ful dere y-bought 810 Twenty winter that his lady wiste, That never yet his lady mouth he kiste.

'What? Shulde be therfor fallen in despeyr, Or be recreaunt for his owene tene, Or sleen him-self, al be his lady fayr? 815 Nay, nay, but ever in oon be fresh and grene To serve and love his dere hertes quene, And thenke it is a guerdoun hir to serve A thousand-fold more than he can deserve.'

Of that word took hede Troilus, 820 And thoughte anoon what folye he was inne, And how that sooth him seyde Pandarus, That for to sleen him-self mighte he not winne, But bothe doon unmanhod and a sinne, And of his deeth his lady nought to wyte; 825 For of his wo, G.o.d woot, she knew ful lyte.

And with that thought he gan ful sore syke, And seyde, 'Allas! What is me best to do?'

To whom Pandare answered, 'If thee lyke, The best is that thou telle me thy wo; 830 And have my trouthe, but thou it finde so, I be thy bote, or that it be ful longe, To peces do me drawe, and sithen honge!'

'Ye, so thou seyst,' quod Troilus tho, 'allas!

But, G.o.d wot, it is not the rather so; 835 Ful hard were it to helpen in this cas, For wel finde I that Fortune is my fo, Ne alle the men that ryden conne or go May of hir cruel wheel the harm withstonde; For, as hir list, she pleyeth with free and bonde.' 840

Quod Pandarus, 'Than blamestow Fortune For thou art wrooth, ye, now at erst I see; Wostow nat wel that Fortune is commune To every maner wight in som degree?

And yet thou hast this comfort, lo, pardee! 845 That, as hir Ioyes moten over-goon, So mote hir sorwes pa.s.sen everichoon.

'For if hir wheel stinte any-thing to torne, Than cessed she Fortune anoon to be: Now, sith hir wheel by no wey may soiorne, 850 What wostow if hir mutabilitee Right as thy-selven list, wol doon by thee, Or that she be not fer fro thyn helpinge?

Paraunter, thou hast cause for to singe!

'And therfor wostow what I thee beseche? 855 Lat be thy wo and turning to the grounde; For who-so list have helping of his leche, To him bihoveth first unwrye his wounde.

To Cerberus in h.e.l.le ay be I bounde, Were it for my suster, al thy sorwe, 860 By my wil, she sholde al be thyn to-morwe.

'Loke up, I seye, and tel me what she is Anoon, that I may goon aboute thy nede; Knowe ich hir ought? For my love, tel me this; Than wolde I hopen rather for to spede.' 865 Tho gan the veyne of Troilus to blede, For he was. .h.i.t, and wex al reed for shame; 'A ha!' quod Pandare, 'Here biginneth game!'

And with that word he gan him for to shake, And seyde, 'Theef, thou shalt hir name telle.' 870 But tho gan sely Troilus for to quake As though men sholde han led him in-to h.e.l.le, And seyde, 'Allas! Of al my wo the welle, Than is my swete fo called Criseyde!'

And wel nigh with the word for fere he deyde. 875

And whan that Pandare herde hir name nevene, Lord, he was glad, and seyde, 'Freend so dere, Now fare a-right, for Ioves name in hevene, Love hath biset the wel, be of good chere; For of good name and wysdom and manere 880 She hath y-nough, and eek of gentilesse; If she be fayr, thou wost thy-self, I gesse,

'Ne I never saw a more bountevous Of hir estat, ne a gladder, ne of speche A freendlier, ne a more gracious 885 For to do wel, ne hadde nede to seche What for to doon; and al this bet to eche, In honour, to as fer as she may strecche, A kinges herte semeth by hirs a wrecche.

'And for-thy loke of good comfort thou be; 890 For certeinly, the firste poynt is this Of n.o.ble corage and wel ordeyne, A man to have pees with him-self, y-wis; So oughtest thou, for nought but good it is To loven wel, and in a worthy place; 895 Thee oghte not to clepe it hap, but grace.

