An Australian Bird Book Part 33

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F. 112. _Cotingidae_, Cotingas, Chatterers, 145 sp.--1(0)Nc., 145(144)Nl.

F. 113. _Phytotomidae_, Plant-cutters, 4 sp. Nl.

F. 114. PITTIDAE (4), ANT-THRUSHES, 63 sp.--32(32)A., 30(30)O., 1(1)E.

F. 115. _Philepittidae_, Wattled Ant-thrushes, 2 sp. E.


F. 116. _Xenicidae_, New Zealand Wrens, 4 sp. A. (N.Z.).

F. 117. ATRICHORNITHIDAE (2), SCRUB-BIRDS, 2 sp. A.(N.S.W., W.A.).

[Page 116]

[Ill.u.s.tration: [251] [254] [255] [256] [259] [262] [265] [265^A] [266]]

=251= White-throated Flyeater =254= White-shafted Fantail =255= Rufous Fantail =256= Black and White Fantail =259= Restless Flycatcher =262= Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike =265= White-shouldered Caterpillar-eater =265^A= White-shouldered Caterpillar-eater (F.) =266= Spotted Ground-Bird

[Page 118]

[Ill.u.s.tration: [272] [273] [276] [278] [279] [280] [281] [281^A] [282]]

=272= Coachwhip Bird =273= Gray-crowned Babbler =276= White browed Field-Wren =278= Brown Song Lark =279= Rufous Song Lark =280= Mountain Thrush =281= White-fronted Chat =281^A= White-fronted Chat (Female) =282= Crimson-breasted Chat

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243]]

F. 118. HIRUNDINIDAE (6), SWALLOWS, MARTINS, 116 sp.--9(6)A., 25(7)O., 16(2)P., 54(50)E., 10(1)Nc., 34(27)Nl.

3 40

=238* Welcome Swallow= (House), _Chelidon (Hirundo) neoxena_, A., T. =vt. Eur. House Swallow.

Mig. c. _houses_ 6.6

Breast, throat, forehead rust-red; abdomen whitish; head, back, rump black; tail forked, a band of whitish spots; f., duller. Flying insects.

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1 1

=239 White-backed Swallow= (Black and White, White-breasted, White-capped), _Cheramoeca leucosternum_, A., exc. N. Ter.

=vt. Eur. Sand-Martin.

Stat. r. _inland_ 5.8

Back, throat, chest white; wings, tail, rump, abdomen black; no rust-red; f., sim. Insects.

2 10

=240* Tree Martin=, Tree Swallow, _Petrochelidon nigricans_, Mol., N.G., A., T., Ba.s.s St. Is., N.Z. =vt. Eur. Tree Swallow.

Mig. flocks, v.c. _timber_ 5.1

Head, back black; under, rump whitish-gray; indistinct whitish collar; rust-red forehead; f., sim. Flying insects.

=241 Fairy Martin=, Bottle (Land, Cliff, Retort) Swallow, _P.

ariel_, E.A., S.A., T. (occ).

Mig. c. _cliffs_, _banks_ 4.7

Head rust-red; black back; rump, under white; tail slightly forked; f., sim. Insects.

F. 119. MUSCICAPIDAE (71), FLYCATCHERS, 690 sp.--354(346)A., 164(148)O., 14(1)P., 155(151)E., 5(2)Nc., 20(17)Nl.

4 11

=242* Australian Brown Flycatcher=, Jacky Winter, Postboy, Post-sitter, White-tail, Stump-Bird, Spinks, Peter-Peter, _Microeca fascinans_, E.A., S.A.

Stat. c. _open_, _forest_ 5.2

Upper pale-brown; side tail white; under lighter; chin, abdomen white; swings tail sideways; f., sim. Insects.


=243 Allied Flycatcher= (Lesser Brown), _M. a.s.similis_, N.A., V. (acc), W.A. Insects.

Stat. c. _open_, _forest_ 4.6

Like 242, but smaller; outer tail feathers brown at base.

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[Ill.u.s.tration: [244] [245] [246] [247] [248] [249]]

11 17

=244* Scarlet-breasted Robin=, _Petroica leggei_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A., W.A., T.

Mig. c. (winter) _open_, (summer) _forest gullies_ 5.2

Head, throat, upper black; cap white; white bands on wing; breast scarlet; lower-abdomen dull-white; outer-tail white; bill, feet black; f.,* upper, under brown; breast tinged red; white marks on wing. Insects.

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=245* Flame-breasted Robin=, _P. phoenicea_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A., T., Ba.s.s St. Is.

Mig. c. (winter) _open_, (summer) _mt.-gullies_ 5.3

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