The Life of Jesus of Nazareth Part 14

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EdersLJM Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 2 vols., 1883.

FairbSLX Fairbairn, Studies in the Life of Christ, 1882.

GilbertLJ Gilbert, The Student's Life of Jesus, 1896.

GilbertRJ Gilbert, The Revelation of Jesus, 1899.

HoltzNtTh Holtzmann, Neutestamentliche Theologie, 2 vols., 1897.

KeimJN Keim, The History of Jesus of Nazara, 6 vols., 1876-81.

RevilleJN Reville, Jesus de Nazareth, 2 vols., 1897.

SandayHastBD Sanday, the article JESUS CHRIST in the Hastings Bible Dictionary, 1899.

SchurerJPTX Schurer, The History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, 1885-86. Division I. vols. i. and ii.; Division II. vols. i., ii., and iii.

SmithHGHL Smith, Historical Geography of the Holy Land, 1894.

SB Stevens and Burton, Harmony of the Gospels, 1894.

WeissLX Weiss, The Life of Christ, 3 vols., 1883.

WendtLJ Wendt, Die Lehre Jesu, 2 vols., 1886.

WendtTJ Wendt, The Teaching of Jesus, 2 vols., 1892.

EnBib Encyclopedia Biblica, 1899.

HastBD Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, 1898.

SBD^2 Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, revision of the first volume of the original English edition, 1893.


Part I.--Preparatory


The Historical Situation

8. Read SandayHastBD II. 604-609. On the Land, its physical characteristics, its political divisions, its climate, its roads, and its varying civilization, SmithHGHL is unsurpa.s.sed. Its identifications of disputed localities are cautions. Robinson, _Biblical Researches in Palestine_, and Thomson, _The Land and the Book_, give fuller detail concerning particular localities, but no such general view as Smith.

9. On Political conditions, SchurerJPTX I. i. and ii. is the fullest and most trustworthy treatise. More concise essays are Oscar Holtzmann, _Nt.

Zeitgeschichte_ (1895), 57-118; S. Mathews, _History of NT Times in Palestine_ (1899), 1-158; Riggs, _Maccabean and Roman Periods of Jewish History_ (1900), especially ---- 206-234, 257-267, 276-282. On the Religious Life and Parties in Palestine, SchurerJPTX II. i. and ii.; O. Holtzmann, _NtZeitg_, 136-177; Mathews, _NT Times_, see index; Riggs, _Mac. and Rom.

Periods_, ---- 235-256; Muirhead, _The Times of Christ_ (1898), 69-150. In addition Wellhausen, _Die Pharisdaer und die Sadducaer_ (1874); on the _Essenes_, Conybeare in HastBD I. 767-772, also Lightfoot, _Colossians_, 80-98, 347-419; Wellhausen, _Isr. u. jud. Geschichte_^3 (1897), 258-262; on the Samaritans, A. Cowley, in _Expos_. V. i. 161-174; Jew. Quar. Rev.

VIII. (1896) 562-575.

10. On the Messianic hope, SchurerJPTX II. ii. 126-187; BaldSJ 3-122; Muirhead, _Times of Xt._, 112-150; Briggs, _Messiah of the Gospels_ (1894), 1-40; WendtTJ I. 33-84; Mathews, _NT Times_, 159-169; Riggs, _Mac.

and Rom. Periods_, ---- 251-256.

11. On the language of Palestine see Arnold Meyer, _Jesu Muttersprache_ (1896); DalmanWJ I. 1-57; SchurerJPTX II. i. 8-10, 47-51; Neubauer, _Studia Biblica_, I. 39-74.

12. On Jewish literature dating near the times of Jesus see SchurerJPTX II. iii.; BaldSJ. 3-122; EdersLJM I. 31-39; Deane, _Pseudepigrapha_ (1891); Thomson, _Books which influenced our Lord_, etc. (1891); and special editions, such as Alexandre, _Sibylline Oracles_ (1869); Deane, _The Wisdom of Solomon_ (1881); Charles, _The Book of Enoch_ (1893), _The Apocalypse of Baruch_ (1896), _The a.s.sumption of Moses_ (1897), and _The Book of Jubilees_ (1895); Charles and Morfill, _The Secrets of Enoch_ (1896); Ryle and James, _The Psalms of the Pharisees_ [Psalms of Solomon]

(1891); Bensly and James, _Fourth Esdras_ (1895); Charles, EnBib I.

