Shakespeare Jest-Books Part 19

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-- _Of the chess.h.i.+re man called Eulyn._ xciiii. 108

-- _Of hym that desyred to be sette vpon the pyllorye._ xcv. 109

-- _Of the wydowes daughter, that was sente to the abbot with a couple of capons._ xcvi. 111

-- _Of the two men that dranke a pynte of whyte wyne to gether._ xcvii. 112

-- _Of the doctour that desyred to go with a fouler to catche byrdes._ xcviii. 114

-- _Of hym that undertoke to teache an to spelle and rede._ xcix. 115

-- _Of the fryer that confessed the fayre woman._ c. 116

-- _Of the chapplen of Louen called syr Antonye that deceyued an vserer._ ci. 118

-- _Of the same chaplen and his spiter._ cii. 119

-- _Of the olde manne that putte hym selfe in his sonnes handes._ ciii. 121

-- _Of hym that had a flye peynted in his s.h.i.+lde._ ciiii. 122

-- _Of the emperour Augustus and the olde men._ cv. 123

-- _Of Phocions oration to the Atheniens._ cvi. _ib._

-- _Of Demosthenes and Phocion._ cvii. 124

-- _Of the aunswere of Phocion to them that brought hym a great gyfte from Alexander._ cviii. _ib._

-- _Of Denyse the tyran and his sonne._ cix. 125

-- _Of Pomponius the Romayne that was taken and brought before Mithridates._ cx. _ib._

-- _Of t.i.tus and the scoffer._ cxi. 126

-- _Of Scipio Nasica, and Ennius the poete._ cxii. _ib._

-- _Of Fabius Minutius and his sonne._ cxiii. 127

-- _Of Aurelian the emperour, that was displeased, bycause the citie Tyana was closed agaynste him._ cxiiii. 128

-- _Of the Nunne forced that durst not crie._ cxv. 129

-- _Of him that sayde he was the Diuelles man._ cxvi. _ib._

-- _Of the vplandishe priest, that preached of Charitie._ cxvii. 130

-- _An other sayinge of the same preest._ cxviii. 131

-- _Of the fryer that praysed sainct Frauncis._ cxix. 133

-- _Of hym that warned his wife of wa.s.shynge her face in foule puddell water._ cxx. _ib._

-- _Of the husband man that caused his iudge to geue sentence agaynst him selfe._ cxxi. 134

-- _Of the Italian frier that shoulde preach before the B. of Rome and his cardinals._ cxxii. _ib._

-- _Of the doctour that sayd, in Erasmus workes were heresies._ cxxiii. 136

-- _Of the frier that preached at Paules crosse agaynst Erasmus._ cxxiiii. 137

-- _Of an other frier that taxed Erasmus for writyng Germana theologia._ cxxv. 138

-- _Of an other that inueighed agaynst the same Erasmus._ cxxvi. _ib._

-- _Of kyng Richarde the iii. and the Northern man._ cxxvii. 139

-- _Of the Canon and his man._ cxxviii. 140

-- _Of the same Canon and his sayd man._ cxxix. _ib._

-- _Of the gentilman that checked hys seruant for talke of ryngyng._ cx.x.x. 141

-- _Of the blynde man and his boye._ cx.x.xi. 142

-- _Of him that sold two lodes of hey._ cx.x.xii. _ib._

-- _How a mery man deuised to cal people to a playe._ cx.x.xiii. 145

-- _How the image of the dyuell was lost and sought._ cx.x.xiiii. 148

-- _Of Tachas, kyng of Aegypt, and Agesilaus._ cx.x.xv. 149

-- _Of Corar the Rhetorician, and Tisias hys scoler._ cx.x.xvi. 150

-- _Of Augustus and Athenodorus the Phylosopher._ cx.x.xvii. 151

-- _Of the frenche kyng and the brome seller._ cx.x.xviii. 152

-- _An other tale of the same frenche kyng._ cx.x.xix. 153

-- _What an Italyan fryer dyd in his preaching._ cxl. 155


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