Doom Lord Chapter 21

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Doom Lord

Chapter 21- Talk

10 minutes after meeting Zhao Chuan, Cheng Yang’s group has rescued more than 20 people. At this time they couldn’t afford to continue searching the ruins of Huimin Town for more survivor. They decided to head back to Luo Feng village.

“Where are you guys going? Aren’t you going to go rescue some more people? “A rescued forty years old middle aged man saw the path Cheng Yang is heading is outside Huimin town, he immediately walked to the front of Cheng Yang and asked.

Cheng Yang looked at the middle-aged, he has a plump figure, and is dressed in an expensive suit. He should be a person of statue before the end, but Cheng Yang didn’t care, indifferently said: “We can only save so much people at a time, if we rescue more people, we won’t be able to take care of them. ”

The man quickly said: “No, you need to go save my son, I will give you 100,000 as a reward……no? How about 1 million…… “

Cheng Yang gave him a frosty look, said: “If you want to stay alive, just shut your mouth, or I don’t mind if you choose to stay here. ”

“You …..” The man couldn’t help but get a chill run down his back, but he didn’t intend to put the matter to rest, said: “I am doing this to help you, I am……”

His words have not yet finished, a man next to him immediately stood up and covered his mouth, said: “My brother is speaking nonsense, you pay it no mind, since you saved our lives, of course we will listen to your arrangement. ”

Cheng Yang gave the two men a deep look, and asked: “What’s your name? ”

The man said: “My name is Hu Yang and he is my younger brother Hu Jun, we are the native of Huimin town. ”

Cheng Yang’s eyes move, said: “Hu Yang was it, I hope you remember what you have said today.”

“Certainly, certainly! “Hu Yang hastily replied.

Next Cheng Yang no longer pay attention to the two people, even if they have ill-intentions, after the end of the world, if there is not enough strength, they won’t act out on it.

They promptly returned to the Luo Feng village, although along the way they met with some enchanted beasts, but they were quickly killed by Cheng Yang and the others.

After returning to the village, Cheng Yang didn’t hurry to make these people transfer career, but let Yu Kai bring the enchanted beast’s meats back and let them roast it. These people haven’t eaten for two meals in a row, solving the problem of the food is a priority.

Next Cheng Yang took Liu and the rest, and then departed the village. Because of them sweeping the enchanted beasts when returning to the village, this time they didn’t encounter a single monster when reaching Huimin town.

This time their main task is still to save lives, but aside from that, they also found a lot of food from the ruins, there are even a few bags of rice. Since the rules changed the world, food will become scarce supplies in the future, because by using normal farming technique it’s impossible for crops to survive. Only by having a particular profession can food be successfully grown, so these few bags of rice are very valuable.

Cheng Yang and his team once again with people and supplies return back to Luo Feng village, the original empty station seem to become very noisy, with the original 20 people, now the number of people in the station has reached nearly 80 people. The distance to upgrading the station is one step closer.

Cheng Yang didn’t want to limit the station population, if he don’t take advantage of the early doom to get more people, and wait until later to increase the population it won’t be easy.

Throughout the day, Cheng Yang led the group back and forth between Huimin town and Luo Feng village, now Luo Feng village’s population has soared to 200 people.

When night arrived, they stopped the rescue, Huimin town is filled with enchanted beasts groups that are over a dozen enchanted beasts per group which is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb, and with the night affecting their vision, they really can’t guarantee safety when searching for survivors.

In the evening, Cheng Yang called on Yu Kai, Liu Hao and Niu Bing into the cabin. While it is still only the second day of doom, but now the size of Luo Feng village population has been over 200 people, some changes need to be made.

“Yoko, why did you tell us to come here? “After Niu Bing enter the door, he immediately asked.

Cheng Yang is already immune to how thick-skinned these guys are, said: “Privately, do you have any question you want to ask me? ”

Niu Bing said: “What’s there to ask, now that the world have become like this, being able to live is the most important thing. The only thing I worry about is that I don’t know what’s my parent’s current situation. “

Niu Bing’s words made the other two people caught up in thoughts about their missing loved ones. But their families are in other provinces, even now they aren’t able to reach Xiangcheng city, let alone other distant places.

“Yoko, do you think we will have the chance to see our parent again? “Liu also asked.

Cheng Yang scratched his head, said: “Such a thing I don’t know, before the end, I was able to gain some scattered information that included the related news involving Luo Feng village, so that is why I call you guys to come to this area. As for the city, I know that there will be professional statues appearing that will available for people to transfer in the city center, which is why yesterday I advised you to let your family be as close to the city center as possible. ”

Cheng Yang tried telling them some information about the end, except for his rebirth which was his greatest secret, and regardless of who it is, he won’t expose it, so he can only find an excuse regarding all the information that he knows.

