The Life Of Thomas Paine Volume I Part 16

The Life Of Thomas Paine -

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"It was the cause of America that made me an author. The force with which it struck my mind, and the dangerous condition in which the country was in, by courting an impossible and an unnatural reconciliation with those who were determined to reduce her, instead of striking out into the only line that could save her, a Declaration of Independence, made it impossible for me, feeling as I did, to be silent; and if, in the course of more than seven years, I have rendered her any service, I have likewise added something to the reputation of literature, by freely and disinterestedly employing it in the great cause of mankind.... But as the scenes of war are closed, and every man preparing for home and happier times, I therefore take leave of the subject. I have most sincerely followed it from beginning to end, and through all its turns and windings; and whatever country I may hereafter be in, I shall always feel an honest pride at the part I have taken and acted, and a grat.i.tude to nature and providence for putting it in my power to be of some use to mankind."


The world held no other man so great and so happy as Was.h.i.+ngton, in September, 1783,--the month of final peace. Congress, then sitting at Princeton, had invited him to consult with them on the arrangements necessary for a time of peace, and prepared a mansion for him at Rocky Hill. For a time the General gave himself up to hilarity, as amba.s.sadors of congratulation gathered from every part of the world. A glimpse of the festivities is given by David Howell of Rhode Island in a letter to Governor Greene.

"The President, with all the present members, chaplains, and great officers of Congress, had the honor of dining at the General's table last Friday. The tables were spread under a marquise or tent taken from the British. The repast was elegant, but the General's company crowned the whole. As I had the good fortune to be seated facing the General, I had the pleasure of hearing all his conversation. The President of Congress was seated on his right, and the Minister of France on his left. I observed with much pleasure that the General's front was uncommonly open and pleasant; the contracted, pensive phiz betokening deep thought and much care, which I noticed at Prospect Hill in 1775, is done away, and a pleasant smile and sparkling vivacity of wit and humor succeeds. On the President observing that in the present situation of our affairs he believed that Mr. [Robert] Morris had his hands full, the General replied at the same instant, 'he wished he had his pockets full too.' On Mr. Peters observing that the man who made these cups (for we drank wine out of silver cups) was turned a Quaker preacher, the General replied that 'he wished he had turned a Quaker preacher before he made the cups.' You must also hear the French Minister's remark on the General's humor--'You tink de penitence wou'd have been good for de cups.' Congress has ordered an Egyptian statue of General Was.h.i.+ngton, to be erected at the place where they may establish their permanent residence. No honors short of those which the Deity vindicates to himself can be too great for Gen. Was.h.i.+ngton."

At this time Paine sat in his little home in Bor-dentown, living on his crust. He had put most of his savings in this house (on two tenths of an acre) so as to be near his friend Col. Joseph Kirkbride. The Colonel was also of Quaker origin, and a hearty sympathizer with Paine's principles.

They had together helped to frame the democratic const.i.tution of Pennsylvania (1776), had fought side by side, and both had scientific tastes. Since the burning of his house, Bellevue (Bucks), Colonel Kirkbride had moved to Borden town, N. J., and lived at Hill Top, now part of a female college. A part of Paine's house also stands. At Borden-town also resided Mr. Hall, who had much mechanical skill, and whom he had found eager to help him in constructing models of his inventions. To such things he now meant to devote himself, but before settling down permanently he longed to see his aged parents and revisit his English friends. For this, however, he had not means. Robert Morris advised Paine to call the attention of Congress to various unremunerated services. His secretarys.h.i.+p of the Foreign Affairs Committee, terminated by an admitted injustice to him, had been burdensome and virtually unpaid; its nominal $70 per month was really about $15. His perilous journey to France, with young Laurens, after the millions that wrought wonders, had not brought him even a paper dollar. Paine, therefore, on June 7th, wrote to Elias Boudinot, President of Congress, stating that though for his services he had "neither sought, received, nor stipulated any honors, advantages, or emoluments," he thought Congress should inquire into them. The letter had some effect, but meanwhile Paine pa.s.sed three months of poverty and gloom, and had no part in the festivities at Princeton.

One day a ray from that festive splendor shone in his humble abode.

The great Commander had not forgotten his unwearied fellow-soldier, and wrote him a letter worthy to be engraved on the tombs of both.

"Rocky Hill, Sept. 10, 1783. "Dear Sir,

"I have learned since I have been at this place, that you are at Bordentown. Whether for the sake of retirement or economy, I know not.

Be it for either, for both, or whatever it may, if you will come to this place, and partake with me, I shall be exceedingly happy to see you.

"Your presence may remind Congress of your past services to this country; and if it is in my power to impress them, command my best services with freedom, as they will be rendered cheerfully by one who entertains a lively sense of the importance of your works, and who, with much pleasure, subscribes himself,

"Your sincere friend,

"G. Was.h.i.+ngton."

The following was Paine's reply:

"Borden Town, Sept. 21.--Sir,--I am made exceedingly happy by the receipt of your friendly letter of the 10th. instant, which is this moment come to hand; and the young gentleman that brought it, a son of Col. Geo. Morgan, waits while I write this. It had been sent to Philadelphia, and on my not being there, was returned, agreeable to directions on the outside, to Col. Morgan at Princetown, who forwarded it to this place.

