Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 46

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DOSAGE: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

_Resina Jalapae (Res. Jalap.), Resin of Jalap, U.S.P._--The resin from jalap.

DOSAGE: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

_Tinctura Jalapae (Tr. Jalap.), Tincture of Jalap, N.F._--Jalap (20%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Tinctura Jalapae Composita (Tr. Jalap. Co.), Compound Tincture of Jalap, N.F._--Jalap (12.5%) and resin of scammony (3%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Juglans (Juglan.), Juglans, N.F.= (b.u.t.ternut Bark, White Walnut Bark).--Inner bark of the roots.

ACTION AND USES: Obsolete cathartic, without advantage over cascara.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Juglandis (Fldext. Jugland.), Fluidextract of Juglans, N.F._--Juglans (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Juniperus (Junip.), Juniper Berries, N.F.=--Ripe fruit.

ACTION AND USES: Irritant to urinary organs, owing to the chief const.i.tuent, a volatile oil. The spirit is sometimes used as an irritant diuretic.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Juniperi (Fldext. Junip.), Fluidextract of Juniper Berries, N.F._--Juniper (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Kaolinum (Kaolinum), Kaolin, N.F.=--Purified native aluminum silicate.

White or nearly white powder or lumps with an earthy taste.

Insoluble in water.

ACTION AND USES: Used in a poultice, cataplasma kaolini, similar to proprietary preparations. Internally, as absorbent in diarrhea and dysentery.

DOSAGE: Tablespoonful dry or in tea several times daily.

_Cataplasma Kaolini (Catapl. Kaolin.), Cataplasm of Kaolin, N.F._--A mixture of kaolin and glycerin with boric acid aromatized with thymol, methyl salicylate and oil of peppermint.

USES: Not superior to flaxseed or bread-and-milk poultices.

=Kava (Kava), Kava, N.F.= (Methystic.u.m, Kava Kava).--Rhizome and roots of _Piper methystic.u.m_.

ACTION AND USES: Mild irritant, without advantage over cubeb. Often inert. Owes its properties to an oleoresin.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Kavae (Fldext. Kav.), Fluidextract of Kava, N.F._--Kava (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

=Kino (Kino), Kino, U.S.P.=--A dried plant juice.

Dark brown fragments or brick-red powder, odorless and having an astringent taste. Partly soluble in water.

ACTION AND USES: Used as intestinal and pharyngeal astringent; has no special advantage over other vegetable astringents, such as krameria.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

_Pulvis Kino et Opii Compositus (Pulv. Kino et Opii Co.), Compound Powder of Kino and Opium, N.F._ (Pulvis Kino Compositus, N.F.

III).--Kino (75%), and powdered opium (5%) with Saigon cinnamon.

USES: Antidiarrheic.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Tinctura Kino (Tr. Kino), Tincture of Kino, U.S.P._--Kino (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 49 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

_Tinctura Kino et Opii Composita (Tr. Kino et Opii Co.), Compound Tincture of Kino and Opium, N.F._ (Tinctura Kino Composita, N.F. III, Compound Tincture of Kino).--Kino (2%), opium (1%), spirit of camphor (6.5%), oil of clove, cochineal and aromatic spirit of ammonia in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

USES: Antidiarrheic; undesirably complex.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

=Kola (Kola), Kola, N.F.= (Cola, Kola Nuts, Cola Nuts).--The peeled seeds.

ACTION AND USES: Possesses stimulant actions of its caffein and theobromin. Without advantage over coffee.

DOSAGE: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Kolae (Fldext. Kol.), Fluidextract of Kola, N.F._ (Fluidextractum Sterculiae, N.F. III).--Kola (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

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