Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 33

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary -

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_*Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis (Pil. Ferr. Carb.), Pills of Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P._ (Chalybeate Pills, Blaud's Pills, Ferruginous Pills).--Each pill contains FeCO{3} (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain).

USES: Convenient and effective form of iron.

DOSAGE: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

=Ferri Carbonas Saccharatus (Ferr. Carb. Sacch.), Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P.=--Ferrous carbonate, FeCO{3} (not less than 15%) preserved with sugar.

A greenish-brown, odorless powder, with a taste at first sweetish, afterward ferruginous.

ACTION AND USES: Hematinic, like other iron salts; practically non-astringent and non-irritating.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.)

=*Ferri Chloridum (Ferr. Chlor.), Ferric Chloride, U.S.P.= (Iron Perchloride, Sesquichloride of Iron).--Ferric chloride, FeCl{3}, with water of hydration.

Orange-yellow crystalline deliquescent pieces, odorless, and with a strongly styptic taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.2); freely soluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Used in the form of the tincture of ferric chloride as an astringent, especially as an application to the throat. Also hematinic, but relatively irritant.

_Gossypium Styptic.u.m (Gossyp. Stypt.), Styptic Cotton, N.F._--Purified cotton, impregnated with ferric chloride.

_Liquor Ferri Chloridi (Liq. Ferr. Chlor.), Solution of Ferric Chloride, U.S.P._ (Solution of Iron Perchloride).--FeCl{3} (about 10.5%).

DOSAGE: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims.

_*Tinctura Ferri Chloridi (Tr. Ferr. Chlor.), Tincture of Ferric Chloride, U.S.P._--Ferric chloride (about 13%) corresponding to not less than 4.48 per cent. of iron, Fe. Made by diluting a solution of ferric chloride (35%) with alcohol. Absolute alcoholic content about 63 per cent.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

_Tinctura Ferri Chloridi Aetherea (Tr. Ferr. Chlor. Aeth.), Ethereal Tincture of Ferric Chloride, N.F._ (Bestuscheff's Tincture, Lamotte's Drops).--Solution of ferric chloride (6%) and ether (25%) in alcohol.

Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.)

=Ferri Citras, Ferric Citrate=

_Liquor Ferri Citratis (Liq. Ferr. Cit.), Solution of Ferric Citrate, N.F._--Contains ferric citrate corresponding to not less than 7.25 per cent. metallic iron, Fe.

DOSAGE: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

=Ferri Citro-Chloridum, Iron Citro-Chloride=

_Elixir Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae (Elix. Ferr. Quin. et Strych.), Elixir of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, N.F._--Tincture of ferric citro-chloride (12.5%), quinine hydrochloride (0.875%), strychnine sulphate (0.0175%), compound spirit of orange, glycerin and water.

Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

USES: A popular but irrational "tonic."

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Elixir Gentianae et Ferri (Elix. Gent. et Ferr.), Elixir of Gentian and Iron, N.F._ (Elixir of Gentian with Tincture of Ferric Citro-Chloride).--Tincture of ferric citro-chloride (10%) and elixir of gentian. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Tinctura Ferri Citro-Chloridi (Tr. Ferr. Citro-Chlor.), Tincture of Ferric Citro-Chloride, N.F._ (Tasteless Tincture of Ferric Chloride, Tasteless Tincture of Iron).--A tincture of a complex iron salt, containing about 4 per cent. of iron (Fe) and rendered non-styptic by the presence of a citrate. Made from solution of ferric chloride (35%), sodium citrate (44%), alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

DOSAGE: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

=*Ferri et Ammonii Citras (Ferr. et Ammon. Cit.), Iron and Ammonium Citrate, U.S.P.= (Soluble Ferric Citrate, Ammonio-Ferric Citrate).--Iron citrate rendered more readily soluble by the presence of ammonium citrate. Contains about 17 per cent. of iron, Fe.

Thin, transparent, garnet-red, odorless scales, with a saline, mildly ferruginous taste. Readily and completely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Hematinic, practically non-astringent.

Has the general properties of iron salts.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains.

_Vinum Ferri (Vin. Ferr.), Wine of Iron, N.F._ (Wine of Citrate of Iron).--Iron and ammonium citrate (4%) in tincture of sweet orange peel, syrup, and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

=Ferri et Quininae Citras (Ferr. et Quin. Cit.), Iron and Quinine Citrate, U.S.P.= (Ferri et Quininae Citras Solubilis, U.S.P. VIII, Soluble Iron and Quinine Citrate).--Iron citrate and quinine citrate rendered more soluble by the presence of ammonium citrate. Contains not less than 13 per cent. of iron, Fe.

Thin, transparent, deliquescent, greenish or golden yellow, odorless scales, with a bitter, mildly ferruginous taste. Rapidly and completely soluble in cold water, partly soluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Used as a bitter iron tonic. Of doubtful value.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains.

_Vinum Ferri Amarum (Vin. Ferr. Amar.), Bitter Wine of Iron, N.F._--Iron and quinine citrate (5%) in tincture of sweet orange peel, syrup and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 17 per cent.

DOSAGE: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.)

=Ferri Glycerophosphas (Ferr. Glycerophos.), Ferric Glycerophosphate, N.F.= (Ferric Glycerinophosphate).

Yellowish-green scales or powder, odorless and nearly tasteless.

Freely soluble in water (1:2) and insoluble in alcohol.

ACTION AND USES: Reputed "tonic," but without advantage over the ordinary iron salts.

DOSAGE: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains.

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