"I most sincerely thank you for your good wishes and friends.h.i.+p to me, and the kind invitation you have honored me with, which I shall with much pleasure accept.

"On the resignation of Mr. Livingston in the winter and likewise of Mr.

R. Morris, at [the same] time it was judged proper to discontinue the matter which took place when you were in Philadelphia.* It was at the same time a pleasure to me to find both these gentlemen (to whom I was before that time but little known) so warmly disposed to a.s.sist in rendering my situation permanent, and Mr. Livingston's letter to me, in answer to one of mine to him, which I enclose, will serve to show that his friends.h.i.+p to me is in concurrence with yours.

* See page 182.

** This had been Was.h.i.+ngton's suggestion.

"By the advice of Mr. Morris I presented a letter to Congress expressing a request that they would be pleased to direct me to lay before them an account of what my services, such as they were, and situation, had been during the course of the war. This letter was referred to a committee, and their report is now before Congress, and contains, as I am informed, a recommendation that I be appointed historiographer to the continent."

I have desired some members that the further consideration of it be postponed, until I can state to the committee some matters which I wish them to be acquainted with, both with regard to myself and the appointment. And as it was my intention, so I am now encouraged by your friends.h.i.+p to take your confidential advice upon it before I present it For though I never was at a loss in writing on public matters, I feel exceedingly so in what respects myself.

"I am hurt by the neglect of the collective ostensible body of America, in a way which it is probable they do not perceive my feelings. It has an effect in putting either my reputation or their generosity at stake; for it cannot fail of suggesting that either I (notwithstanding the appearance of service) have been undeserving their regard or that they are remiss towards me. Their silence is to me something like condemnation, and their neglect must be justified by my loss of reputation, or my reputation supported at their injury; either of which is alike painful to me. But as I have ever been dumb on everything which might touch national honor so I mean ever to continue so.

"Wis.h.i.+ng you, Sir, the happy enjoyment of peace and every public and private felicity I remain &c.

"Thomas Paine.

"Col. Kirkbride at whose house I am, desires me to present you his respectful compliments."

Paine had a happy visit at Was.h.i.+ngton's headquarters, where he met old revolutionary comrades, among them Humphreys, Lincoln, and Cobb. He saw Was.h.i.+ngton set the river on fire on Guy Fawkes Day with a roll of cartridge-paper. When American art is more mature we may have a picture of war making way for science, ill.u.s.trated by the night-scene of Was.h.i.+ngton and Paine on a scow, using their cartridge-paper to fire the gas released from the river-bed by soldiers with poles!*

* See Paine's essay on "The Cause of the Yellow Fever."

These experiments on the river at Rocky Hill were followed by others in Philadelphia, with Rittenhouse.

There was a small party in Congress which looked with sullen jealousy on Was.h.i.+ngton's friendliness with Paine. The States, since the conclusion of the war, were already withdrawing into their several of "sovereignty," while Paine was arguing with everybody that there could be no sovereignty but that of the United States,--and even that was merely the supremacy of Law. The arguments in favor of the tax imposed by Congress, which he had used in Rhode Island, were repeated in his last _Crisis_ (April 19th), and it must have been under Was.h.i.+ngton's roof at Rocky Hill that he wrote his letter "To the People of America"

(dated December 9th), in which a high national doctrine was advocated.

This was elicited by Lord Sheffield's pamphlet, "Observations on the Commerce of the United States," which had been followed by a prohibition of commerce with the West Indies in American bottoms. Lord Sheffield had said: "It will be a long time before the American States can be brought to act as a nation; neither are they to be feared by us as such." Paine calls the attention of Rhode Island to this, and says: "America is now sovereign and independent, and ought to conduct her affairs in a regular style of character." She has a perfect right of commercial retaliation.

"But it is only by acting in union that the usurpations of foreign nations on the freedom of trade can be counteracted, and security extended to the commerce of America. And when we view a flag, which to the eye is beautiful, and to contemplate its rise and origin inspires a sensation of sublime delight, our national honor must unite with our interest to prevent injury to the one or insult to the other."


n.o.ble as these sentiments now appear, they then excited alarm in certain Congressmen, and it required all Was.h.i.+ngton's influence to secure any favorable action in Paine's case. In 1784, however, New York presented Paine with "two hundred and seventy-seven acres, more or less, which became forfeited to and vested in the People of this State by the conviction of Frederick Devoe."* With such cheerful prospects, national and personal, Paine rose into song, as appears by the following letter ("New York, April 28th") to Was.h.i.+ngton:

* The indenture, made June 16, 1784, is in the Register's Office of Westchester County, Vol. T. of Grantees, p. 163.

The confiscated estate of the loyalist Devoe is the well- known one at New Roch.e.l.le on which Paine's monument stands.

I am indebted for investigations at White Plains, and doc.u.ments relating to the estate, to my friend George Hoadly, and Mr. B. Davis Washburn.

