Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 51

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=Melilotus (Melilot.), Melilot, N.F.= (Yellow Sweet Clover).--Leaves and flowering tops.

ACTION AND USES: Formerly used as a stimulant and antispasmodic and in the treatment of neuralgia especially a.s.sociated with debility. Now seldom used; no scientific indications for its use.

=MELLITA, HONEYS.=--Sweet liquids having honey as a base. For the various honeys, see under the names of the respective ingredients. For Mel Rosae, see under =Mel=; for Mel Rosae et Sodii Boratis, see under =Sodii Boras=.

=*Mentha Piperita (Menth. Pip.), Peppermint, U.S.P.=--Leaves and flowering tops.

ACTION AND USES: Carminative and flavor, used chiefly in the form of the oil and spirit, which see under =Oleum Menthae Piperitae=.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

=Mentha Viridis (Menth. Vir.), Spearmint, U.S.P.=--Leaves and flowering tops.

ACTION AND USES: Same as those of peppermint. See =Oleum Menthae Viridis=.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

=*Menthol (Menthol), Menthol, U.S.P.=--Obtained from oil of peppermint or other mint oils.

Colorless crystals, with a strong peppermint odor and an aromatic taste. Slightly soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol, chloroform or petroleum benzin.

ACTION AND USES: Used locally as counterirritant and a.n.a.lgesic; sometimes internally as carminative.

DOSAGE: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain.

_Inunctum Mentholis (Inunct. Menthol.), Menthol Inunction, N.F._--Menthol (5%) and hydrous wool fat.

_Inunctum Mentholis Compositum (Inunct. Menthol. Co.), Compound Menthol Inunction, N.F._--Menthol (5%), methyl salicylate (10%) and hydrous wool fat.

_Menthol Camphoratum (Menthol Camph.), Camphorated Menthol, N.F._ (Campho-Menthol, N.F. III, Camphor and Menthol).--Camphor (47.5%), menthol (47.5%) and alcohol.

_Nebula Mentholis (Nebul. Menthol.), Menthol Spray, N.F._--Menthol (2%) in light liquid petrolatum.

_Nebula Mentholis Composita (Nebul. Menthol. Co.), Compound Menthol Spray, N.F._--Menthol (1%), camphor (1%), methyl salicylate, eucalyptol and oil of cinnamon in light liquid petrolatum.

_Petroxolinum Mentholis (Petrox. Menthol.), Menthol Petroxolin, N.F._ (Menthol Petrox).--Menthol (17%) in liquid petroxolin.

=Menyanthes (Menyanth.), Menyanthes, N.F.= (Buckbean, Marsh Trefoil).--Leaves of _Menyanthes trifoliata_.

ACTION AND USES: Obsolete bitter; no special indications for its use.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

=*Methylis Salicylas (Methyl. Salicyl.), Methyl Salicylate, U.S.P.= (Oleum Gaultheriae, U.S.P. VIII, Oil of Wintergreen, Oleum Betulae, U.S.P. VIII, Oil of Sweet Birch, Oil of Teaberry).--Produced synthetically or obtained from wintergreen (oil of wintergreen) or from birch (oil of sweet birch).

Colorless, yellowish or reddish liquid, with a wintergreen odor and taste. Sparingly soluble in water and miscible with alcohol and glacial acetic acid.

ACTION AND USES: Chiefly used as flavor. In sufficient amounts, antirheumatic and antipyretic.

DOSAGE: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (U.S.P.). May be applied externally either pure or diluted (10%) in ointment.

For absorption through the skin is best diluted with a fatty oil.

_Petroxolinum Methylis Salicylatis (Petrox. Methyl. Salicyl.), Methyl Salicylate Petroxolin, N.F._ (Methyl Salicylate Petrox).--Methyl salicylate (20%), in liquid petroxolin.

=Methylthioninae Chloridum (Methylthionin. Chlor.), Methylthionine Chloride, U.S.P.= (Methylthioninae Hydrochloridum, U.S.P. VIII, Methylene Blue).

Dark green powder or crystals with a bronze-like l.u.s.ter. Freely soluble in water and alcohol, forming a deep blue solution.

ACTION AND USES: Sometimes used as urinary antiseptic; also in the treatment of malaria and some neuralgic conditions.

In the latter use, is of doubtful value.

DOSAGE: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

=Mezereum (Mezereum), Mezereum, U.S.P.= (Mezereon).--A bark.

ACTION AND USES: Antiquated antisyphilitic and vesicant.

_Fluidextractum Mezerei (Fldext. Mezer.), Fluidextract of Mezereum, N.F._--Mezereum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

=MISTURAE, MIXTURES.=--Liquid preparations containing insoluble or partly soluble medicinal substances suspended in them.

For the various official mixtures, see under the names of the respective ingredients. For Mistura Adstringens, see under =Cupri Sulphas=; for Mistura Camphorae Acida, Mistura Carminativa and Mistura Glycyrrhizae Composita, under =Opium=; for Mistura Ferri Composita, under =Ferri Carbonas=; for Mistura Camphorae Aromatica and Mistura Oleo-Balsamica, under =Oleum Lavandulae=; for Mistura Pectoralis Stokes, under =Ammonii Carbonas=.

=Morphina (Morphina), Morphine, U.S.P.=--An alkaloid obtained from opium.

Colorless or white, odorless crystals or powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:3,340) and soluble in alcohol (1:210).

ACTION AND USES: Central a.n.a.lgesic, hypnotic and respiratory sedative and depressant; also constipative. Is only slightly depressant to the circulation. Eliminated mainly through the bowels. Should not be used to control cough if this is a.s.sociated with marked expectoration. Its habit-forming power should be constantly remembered.

DOSAGE: 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain (U.S.P.).

=*Morphinae Hydrochloridum (Morph. Hydrochl.), Morphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P.= (Morphine Chloride).

White, odorless needles, or powder. Soluble in water (1:17.5) and in alcohol (1:52).

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