Troilus and Criseyde Part 2

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These wordes seyde he for the nones alle, That with swich thing he mighte him angry maken, And with an angre don his sorwe falle, As for the tyme, and his corage awaken; But wel he wist, as fer as tonges spaken, 565 Ther nas a man of gretter hardinesse Than he, ne more desired worthinesse.

'What cas,' quod Troilus, 'or what aventure Hath gyded thee to see my languiss.h.i.+nge, That am refus of euery creature? 570 But for the love of G.o.d, at my preyinge, Go henne a-way, for certes, my deyinge Wol thee disese, and I mot nedes deye; Ther-for go wey, ther is no more to seye.

'But if thou wene I be thus sik for drede, 575 It is not so, and ther-for scorne nought; Ther is a-nother thing I take of hede Wel more than ought the Grekes han y-wrought, Which cause is of my deeth, for sorwe and thought.

But though that I now telle thee it ne leste, 580 Be thou nought wrooth; I hyde it for the beste.'

This Pandare, that neigh malt for wo and routhe, Ful often seyde, 'Allas! what may this be?

Now freend,' quod he, 'if ever love or trouthe Hath been, or is, bi-twixen thee and me, 585 Ne do thou never swiche a crueltee To hyde fro thy freend so greet a care; Wostow nought wel that it am I, Pandare?

'I wole parten with thee al thy peyne, If it be so I do thee no comfort, 590 As it is freendes right, sooth for to seyne, To entreparten wo, as glad desport.

I have, and shal, for trewe or fals report, In wrong and right y-loved thee al my lyve; Hyd not thy wo fro me, but telle it blyve.' 595

Than gan this sorwful Troilus to syke, And seyde him thus, "G.o.d leve it be my beste To telle it thee; for sith it may thee lyke, Yet wole I telle it, though myn herte breste; And wel wot I thou mayst do me no reste. 600 But lest thow deme I truste not to thee, Now herkne, freend, for thus it stant with me.

'Love, a-yeins the which who-so defendeth Him-selven most, him alder-lest avayleth, With disespeir so sorwfully me offendeth, 605 That streyght un-to the deeth myn herte sayleth.

Ther-to desyr so brenningly me a.s.saylleth, That to ben slayn it were a gretter Ioye To me than king of Grece been and Troye!

'Suffiseth this, my fulle freend Pandare, 610 That I have seyd, for now wostow my wo; And for the love of G.o.d, my colde care So hyd it wel, I telle it never to mo; For harmes mighte folwen, mo than two, If it were wist; but be thou in gladnesse, 615 And lat me sterve, unknowe, of my distresse.'

'How hastow thus unkindely and longe Hid this fro me, thou fool?' quod Pandarus; 'Paraunter thou might after swich oon longe, That myn avys anoon may helpen us.' 620 'This were a wonder thing,' quod Troylus, 'Thou coudest never in love thy-selven wisse; How devel maystow bringen me to blisse?'

'Ye, Troilus, now herke,' quod Pandare, 'Though I be nyce; it happeth ofte so, 625 That oon that exces doth ful yvele fare, By good counseyl can kepe his freend ther-fro.

I have my-self eek seyn a blind man go Ther-as he fel that coude loke wyde; A fool may eek a wys man ofte gyde. 630

'A whetston is no kerving instrument, And yet it maketh sharpe kerving-tolis.

And ther thou woost that I have ought miswent, Eschewe thou that, for swich thing to thee scole is; Thus ofte wyse men ben war by folis. 635 If thou do so, thy wit is wel biwared; By his contrarie is every thing declared.

'For how might ever sweetnesse have be knowe To him that never tasted bitternesse?

Ne no man may be inly glad, I trowe, 640 That never was in sorwe or som distresse; Eek whyt by blak, by shame eek worthinesse, Ech set by other, more for other semeth; As men may see; and so the wyse it demeth.

'Sith thus of two contraries is a lore, 645 I, that have in love so ofte a.s.sayed Grevaunces, oughte conne, and wel the more Counsayllen thee of that thou art amayed.

Eek thee ne oughte nat ben yvel apayed, Though I desyre with thee for to bere 650 Thyn hevy charge; it shal the dere.

'I woot wel that it fareth thus by me As to thy brother Parys an herdesse, Which that y-cleped was Oenone, Wrot in a compleynte of hir hevinesse: 655 Ye say the lettre that she wroot, y gesse?'

'Nay, never yet, y-wis,' quod Troilus.

'Now,' quod Pandare, 'herkneth, it was thus. --

"Phebus, that first fond art of medicyne,'

Quod she, 'and coude in every wightes care 660 Remede and reed, by herbes he knew fyne, Yet to him-self his conning was ful bare; For love hadde him so bounden in a snare, Al for the doughter of the kinge Admete, That al his craft ne coude his sorwe bete." -- 665

'Right so fare I, unhappily for me; I love oon best, and that me smerteth sore; And yet, paraunter, can I rede thee, And not my-self; repreve me no more.

I have no cause, I woot wel, for to sore 670 As doth an hauk that listeth for to pleye, But to thyn help yet somwhat can I seye.

'And of o thing right siker maystow be, That certayn, for to deyen in the peyne, That I shal never-mo discoveren thee; 675 Ne, by my trouthe, I kepe nat restreyne Thee fro thy love, thogh that it were Eleyne, That is thy brotheres wif, if ich it wiste; Be what she be, and love hir as thee liste.

