An Australian Bird Book Part 27

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Ter., N.S.W., V., S.A.

[~195 _Licmetis tenuirostris._]

Flocks r. _ground_ 17

White; under wing pale-yellow; under tail bright-yellow; forehead, face scarlet; neck, breast tinged scarlet; naked blue skin round eye; long bill, 1-5/8 in.; f., sim. Bulbous roots.

1 1

=196* c.o.c.katoo-Parrot=, c.o.c.katiel, Quarrion, _Calopsittacus novae-hollandiae_, A.

[~196 _Calopsitta novae-hollandiae._]

Mig. flocks, c. _plains_, _timber_ 12

Forehead, crest lemon-yellow; ear-patch rich reddish-orange in a patch yellow above white below; upper, under gray; white on wings, chest; f., face, crest dull olive-yellow; tail barred brown. Seeds.

F. 76. PSITTACIDAE (47), PARROTS, Macaws, 433 sp.--144(144)A., 49(49)O., 42(42)E., 2(1)Nc., 197(196)Nl.

2 2

=197* Superb Parrot= (Scarlet-breasted), Green Leek, Barraband Parrakeet, _Polytelis barrabandi_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A.

Stat. v.r. _timber_ 16

Green; forehead, cheeks, throat rich gamboge-yellow; crescent of scarlet next to yellow on chest; bill yellow; sometimes red on thigh; f., green tinged dull rose on chest; thigh red.


=198* Black-tailed Parrot=, Rock-Pebbler, Rock-Pebble, Smoker, _P. melanura_, N.S.W., V., S.A., W.A. (interior).

[~198 _Polytelis anthopeplus._]

Nom. v.r. _Box flats_, _timber_ 16

Head, neck, greenish-yellow; shoulders, under yellow; upper-back olive; wing-quills, tail iridescent black; some pink on wing; bill scarlet; f., duller. Seeds, honey.

1 9

=199* King Parrot= (Scarlet and Green, Spud), Blood Rosella, King Lory (e), _Aprosmictus cyanopygius_, E.A., S.A.

Stat. c. _forest_ 16

"Showy, n.o.ble species;" head, neck, under scarlet; back, wings green; rump, base tail rich dark blue; band bright green on wing; bill scarlet; f., head, upper green; throat, chest green tinged red; abdomen scarlet; young male like female for two years. Bulbous roots, seeds.

[Page 95]

[Ill.u.s.tration: [219] [220] [221] [223] [224] [227] [229] [230] [235]]

=219= Australian Roller =220= Blue Kingfisher =221= Laughing Kingfisher =223= Sacred Kingfisher =224= Australian Bee-eater =227= Spine-tailed Swift =229= Pallid Cuckoo =230= Fan-tailed Cuckoo =235= Bronze Cuckoo

[Page 97]

[Ill.u.s.tration: [238] [240] [242] [244] [244^A] [245^A] [248] [248^A]]

=238= Welcome Swallow =240= Tree Martin =242= Brown Flycatcher =244= Scarlet-breasted Robin =244^A= Scarlet-breasted Robin (Female) =245= Flame-breasted Robin =245^A= Ditto (Female) =248= Red Capped Robin =248^A= Red Capped Robin (Female)

[Page 100]

[Ill.u.s.tration: [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205]]

16 16

=200* Crimson Parrot=, Crimson Rosella, Pennant Parrakeet, Red Lory (e), Mountain Lowry (e), _Platycercus elegans_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A.

Stat. v.c. _timber_, _open_ 13.5

Head, neck, under, rump rich deep crimson; feathers of back black, edged crimson; cheeks, shoulders blue; tail tipped pale-blue; f., sim.; young all green at first. Gra.s.s, seeds, insects, caterpillars.

[Page 101]

=201 Yellow Parrot=, Yellow Rosella, Murray Smoker (e), Swamp Lory (e), Yellow-rumped Parrakeet, _P. flaveolus_, N.S.W., V., S.A. (interior).

Stat. v.r. _lofty river gums_ 13.5

"Exceedingly lovely bird, a harmony in blue and canary yellow;" upper under canary-yellow; back feathers black edged pale-yellow; wing blue; tip quills dark-brown; tail tipped light blue and white; forehead crimson; cheeks blue; f., duller. Seeds.

=202* Rosella=, Rosehill Parrakeet, Nonpareil Parrot, _P.

eximius_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A., T.

Stat. v.c. _open timber_ 12.5

Crown, hind-neck, chest, under base tail scarlet; cheeks white; back feathers black edged rich yellow; rump, upper base tail, lower abdomen pale-green; centre-abdomen yellow; shoulders blue; tail tipped pale blue; f., young sim.

5 5

=203* Mallee Parrot= (Scrub), Barnard Parrakeet, Ring-neck, Bulla-Bulla, _Barnardius barnardi_, S.Q., N.S.W., V., S.A.


Stat. c. _mallee scrub_, _water courses_ 13

Crown, chest, abdomen, rump rich-green; yellow band on hind-neck; forehead red; back bluish-gray; centre-abdomen orange; wing-quills black; shoulder blue; centre tail feathers green becoming deep iridescent blue at tip; side tail deep blue at base becoming bluish white at tip; bill horn color; f., sim. Seeds.

8 8

=204* Blue-Bonnet=, Bulloak Parrot, Yellow-vented Parrakeet, _Psephotus zanthorrhous_, N.S.W., V., S.A., W.A. (inland).

c. _mallee-scrub_, _plains_ 12.5

Forehead, face blue; crown, upper, chest yellowish-gray; rump, under base tail, abdomen deep yellow, about legs scarlet; edge shoulder, patch on wing blue; wing-quills blackish-brown; f., duller. Seeds.

=205* Many-colored Parrot= (Varied, Mulga), _P. multicolor_, N.S.W., V., S.A., W.A., N.W.A. (inland).

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