213-250; HastBD I. 109f.; Porter, HastBD I. 110-123; James, EnBib I.



The Sources

13. On the sources outside the gospels see Anthony, _Introduction to the Life of Jesus_, 19-108; KeimJN I. 12-59; BeysLJ I. 59-72; GilbertLJ 74-78; Knowling, _Witness of the Epistles_; Stevens, _Pauline Theol_. 204-208; Sabatier, _Apostle Paul_, 76-85. On Josephus as a source see also SchurerJPTX I. ii. 143-149; RevilleJN I. 272-280. On the individual gospels see Burton, _The Purpose and Plan of the Four Gospels_ (Univ.

Chic. Press, 1900); Bruce, _With Open Face_, 1-61; Weiss, _Introduction to N.T._, II. 239-386; Julicher, _Einleitung i. d. NT_, 189-207. On Matthew, Burton Bib. Wld. I. 1898, 37-44, 91-101; on Mark, Swete, _Comm. on Mark_, ix-lx.x.xix; on Luke, Plummer, _Comm. on Luke_, xi-lxx; Mathews, Bib. Wld.

1895, I. 336-342, 448-455; on John, Burton, Bib. Wld. 1899, I. 16-41, 102-105; Westcott, _Comm. on John_, v-lxxvii; Rhees in Abbott's _The Bible as Literature_, 281-297. On the synoptic question see Sanday SBD^2, 1217-1243, and Expositor, Feb.-June, 1891; Woods, _Studia Biblica_, II.

59-104; Salmon, _Introduction_^7, 99-151, 570-581; Stanton in HastBD II.

234-243; Julicher, _Einl._ 207-227. A. Wright, _Composition of the Four Gospels_ (1890) and _Some NT Problems_ (1898), defends the oral tradition theory in a modified form. On possible dislocations in John see Spitta, _Urchristentum_, I. 157-204; Bacon, Jour. Bib. Lit. 1894, 64-76; Burton, Bib. Wld. 1899, I. 27-35. For the history of opinion see specially H. J.

Holtzmann, _Einl._^3 340-375. On the Johannine question see Sanday, Expositor, Nov. 1891-May 1892; Schurer, Cont. Rev. Sept. 1891; Watkins SBD^2 1739-1764; Burton, Bib. Wld. 1899, I. 16-41; Reynolds in HastBD II.

694-722; Zahn, _Einl._ II. 445-564 (defends Johannine authors.h.i.+p); Julicher, _Einl._ 238-250 (rejects Johannine authors.h.i.+p). For the history of opinion see Watkins, _Bampton Lecture_ for 1890; Holtzmann, _Einl._^3 433-438. P. Ewald, _Hauptproblem der evang. Frage_, argues the authenticity of the fourth gospel from the one-sidedness of the synoptic story. See also Jour. Bib. Lit. 1898, I. 87-102.

14. Reville proposes to reconstruct Jos. Ant. xviii. 3. 3 thus: "'At that time appeared Jesus, a wise man, who did astonis.h.i.+ng things. That is why a good number of Jews and also of Greeks attached themselves to him.' Then follows some phrase probably signifying that these adherents had committed the error of proclaiming him Christ, and then 'denounced by the leading men of the nation, this Jesus was condemned by Pilate to die on the cross.

But those who had loved him before persevered in their sentiment, and still to-day there exists a cla.s.s of people who take from him their name Christians.'"

15. On the testimony of Papias (Euseb. _Ch. Hist_. iii. 39. 4) see Lightfoot, Cont. Rev. 1875, II. 379 ff., and McGiffert's notes in his _Eusebius_, 170 ff.