'Therfore, as freend fullich in me a.s.sure, 680 And tel me plat what is thyn enchesoun, And final cause of wo that ye endure; For douteth no-thing, myn entencioun Nis nought to yow of reprehencioun, To speke as now, for no wight may bireve 685 A man to love, til that him list to leve.

'And witeth wel, that bothe two ben vyces, Mistrusten alle, or elles alle leve; But wel I woot, the mene of it no vyce is, For to trusten sum wight is a preve 690 Of trouthe, and for-thy wolde I fayn remeve Thy wrong conseyte, and do thee som wight triste, Thy wo to telle; and tel me, if thee liste.

'The wyse seyth, "Wo him that is allone, For, and he falle, he hath noon help to ryse;" 695 And sith thou hast a felawe, tel thy mone; For this nis not, certeyn, the nexte wyse To winnen love, as techen us the wyse, To walwe and wepe as Niobe the quene, Whos teres yet in marbel been y-sene. 700

'Lat be thy weping and thi drerinesse, And lat us lissen wo with other speche; So may thy woful tyme seme lesse.

Delyte not in wo thy wo to seche, As doon thise foles that hir sorwes eche 705 With sorwe, whan they han misaventure, And listen nought to seche hem other cure.

'Men seyn, "To wrecche is consolacioun To have an-other felawe in his peyne;"

That oughte wel ben our opinioun, 710 For, bothe thou and I, of love we pleyne; So ful of sorwe am I, soth for to seyne, That certeynly no more harde grace May sitte on me, for-why ther is no s.p.a.ce.

'If G.o.d wole thou art not agast of me, 715 Lest I wolde of thy lady thee bigyle, Thow wost thy-self whom that I love, pardee, As I best can, gon sithen longe whyle.

And sith thou wost I do it for no wyle, And sith I am he that thou tristest most, 720 Tel me sumwhat, sin al my wo thou wost.'

Yet Troilus, for al this, no word seyde, But longe he ley as stille as he ded were; And after this with sykinge he abreyde, And to Pandarus voys he lente his ere, 725 And up his eyen caste he, that in fere Was Pandarus, lest that in frenesye He sholde falle, or elles sone dye;

And cryde 'A-wake' ful wonderly and sharpe; 'What? s...o...b..estow as in a lytargye? 730 Or artow lyk an to the harpe, That hereth soun, whan men the strenges plye, But in his minde of that no melodye May sinken, him to glade, for that he So dul is of his b.e.s.t.i.a.litee?' 735

And with that, Pandare of his wordes stente; And Troilus yet him no word answerde, For-why to telle nas not his entente To never no man, for whom that he so ferde.

For it is seyd, 'Man maketh ofte a yerde 740 With which the maker is him-self y-beten In sondry maner,' as thise wyse treten,

And namely, in his counseyl tellinge That toucheth love that oughte be secree; For of him-self it wolde y-nough out-springe, 745 But-if that it the bet governed be.

Eek som-tyme it is craft to seme flee Fro thing which in effect men hunte faste; Al this gan Troilus in his herte caste.

But nathelees, whan he had herd him crye 750 'Awake!' he gan to syke wonder sore, And seyde, 'Freend, though that I stille lye, I am not deef; now pees, and cry no more; For I have herd thy wordes and thy lore; But suffre me my mischef to biwayle, 755 For thy proverbes may me nought avayle.

'Nor other cure canstow noon for me.

Eek I nil not be cured, I wol deye; What knowe I of the quene Niobe?

Lat be thyne olde ensaumples, I thee preye.' 760 'No,' quod tho Pandarus, 'therfore I seye, Swich is delyt of foles to biwepe Hir wo, but seken bote they ne kepe.

'Now knowe I that ther reson in the fayleth.

But tel me, if I wiste what she were 765 For whom that thee al this misaunter ayleth?

Dorstestow that I tolde hir in hir ere Thy wo, sith thou darst not thy-self for fere, And hir bisoughte on thee to han som routhe?'

'Why, nay,' quod he, 'by G.o.d and by my trouthe!' 770

'What, Not as bisily,' quod Pandarus, 'As though myn owene lyf lay on this nede?'

'No, certes, brother,' quod this Troilus, 'And why?' -- 'For that thou sholdest never spede.'

'Wostow that wel?' -- 'Ye, that is out of drede,' 775 Quod Troilus, 'for al that ever ye conne, She nil to noon swich wrecche as I be wonne.'

Quod Pandarus, 'Allas! What may this be, That thou dispeyred art thus causelees?

What? Liveth not thy lady? Benedicite! 780 How wostow so that thou art gracelees?

Swich yvel is nat alwey botelees.

Why, put not impossible thus thy cure, Sin thing to come is ofte in aventure.

'I graunte wel that thou endurest wo 785 As sharp as doth he, Ticius, in h.e.l.le, Whos stomak foules tyren ever-mo That highte volturis, as bokes telle.

But I may not endure that thou dwelle In so unskilful an opinioun 790 That of thy wo is no curacioun.

'But ones niltow, for thy coward herte, And for thyn ire and folish wilfulnesse, For wantrust, tellen of thy sorwes smerte, Ne to thyn owene help do bisinesse 795 As muche as speke a resoun more or lesse, But lyest as he that list of no-thing recche.

What womman coude love swich a wrecche?

'What may she demen other of thy deeth, If thou thus deye, and she not why it is, 800 But that for fere is yolden up thy breeth, For Grekes han biseged us, y-wis?

Lord, which a thank than shaltow han of this!

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