Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collections Obtained From The Indians Of New Mexico Part 35

Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collections Obtained From The Indians Of New Mexico -

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2504. (39825). Fig. 646. Black ware.

2505-2506. 2505, (39826), and 2506, (39827). Similar grotesque figures of black ware.

2507. (39854). Double-headed figure of a bird on pedestal.

2508. (39855). Bird on pedestal; ruffled back.

2509-2518. 2509, (39856); 2510, (39857), Fig. 645; 2511, (39858); 2512; (39859); 2513, (39860); 2514, (39861); 2515, (39769); 2516, (39775); 2517, (39883); 2518, (39862), are figures of birds on pedestals, except No. 2514, which is the figure of a little duck, and probably is a toy water vessel.

2519. (39524). A toy cup or basket in the shape of an olla, with handle, the figure of the little water insect or worm appears on this, the only instance in the Cochiti pottery.




There are but nine pieces of this pottery, and all but two of these are small images or drinking vessels in the form of birds.

2520. (39510). A double globe jar or canteen. White ground, with ornamentations in black, as seen in Fig. 649. Depression in the center is probably designed to receive a band or cord to carry it with.

2521. (39513). Large black bowl; no ornamentation.

Images of black ware; two pieces; a bird on pedestal and a quadruped.

2522-2523. 2522, (39652a); 2523, (39652b).

2524-2525. 2524, (39653), and 2525, (39654). Human images, very rude.

2526. (39658). Bird on pedestal.

Small drinking vessels in the form of birds. White ornamented ware.

2527. (39655). With four rows of dots on the side; no tail.

2528. (39656). With handle; tail and neck ornamented.

2529. (39657). No ornamentation except a line or two and some dots on the head. Fig. 648.




2530. (39809). Stone metate for grinding grain, brown sandstone.

2531. (39810). Quartzitic stone mortar for grinding mineral pigment.

2532. (39811). Quite small mineral pigment mortar of quartz rock.

2533. (39821). Gaming ball of fine-grained sandstone.

2534. (42215). Discoidal quartz pounder.

2535. (42341). Fig. 650. Paint mortar. This mortar was made from a somewhat rounded sandstone boulder by grinding out a cavity. In the cut, which was drawn for another purpose, the pestle is represented with a small cup-shaped cavity on one side of it, in which the fluid pigment from the mortar was poured and used with the brush of the artist for decorative purposes. This is the only specimen of the kind in the collection, and the only one found where the pestle combines the cup with it.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 650 (42341) (?) Fig. 648 (39657) () Fig. 649 (39510) (?) Figs. 646-649.--Santo Domingo Canteen and Effigy.]



This group, though comparatively small, contains some of the largest and grandest pieces in the entire collection, some of the vases being twenty inches in height and twenty-two in diameter, having a capacity of ten gallons. It consists of white ware with decorations in black, bearing a strong resemblance to that of Cochiti, brown micaceous, and polished brown ware without ornamentation, and black ware without ornamentation.

Tinajas or vases. Well formed and similar in shape to those from Cochiti.

2536. (39507). With oblique diamond figures on the neck, and geometrical figures on the body.

2537. (39520). Upper half only decorated with rude figures of leaves and twigs.

2538. (39523). Similar to the preceding.

2539. (39525). Without neck; a broad and true meander band around the middle, with three-leaved flower above and below on each coil.

2540. (39530). Neck ornamented with a straight and an undulate line; body as in No. 2539.

2541. (39531). With rosette and triangular figures somewhat similar to those on Zuni ollas.

2542. (39532). Decorations similar to those on Cochiti olla, No. 2421.

2543. (39801). Covered; a beautiful specimen, probably the most chaste and artistic of the entire collection.

2544. (39533). Fig. 651. Similar to the preceding.

2545. (39534). Serrate band around the neck; body with broad band and large circular s.p.a.ces, each having four dark indentations.

2546. (39542). Neck with straight and undulate lines and short sigmoid figures; body with figures of a plant.

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