"Dear Sir,--As I hope to have in a few days the honor and happiness of seeing you well at Philadelphia, I shall not trouble you with a long letter.

"It was my intention to have followed you on to Philadelphia, but when I recollected the friends.h.i.+p you had shewn to me, and the pains you had taken to promote my interests, and knew likewise the untoward disposition of two or three Members of Congress, I felt an exceeding unwillingness that your friends.h.i.+p to me should be put to further tryals, or that you should experience the mortification of having your wishes disappointed, especially by one to whom delegation is his daily bread.

"While I was pondering on these matters, Mr. Duane and some other friends of yours and mine, who were persuaded that nothing would take place in Congress (as a single man when only nine states were present could stop the whole), proposed a new line which is to leave it to the States individually; and a unanimous resolution has pa.s.sed the senate of this State, which is generally expressive of their opinion and friends.h.i.+p. What they have proposed is worth at least a thousand guineas, and other States will act as they see proper. If I do but get enough to carry me decently thro' the world and independently thro' the History of the Revolution, I neither wish nor care for more; and that the States may very easily do if they are disposed to it. The State of Pennsylvania might have done it alone.

"I present you with a new song for the Cincinnati; and beg to offer you a remark on that subject.* The intention of the name appears to me either to be lost or not understood. For it is material to the future freedom of the country that the example of the late army retiring to private life, on the principles of Cincinnatus, should be commemorated, that in future ages it may be imitated. Whether every part of the inst.i.tution is perfectly consistent with a republic is another question, but the precedent ought not to be lost.

"I have not yet heard of any objection in the a.s.sembly of this State, to the resolution of the Senate, and I am in hopes there will be none made.

Should the method succeed, I shall stand perfectly clear of Congress, which will be an agreeable circ.u.mstance to me; because whatever I may then say on the necessity of strengthening the union, and enlarging its powers, will come from me with a much better grace than if Congress had made the acknowledgment themselves.

"If you have a convenient opportunity I should be much obliged to you to mention this subject to Mr. President d.i.c.kinson. I have two reasons for it, the one is my own interest and circ.u.mstances, the other is on account of the State, for what with their parties and contentions, they have acted to me with a churlish selfishness, which I wish to conceal unless they force it from me.

* Paine wrote four patriotic American songs: "Hail, Great Republic of the World" (tune "Rule Britannia"); "To Columbia, who Gladly Reclined at her Ease"; "Ye Sons of Columbia, who Bravely have Fought,"--both of the latter being for the tune of "Anacreon in Heaven"; and "Liberty Tree "(tune "G.o.ds of the Greeks"), beginning, "In a chariot of light, from the regions of Day," etc.

"As I see by the papers you are settling a tract of land, I enclose you a letter I received from England on the subject of settlements. I think lands might be disposed of in that country to advantage. I am, dear Sir, &c."

The estate at New Roch.e.l.le had a handsome house on it (once a patrimonial mansion of the Jays), and Paine received distinguished welcome when he went to take possession. This he reciprocated, but he did not remain long at New Roch.e.l.le.* Bordentown had become his home; he had found there a congenial circle of friends,--proved such during his poverty. He was not, indeed, entirely relieved of poverty by the New York _honorarium_, but he had expectation that the other States would follow the example. In a letter to Jefferson also Paine explained his reason for desiring that the States, rather than Congress, should remunerate him. That Was.h.i.+ngton appreciated this motive appears by letters to Richard Henry Lee and James Madison.

*"An old lady, now a boarding-housekeeper in Cedar Street, remembers when a girl visiting Mr. Paine when he took possession of his house and farm at New Roch.e.l.le, and gave a village fete on the occasion; she then only knew him as 'Common Sense,' and supposed that was his name. On that day he had something to say to everybody, and young as she was she received a portion of his attention; while he sat in the shade, and a.s.sisted in the labor of the feast, by cutting or breaking sugar to be used in some agreeable liquids by his guests. Mr. Paine was then, if not handsome, a fine agreeable looking man."--Vale, 1841. The original house was accidentally destroyed by fire, while Paine was in the French Convention. The present house was, however, occupied by him after his return to America.

"Mount Vernon, 12 June.--Unsolicited by, and unknown to Mr. Paine, I take the liberty of hinting the services and the distressed (for so I think it may be called) situation of that Gentleman.

"That his Common Sense, and many of his Crisis, were well timed and had a happy effect upon the public mind, none, I believe, who will recur to the epocha's at which they were published will deny.--That his services. .h.i.therto have pa.s.sed of [f] unnoticed is obvious to all;--and that he is chagreened and necessitous I will undertake to aver.--Does not common justice then point to some compensation?

"He is not in circ.u.mstances to refuse the bounty of the public. New York, not the least distressed nor most able State in the Union, has set the example. He prefers the benevolence of the States individually to an allowance from Congress, for reasons which are conclusive in his own mind, and such as I think may be approved by others. His views are moderate, a decent independency is, I believe, the height of his ambition, and if you view his services in the American cause in the same important light that I do, I am sure you will have pleasure in obtaining it for him.--I am with esteem and regard, Dr. sir, yr. most obdt.

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