'And also thenk, and ther-with glade thee, That sith thy lady vertuous is al, So folweth it that ther is som pitee Amonges alle thise othere in general; 900 And for-thy see that thou, in special, Requere nought that is ayein hir name; For vertue streccheth not him-self to shame.

'But wel is me that ever that I was born, That thou biset art in so good a place; 905 For by my trouthe, in love I dorste have sworn, Thee sholde never han tid thus fayr a grace; And wostow why? For thou were wont to chace At Love in scorn, and for despyt him calle "Seynt Idiot, lord of thise foles alle." 910

'How often hastow maad thy nyce Iapes, And seyd, that loves servants everichone Of nycetee been verray G.o.ddes apes; And some wolde monche hir mete alone, Ligging a-bedde, and make hem for to grone; 915 And som, thou seydest, hadde a blaunche fevere, And preydest G.o.d he sholde never kevere.

'And som of hem tok on hem, for the colde, More than y-nough, so seydestow ful ofte; And som han feyned ofte tyme, and tolde 920 How that they wake, whan they slepen softe; And thus they wolde han brought hem-self a-lofte, And nathelees were under at the laste; Thus seydestow, and Iapedest ful faste.

'Yet seydestow, that, for the more part, 925 These loveres wolden speke in general, And thoughten that it was a siker art, For fayling, for to a.s.sayen over-al.

Now may I iape of thee, if that I shal!

But nathelees, though that I sholde deye, 930 That thou art noon of tho, that dorste I seye.

'Now beet thy brest, and sey to G.o.d of love, "Thy grace, lord! For now I me repente If I mis spak, for now my-self I love:"

Thus sey with al thyn herte in good entente.' 935 Quod Troilus, 'A! Lord! I me consente, And prey to thee my Iapes thou foryive, And I shal never-more whyl I live.'

'Thou seyst wel,' quod Pandare, 'and now I hope That thou the G.o.ddes wraththe hast al apesed; 940 And sithen thou hast wepen many a drope, And seyd swich thing wher-with thy G.o.d is plesed, Now wolde never G.o.d but thou were esed; And think wel, she of whom rist al thy wo Here-after may thy comfort been al-so. 945

'For thilke ground, that bereth the wedes wikke, Bereth eek thise holsom herbes, as ful ofte Next the foule netle, rough and thikke, The rose waxeth swote and smothe and softe; And next the valey is the hil a-lofte; 950 And next the derke night the glade morwe; And also Ioye is next the fyn of sorwe.

'Now loke that atempre be thy brydel, And, for the beste, ay suffre to the tyde, Or elles al our labour is on ydel; 955 He hasteth wel that wysly can abyde; Be diligent, and trewe, and ay wel hyde.

Be l.u.s.ty, free, persevere in thy servyse, And al is wel, if thou werke in this wyse.

'But he that parted is in every place 960 Is no-wher hool, as writen clerkes wyse; What wonder is, though swich oon have no grace?

Eek wostow how it fareth of som servyse?

As plaunte a tre or herbe, in sondry wyse, And on the morwe pulle it up as blyve, 965 No wonder is, though it may never thryve.

'And sith that G.o.d of love hath thee bistowed In place digne un-to thy worthinesse, Stond faste, for to good port hastow rowed; And of thy-self, for any hevinesse, 970 Hope alwey wel; for, but-if drerinesse Or over-haste our bothe labour shende, I hope of this to maken a good ende.

'And wostow why I am the a-fered Of this matere with my nece trete? 975 For this have I herd seyd of wyse y-lered, "Was never man ne woman yet bigete That was unapt to suffren loves hete, Celestial, or elles love of kinde;"

For-thy som grace I hope in hir to finde. 980

'And for to speke of hir in special, Hir beautee to bithinken and hir youthe, It sit hir nought to be celestial As yet, though that hir liste bothe and couthe; But trewely, it sete hir wel right nouthe 985 A worthy knight to loven and cheryce, And but she do, I holde it for a vyce.

