Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 75

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary -

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ACTION AND USES: Used for preparing resin, in which its activity as a cathartic resides.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

_Resina Scammoniae (Res. Scamm.), Resin of Scammony, U.S.P._--The resin from scammony root.

DOSAGE: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

=*Scilla (Scill.), Squill, U.S.P.=--Fleshy inner scales of a bulb. The official drug is to be a.s.sayed biologically.

ACTION AND USES: Qualitatively like those of digitalis.

Has been largely used as a nauseant and expectorant. Has no advantage over digitalis, and should pa.s.s out of use.

If used, it should be standardized.

DOSAGE: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.) of a standardized preparation.

_Acetum Scillae (Acet. Scill.), Vinegar of Squill, U.S.P._--Squill (10%) in diluted acetic acid.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

_Fluidextractum Scillae (Fldext. Scill.), Fluidextract of Squill, U.S.P._--Squill (100%). a.s.sayed biologically by producing death in the frog.

DOSAGE: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe it should specify the biologically a.s.sayed preparation.

_Oxymel Scillae (Oxymel Scill.), Oxymel of Squill, N.F._--Vinegar of squill (50%) and clarified honey.

USES: Antiquated and irrational preparation of squill.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

_*Syrupus Scillae (Syr. Scill.), Syrup of Squill, U.S.P._--Vinegar of squill (45%), in sugar and water.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

_Syrupus Scillae Compositus (Syr. Scill. Co.), Compound Syrup of Squill, U.S.P._ (Hive Syrup).--Fluidextract of squill (8%), fluidextract of senega (8%) and antimony and pota.s.sium tartrate (0.2%), in water and syrup.

USES: Complex and irrational expectorant.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

_*Tinctura Scillae (Tr. Scill.), Tincture of Squill, U.S.P._--Squill (10%) in alcohol and water. Biologically a.s.sayed by producing death in frogs. Absolute alcohol content about 69 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe it should specify the biologically a.s.sayed preparation.

=Scoparius (Scopar.), Scoparius, N.F.= (Broom Tops).

ACTION AND USES: Formerly used as diuretic, laxative and cathartic. See Sparteinae Sulphas.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Scoparii (Fldext. Scopar.), Fluidextract of Scoparius, N.F._--Scoparius (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

=*Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum (Scopolamin. Hydrobrom.), Scopolamine Hydrobromide, U.S.P.= (Hyoscine Hydrobromide, Scopolamine Bromide).--The hydrobromide of levorotatory scopolamine, also known as hyoscine.

Colorless, odorless, transparent crystals.

ACTION AND USES: Closely resembling those of atropine in its influence on the nerve endings but differing from the latter in having a sedative instead of a stimulating effect on the brain. Used as a somnifacient in motor excitement and mania; as a preliminary to anesthesia and in "twilight sleep," and locally as a mydriatic. Uncertain in its action, at times producing acute delirium. The tendency to depress the respiratory center must be remembered.

DOSAGE: 0.3 Mg. or 1/200 grain (U.S.P.).

=Scutellaria (Scutell.), Scutellaria, N.F.= (Skullcap).--Plant.

ACTION AND USES: Claimed, though without reliable evidence, to be a tonic, nervine and antispasmodic, particularly useful in ch.o.r.ea and convulsions.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Scutellariae (Fldext. Scutellar.), Fluidextract of Scutellaria, N.F._--Scutellaria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

=Senecio (Senecio), Senecio, N.F.= (Life Root).--Plant deprived of its root.

ACTION AND USES: Has been recommended, probably without warrant, as a tonic, diuretic, expectorant and diaph.o.r.etic.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Senecionis (Fldext. Senecion.), Fluidextract of Senecio, N.F._--Senecio (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.)

=Senega (Seneg.), Senega, U.S.P.= (Seneca Snakeroot, Senega Snakeroot).

ACTION AND USES: Employed as nauseant expectorant (by virtue of the irritant saponin).

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

_Fluidextractum Senegae (Fldext. Seneg.), Fluidextract of Senega, U.S.P._--Senega (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

_Syrupus Senegae (Syr. Seneg.), Syrup of Senega, U.S.P._--Fluidextract of senega (20%) in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

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