Liu and the rest don’t doubt him, after a long period of silence, Liu said: “Yoko, between us brother I won’t say thank you, in this world that has completely changed, I will choose to follow you. I believe that as long as my parents are still living in this world, I will see them again one day. ”

Niu Bing also said: “Also after experiencing yesterday events, we are brothers for life. Yoko, I don’t need to speak for the others, but I will put my life in your hands, so don’t you leave me hanging. ”

Yu Kai looked at Liu Hao and Niu Bing, heartily laughed: “Since both of these guys say something, and if I don’t say something, I wouldn’t appear very social. I don’t want to know why Yoko know these things in advance, and why the world had come to this, but what I do know is that at the most critical moment of my life, Yoko you helped me, or else I would had experienced a disaster like in Huimin town. In the face of a worldwide disaster, we can’t rely on other rescue forces to help us, we can only rely on ourselves. In this small community, I only believe you guys, and Yoko I believe you are the most qualified among us and have the ability to serve as the leader of the group. Yoko if you don’t mind us slowing you down, then your decision will be our decision, our fate will always be tied together. ”

Cheng Yang looked at the three of them, his heart felt touched, this type of trust is heavy. For instance right now, Cheng Yang felt that in the future if he doesn’t let his brother lead happy lives, then he will feel sorry for them trusting him. He didn’t doubt the extent of his brothers words, because his past life has told him that these three brothers of his are people that he can trust.

Cheng Yang immediately said: “If you trust me, then follow me. When I decided to occupy Luo Feng village, I had already decided on the path for the future. The only thing I can do is make sure that you won’t regret the decision you made today. ”

Yu Kai said: “Yoko, what are you going to do next? ”

Cheng Yang said: “Now the most important thing to do is to enhance the strength of the entire territory, and get Luo Feng village to level 2 as soon as possible, then we will go to Xiangcheng city. After getting to Xiangcheng city we will save the the relatives of Lee Wanshan and his workers, then we will be at ease to focus on developing our territory. When we have enough strength, then we will try to find ways to look for your families. ”

Yu Kai thought, said: “Yoko, have you thought about it, the reason why the people outside is willing to stay in our station, it’s not because they are willing to follow your instructions, but they had no choice. If we get through the channel to Xiangcheng city, will they stay with us? Even if they chose to return to Luo Feng village, in case there are some people with ambitions that sow discord among the population, I am afraid that with the four of us, we won’t be able to quell it.”

Cheng Yang said: “What you just say I have already taken into account, this is the reason why I look for you guys tonight. I’m going to divide the transfers into five teams, each of us will be responsible for a group, and the last one will be Lee Wanshan’s responsibility. Although I am still not sure whether I can trust Lee Wanshan yet, but there is no denying that he is a rare talent. ”

Niu Bing stunned, said: “What’s the difference with the way the group is now? Seems to me nothing has change. ”

Cheng Yang didn’t speak, Yu Kai gave them a glance, said, “You guys sure don’t like using your heads, Yoko let each of us be in charge of a team naturally has his reasons. It is so that we can use the t.i.tle of captain to manage the people under us,, and then be able to distinguish which people that we can use. Plainly speaking, it is train a group of people to be our cronies. If someone were to create trouble, we can use them to put it down ”

Niu Bing wry smile: “Well do whatever you want. I will just listen to you anyway. ”

Liu thought for a moment and said: “Yoko, what you mentioned just solve the trouble in the village, how about if they choose to stay in Xiangcheng city? Wouldn’t we be at a loss? ”

Cheng Yang positively answered: “This you can rest a.s.sured, compared with the current Xiangcheng city and Luo Feng village, here is paradise for their families. I believe that anyone with a bit of vision will know how to choose. There is also the most crucial point, a person that transfer at a statue in the field station, except when promoted beyond apprentice, otherwise it is impossible to transfer to other territories, including at the main city professional statues. If they stopped having relations.h.i.+p with Luo Feng village, or I expelled them from the village, then the ability they have will disappear. ”
Here Cheng Yang thought for a moment, then said:: “I intend to open the pa.s.sage to Xiangcheng  city before telling them this, I think they will know how to make the correct decision. ”

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You're reading Doom Lord by Author(s): Xiǎng Zhěntou De Kēshuì. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 3412 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.