16. For a collection of probably genuine Agrapha see Ropes, _Die Spruche Jesu_, 154-161, and Amer. Jour. Theol. 1897, 758-776; Resch, _Agrapha_, gives a much longer list. He is criticised by Ropes. On lost and uncanonical gospels see Salmon, _Intr._^7 173-190, 580-591; Kruger, _Early Christian Literature_, 50-57. For the recently discovered Gospel of Peter see Swete, _The Gospel of Peter_; and on the so-called _Sayings of Jesus_ found in Egypt in 1896 see Harnack, _Expositor_, V. vi. 321-340, 401-416, and essay by Sanday and Lock. _Apocryphal Gospels_ are most conveniently found in _Ante-nicene Fathers_, VIII. 361-476.


The Harmony of the Gospels

17. The Diatessaron of Tatian is translated with notes by Hill, _The Earliest Life of Christ_. See also _Ante-nic. Fathers_, IX. 35-138.

18. For the extreme position concerning Doublets see Holtzmann, _Hand-commentar zum NT_ I. pa.s.sim. E. Haupt, Studien u. Kritiken, 1884, 25, remarks that Jesus must often have repeated his teaching in essentially the same form.



19. For data and discussion of the various problems see Wieseler, _Chronological Synopsis_; Lewin, _Fasti Sacra; _ KeimJN II. 379-402; AndLOL 1-52; SchurerJPTX I. ii. 30-32, 105-143; O. Holtzmann, _NtZeitg_, 118-124, 125-127, 131-132; Turner HastBD I. 403-415; Ramsay, _Was Christ born at Bethlehem_; and von Soden in EnBib. I. 799-812. For patristic opinion concerning the length of Jesus' ministry, see HastBD I. 410. For the argument for a one-year ministry, see KeimJN II. 398; O. Holtzmann, _NtZeitg_, 131f. For two years, see Wieseler, _Chron. Synop_. 204-220; WeissLX I. 389-392; Turner, in HastBD. For three years, see AndLOL 189-198; note by Robertson in Broadus, _Harmony of the Gospels_, 241-244.

Compare RevilleJN II. 227-231; Zahn, _Einl._ II. 516f.


The Early Years

20. On the problem of the Virgin birth see GilbertLJ 79-89; WeissLX I.

211-233; Swete, _Apos. Creed_, 42-55; Bruce, _Apologetics_, 407-413; Ropes, Andover Rev. 1893, 695-712; FairbSLX 30-45; G.o.det, _Comm. on Luke_, Rem. on chaps. I. and II.; BovonNTTh I. 198-217. These maintain historicity. The other side: BeysLJ I. 148-174; Meyer, _Comm. on Matt_., Rem. on 1.18; Keim JN II. 38-101; Reville, New World, 1892, 695-723, and JN I. 361-408; HoltzmannNtTh I. 409-415. On the early years of Jesus see EdersLJM I. 217-254; WeissLX I. 275-293; Hughes, _Manliness of Xt_, 35-60; WendtTJ I. 90-96; Stapfer, _Jesus Christ before his Ministry; _ FairbSLX 46-63; BeysLJ II. 44-65; RevilleJN I. 409-438.

21. For some of the early legends concerning the birth and childhood of Jesus, see the so-called _Protevangelium of James_, the _Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew_, and the _Gospel of Thomas_, Ante-nic. Fathers, VIII.

361-383, 395-398. For Jewish calumnies see Laible, _J. X. im Thalmud_, 9-39.

22. On the two genealogies see AndLOL 62-68; WeissLX I. 211-221; G.o.det on Luke, iii. 23-38. These refer Luke's genealogy to Marv. Hervey SBD^2 1145-1148, Plummer on Luke, iii. 23, EdersLJM I. 149, GilbertLJ 81f., with the early fathers (see Plummer), refer both to Joseph. For the view that they are unauthentic see Holtzmann, _Hand-comm._ I. 39-41; Bacon in HastBD II. 137-141.

23. On the "brethren" of Jesus see Mayor, HastBD I. 320-326; AndrewsLOL 111-123. These make the brethren sons of Joseph and Mary. Lightfoot, _Galatians_^10, 252-291, regards them as sons of Joseph by a former marriage.

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