'Wherfore I am, and wol be, ay redy To peyne me to do yow this servyse; For bothe yow to plese thus hope I 990 Her-afterward; for ye beth bothe wyse, And conne it counseyl kepe in swich a wyse That no man shal the wyser of it be; And so we may be gladed alle three.

'And, by my trouthe, I have right now of thee 995 A good conceyt in my wit, as I gesse, And what it is, I wol now that thou see.

I thenke, sith that love, of his goodnesse, Hath thee converted out of wikkednesse, That thou shalt be the beste post, I leve, 1000 Of al his lay, and most his foos to-greve.

'Ensample why, see now these wyse clerkes, That erren aldermost a-yein a lawe, And ben converted from hir wikked werkes Thorugh grace of G.o.d, that list hem to him drawe, 1005 Than arn they folk that han most G.o.d in awe, And strengest-feythed been, I understonde, And conne an errour alder-best withstonde.'

Whan Troilus had herd Pandare a.s.sented To been his help in loving of Criseyde, 1010 Wex of his wo, as who seyth, untormented, But hotter wex his love, and thus he seyde, With sobre chere, al-though his herte pleyde, 'Now blisful Venus helpe, er that I sterve, Of thee, Pandare, I may som thank deserve. 1015

'But, dere frend, how shal myn wo ben lesse Til this be doon? And goode, eek tel me this, How wiltow seyn of me and my destresse?

Lest she be wrooth, this drede I most, y-wys, Or nil not here or trowen how it is. 1020 Al this drede I, and eek for the manere Of thee, hir eem, she nil no swich thing here.'

Quod Pandarus, 'Thou hast a ful gret care Lest that the cherl may falle out of the mone!

Why, lord! I hate of the thy nyce fare! 1025 Why, entremete of that thou hast to done!

For G.o.ddes love, I bidde thee a bone, So lat me alone, and it shal be thy beste.' -- 'Why, freend,' quod he, 'now do right as the leste.

'But herke, Pandare, o word, for I nolde 1030 That thou in me wendest so greet folye, That to my lady I desiren sholde That toucheth harm or any vilenye; For dredelees, me were lever dye Than she of me ought elles understode 1035 But that, that mighte sounen in-to'

Tho lough this Pandare, and anoon answerde, 'And I thy borw? Fy! No wight dooth but so; I roughte nought though that she stode and herde How that thou seyst; but fare-wel, I wol go. 1040 A-dieu! Be glad! G.o.d spede us bothe two!

Yif me this labour and this besinesse, And of my speed be thyn al that swetnesse.'

Tho Troilus gan doun on knees to falle, And Pandare in his armes hente faste, 1045 And seyde, 'Now, fy on the Grekes alle!

Yet, pardee, G.o.d shal helpe us at the laste; And dredelees, if that my lyf may laste, And G.o.d to-forn, lo, som of hem shal smerte; And yet me athinketh that this avaunt me asterte! 1050

'Now, Pandare, I can no more seye, But thou wys, thou wost, thou mayst, thou art al!

My lyf, my deeth, hool in thyn bonde I leye; Help now,' Quod he, 'Yis, by my trouthe, I shal.'

'G.o.d yelde thee, freend, and this in special,' 1055 Quod Troilus, 'that thou me recomaunde To hir that to the deeth me may comaunde.'

This Pandarus tho, desirous to serve His fulle freend, than seyde in this manere, 1059 'Far-wel, and thenk I wol thy thank deserve; Have here my trouthe, and that thou shalt wel here.' -- And wente his wey, thenking on this matere, And how he best mighte hir beseche of grace, And finde a tyme ther-to, and a place.

For every wight that hath an hous to founde 1065 Ne renneth nought the werk for to biginne With rakel hond, but he wol byde a stounde, And sende his hertes lyne out fro with-inne Alderfirst his purpos for to winne.

Al this Pandare in his herte thoughte, 1070 And caste his werk ful wysly, or he wroughte.

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