Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 48

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary -

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ACTION AND USES: Used like other bromides, over which it has no advantage. For the supposed urate-solvent properties of lithium, see =Lithii Carbonas=.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

_Elixir Lithii Bromidi (Elix. Lith. Brom.), Elixir of Lithium Bromide, N.F._--Lithium bromide (8.5%) in syrup, water and aromatic elixir.

Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

=Lithii Carbonas (Lith. Carb.), Lithium Carbonate, U.S.P.=--Li{2}CO{3}.

Light white, odorless powder with an alkaline taste. Soluble in water (1:78); almost insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Used in the same way as sodium carbonate; without advantage over the latter. Lithium was formerly given to promote the elimination of urates because it was supposed to have special urate-solvent properties, but under the conditions existing in the body these properties do not come into play.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

=Lithii Citras (Lith. Cit.), Lithium Citrate, U.S.P.=

White, odorless powder or granules, with a cooling, faintly alkaline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.4), very slightly soluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Used like citrates of sodium or pota.s.sium, over which it has no advantage. For the supposed urate-solvent properties of lithium, see Lithii Carbonas.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

_Elixir Lithii Citratis (Elix. Lith. Cit.), Elixir of Lithium Citrate, N.F._--Lithium citrate (8.5%), in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

USES: An objectionable alcoholic preparation of lithium.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

_Sal Lithii Citratis Effervescens (Sal. Lith. Cit. Eff.), Effervescent Salt of Lithium Citrate, N.F._--Lithium citrate (5%), sodium bicarbonate (57%), tartaric acid (30%) and citric acid, the three last-named yielding sodium tartrate and sodium citrate.

USES: Superfluous, and in view of its small lithium content, misnamed.

DOSAGE: 8 Gm. or 2 drachms (N.F.).

=Lithii Salicylas (Lith. Salicyl.), Lithium Salicylate, N.F.=--

White or grayish white odorless powder, with a sweetish taste; deliquescent in a moist atmosphere. Very soluble in water or alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: As a salicylate, inferior to sodium salicylate. Adequate doses would produce the toxic effects of lithium. For the supposed urate-solvent effects of lithium salts, see =Lithii Carbonas=.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Elixir Lithii Salicylatis (Elix. Lith. Salicyl.), Elixir of Lithium Salicylate, N.F._--Lithium salicylate (8.5%) in aromatic elixir.

Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

USES: An objectionable alcoholic salicylic preparation.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

=Lobelia (Lobel.), Lobelia, U.S.P.= (Indian Tobacco).--Leaves and flowering tops.

ACTION AND USES: Expectorant, nauseant and emetic, resembling nicotine. Has fallen into disuse because of dangerous effects.

DOSAGE: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

_Fluidextractum Lobeliae (Fldext. Lobel.), Fluidextract of Lobelia, U.S.P._--Lobelia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

DOSAGE: 0.15 Cc. or 2-1/2 minims (U.S.P.).

_Tinctura Lobeliae (Tr. Lobel.), Tincture of Lobelia, U.S.P._ (Lobeliae Tinctura, P.I.).--Lobelia (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

=LOTIONES, LOTIONS= (Washes).--Liquid mixtures, usually of solid medicinal substances suspended in water for external use.

For the various official lotions see under the names of the respective ingredients. For Lotio Ammoniacalis Camphorata, see under =Ammonia=; for Lotio Flava, under =Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum=; for Lotio Nigra, under =Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite=; for Lotio Plumbi et Opii, under =Plumbi Acetas=.

=Lupulinum (Lupul.), Lupulin, N.F.=--Glandular powder separated from hops.

ACTION AND USES: Bitter tonic without material advantage over gentian. Reputed hypnotic and anaphrodisiac effects probably attributable to the alcohol in which it is commonly dissolved.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Lupulini (Fldext. Lupul.), Fluidextract of Lupulin, N.F._--Lupulin (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

_Oleoresina Lupulini (Oleores. Lupul.), Oleoresin of Lupulin, N.F._--The ether extract of lupulin.

DOSAGE: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

=Lycopodium (Lycopod.), Lycopodium, U.S.P.=--The spores of a moss.

Very inflammable.

ACTION AND USES: Used as an inert dusting powder for the skin, and as diluent for insufflations of boric acid, tannin, etc., for the throat, nose and ear.

=Macis (Macis), Mace, N.F.=--The arillode (inner covering) removed from nutmeg (myristica).

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