Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary Part 25

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=*Cinnamomum Saigonic.u.m (Cinnam. Saigon.), Saigon Cinnamon, U.S.P.=--A bark.

ACTION AND USES: Carminative, antiseptic, somewhat astringent, occasionally administered in diarrhea.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in powder.

_Fluidextractum Aromatic.u.m (Fldext. Aromat.), Aromatic Fluidextract, U.S.P._--Aromatic powder (100%), extracted with alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

_Pulvis Aromaticus (Pulv. Arom.), Aromatic Powder, U.S.P._--Saigon cinnamon, Jamaica ginger, cardamom seed and nutmeg.

USES: Carminative.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

_Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus (Pulv. Cret. Arom.), Aromatic Powder of Chalk, N.F._--Saigon cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, cardamom seed, prepared chalk and sugar.

USES: Antidiarrheic.

DOSAGE: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

_Syrupus Cinnamomi (Syr. Cinnam.), Syrup of Cinnamon, N.F._--Saigon cinnamon, alcohol and syrup.

USES: Flavoring vehicle.

DOSAGE: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

_Tinctura Aromatica (Tr. Arom.), Aromatic Tincture, N.F._--Saigon cinnamon, Jamaica ginger, galangal, clove, cardamom seed, extracted with a mixture of alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 63 per cent.

USES: Aromatic carminative, complex and without special advantage over other carminatives, as, for instance, tincture of cardamom.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

_Tinctura Cinnamomi (Tr. Cinnam.), Tincture of Cinnamon, U.S.P._--Saigon cinnamon in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 63 per cent.

DOSAGE: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

=Cinnamomum Zeylanic.u.m (Cinnam. Zeylan.), Ceylon Cinnamon, U.S.P.=--A bark.

ACTION AND USES: Same as those of Saigon cinnamon.

DOSAGE: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.)

=*Cocaina (Cocain.), Cocaine, U.S.P.=--An alkaloid obtained from coca leaves.

Large colorless prisms or a white powder; odorless. Slightly soluble in water (1:600) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:6.5) and in chloroform (1:0.7).

ACTION AND USES: A local anesthetic, paralyzing the peripheral sensory nerves and also contracting the blood vessels. Acute systemic poisoning is often caused by its local use on mucous membranes. Stimulant to the central nervous system, but such use is inadvisable because of danger of habit-formation.

DOSAGE: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.).

_Oleatum Cocainae (Oleat. Cocain.), Oleate of Cocaine, N.F._--Cocaine (5%) in alcohol, oleic acid and olive oil.

=*Cocainae Hydrochloridum (Cocain. Hydrochl.), Cocaine Hydrochloride, U.S.P.= (Cocaine Chloride, Cocainum Hydrochloric.u.m, P.I.).

Colorless crystals, flaky leaflets or a white powder; odorless.

Freely soluble in water (1:0.4) and in alcohol (1:3.2), and soluble in chloroform (1:12.5). Incompatible with borax, mercuric chloride, alkalies and alkali carbonates, phenol, tannic acid, mercuric oxide, and soluble silver salts.

ACTION AND USES: Local anesthetic.

DOSAGE: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.). For local anesthesia in 0.2 to 1.0 per cent. solution when used hypodermatically, and in 1 to 4 per cent. solution when applied to mucous membranes.

=Cocculus Indicus (Coccul. Ind.), Cocculus Indicus, N.F.= (Fish Berry, Indian Berry).--A fruit.

ACTION AND USES: Source of picrotoxin. An alcoholic extract has been used for destroying pediculi.

_Tinctura Cocculi Indici (Tr. Coccul. Ind.), Tincture of Cocculus Indicus, N.F._--Cocculus indicus (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

=Coccus (Coccus), Cochineal, U.S.P.=--A dried insect.

ACTION AND USES: Coloring agent.

_Liquor Cocci (Liq. Cocci), Cochineal Color, N.F._--A glycerin-alcohol-water solution of cochineal.

=Cocillana (Cocillan.), Cocillana, N.F.=--A bark.

ACTION AND USES: Nauseant expectorant, similar to but without advantage over ipecac. The proprietary syrup contains heroin.

DOSAGE: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

_Fluidextractum Cocillanae (Fldext. Cocillan.), Fluidextract of Cocillana, N.F._--Cocillana (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

DOSAGE: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

=*Codeina (Codein.), Codeine, U.S.P.= (Methylmorphine).--An alkaloid obtained from opium, or prepared from morphine by methylation.

Colorless, translucent prisms or a white powder; odorless. Slightly soluble in water (1:120) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2) and in chloroform (1:0.5).

ACTION AND USES: a.n.a.lgesic, hypnotic and sedative. It is perhaps the best modification of morphine for use in coughs. As compared with morphine it is less constipating and less apt to induce a drug habit. The phosphate and sulphate are preferred for hypodermic use.

DOSAGE: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

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